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Kenshiro rewrite

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This scum Reisen Udongein Inaba
is really bothering Kenshiro!
So sayeth the great god of Earthrealm Raiden:
or he will send lightning bolts to terminate you.

Stop hand

I'll show you two everything of the moon's insanity!
~ Reisen Udogein Inaba

Reisen Udongein Inaba is a legendary lunar rabbit from Touhou with the power to induce lunacy from her eyes, who fled from the Moon to Earth as a refugee from the "Lunar War" between the two worlds that began in 1969 A.D. after the Apollo 11 "invasion". Making her way to Gensokyo she was surprised to meet the notorious fugitives Kaguya and Eirin, and asked for asylum in Eientei. In exchange, she now works for and protects Kaguya and Eirin. She also has a relative named Tewi who is an earthborn rabbit. Perhaps ironically given her insanity-inducing powers, Reisen seems to have one of the more stable and balanced personalities in Gensokyo. Also, in Silent Sinner in Blue, her previous owners, the Watatsuki sisters, named another Moon rabbit Reisen after her.

She was voiced by Shiori Mikami.


Reisen appears as a girl with red eyes, light purple hair, and rabbit ears coming out of the top of her head. She dresses in a white shirt with a red necktie, and there is a clip on her necktie that is shaped like a carrot. She also wears a purple (or beige or blue shirt depending on game appearance) skirt. In Touhou 10.5, she also wears a red belt.

Additionally, she also wears a black business suit over her shirt in her first game appearance. Her left suit-collar is decorated with a crescent moon-shaped insignia, and there appears to be paper or business cards poking out of her left shirt pocket.


  • Kaguya Houraisan (Owner, Master)
  • Eirin Yagokoro (Employer, Shishou)
  • Tewi Inaba (Earthborn Rabbit)
  • Watatsuki no Toyohime (Former Master)
  • Watatsuki no Yorihime (Former Master)


  • Reisen's right hand is often depicted to be making a gun shape, which leads to fan assumption that she shoots danmaku in this manner, and she indeed does in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. Some fans even depict Reisen holding an actual handgun in artwork. Those are all based on ZUN's word that her normal shots were modeled after a bullet. The revelation in Silent Sinner in Blue that all Moon Defense Corps Rabbits are drilled with rifles suggests that Reisen can also use the real thing.
  • Reisen's Imperishable Night outfit, with a long-sleeved dark suit jacket, tie and short skirt, is considerably more modern than most of the other characters' and resembles a private school uniform. In Phantasmagoria of Flower View, with her jacket doffed, she looks more like an office intern.
  • Reisen's rabbit ears, strangely, always have two accoutrement-like buttons on them. It looks like the ears were linked to Reisen's head by buttons. Many fans made fun of this and said Reisen's rabbit ears were artificial. However, Silent Sinner in Blue chapter 8 showed other rabbits in the Lunar Defense Corps for the first time, and they also have the same buttons on straight ears, unlike the floppy ears of "civilian" Earth and Moon rabbits.
  • Reisen's alternate outfit in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Touhou Hisoutensoku is a homage to the Vocaloid Miku Hatsune. Her other alternate outfits in Hisoutensoku are also homages to fellow Vocaloids Rin and Len Kagamine, Luka Megurine, MEIKO, KAITO, Gakupo Kamui and GUMI.
  • Based on what Reisen says to Mystia and what Lyrica says to Reisen in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, it seems as if Reisen can also manipulate sound waves as well as light waves.
  • One one of her portraits in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody shows that she's wearing a necklace of a carrot hidden behind her tie. This is identical to Tewi Inaba's.



Other Appearances[]


​Theme Music[]


Touhou Logo Heroes

Incident Solver
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Sakuya Izayoi | Sanae Kochiya | Youmu Konpaku | Reisen Udongein Inaba | Aya Shameimaru | Cirno

Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Mima | Yuuka Kazami | Alice Margatroid | Genjii | Ruukoto | Kana Anaberal | Chiyuri Kitashirakawa

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Cirno Scarlet Devil Mansion
Hong Meiling | Patchouli Knowledge | Sakuya Izayoi | Remilia Scarlet | Flandre Scarlet

Perfect Cherry Blossom
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Alice Margatroid | Youmu Konpaku | Yuyuko Saigyouji | Ran Yakumo | Yukari Yakumo | Prismriver Sisters

Immaterial and Missing Power
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Suika Ibuki

Imperishable Night
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Keine Kamishirasawa | Reisen Udongein Inaba | Tewi Inaba | Eirin Yagokoro | Kaguya Houraisan | Fujiwara no Mokou

Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Yuuka Kazami | Aya Shameimaru | Komachi Onozuka | Eiki Shiki

Mountain of Faith
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Nitori Kawashiro | Momiji Inubashiri | Aya Shameimaru | Sanae Kochiya | Kanako Yasaka | Suwako Moriya

Subterranean Animism
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Satori Komeiji | Koishi Komeiji | Rin Kaenbyou | Utsuho Reiuji | Sanae Kochiya

Undefined Fantastic Object
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Ichirin Kumoi | Minamitsu Murasa | Shou Toramaru | Byakuren Hijiri | Nue Houjuu

Ten Desires
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Yuyuko Saigyouji | Mononobe no Futo | Toyosatomimi no Miko | Nue Houjuu | Mamizou Futatsuiwa

Hopeless Masquerade
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Hata no Kokoro | Tenshi Hinanawi | Hatate Himekaidou | Iku Nagae | Unzan

Double Dealing Character
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Cirno | Shinmyoumaru Sukuna

Urban Legend in Limbo
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Kasen Ibaraki

Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Sagume Kishin | Hecatia Lapislazuli

Antinomy of Common Flowers
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Ichirin Kumoi | Unzan | Byakuren Hijiri | Mononobe no Futo

Hidden Star in Four Seasons
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Aya Shameimaru | Cirno

Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Reimu Hakurei | Marisa Kirisame | Mayumi Joutouguu | Keiki Haniyasushin

Three Mischievous Fairies
