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Now we do something.
~ Knucks preparing to finish off the council.

Renegade Knucks is a major character in the Netflix animated TV series, Sonic Prime, based on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. He is an alternate version of Knuckles the Echidna from the world of New Yoke City.

He is voiced by Vincent Tong; who also played Touta Matsuda in Death Note, Flash Sentry in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Gigantosaurus in Gigantosaurus, Prince Nicholas in Barbie: Princess Charm School, Muck in Bob The Builder and Kai in Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. In Japanese he is voiced by Nobutoshi Canna.


Knucks has the bravery and determination of his mainstream counterpart, but from living in the devastating oppression of New Yoke City, seems to have a cynical view on life. He has Knuckles' underlying anger and aggression, but lacks his fire. While Rebel fights for the benefit of all, Knucks fights the evil Chaos Council simply because what they are doing is wrong, and despite his depression has not given up, displaying Knuckles' powerful conscience and willpower.

Knucks also possesses some of Knuckles' learned caution. He considers traps and betrayal, but to a more controlled extent than the paranoid Gnarley. Unfortunately this keeps him from taking risks unless prompted by others. As a result he is Rebel's loyal second in command, rather than the leader of the resistance.

It is not until Sonic leaves New Yoke, and Nine betrays the Resistance and takes the Paradox Prism, that Knucks finally discovers his inner fire.


Knucks is essentially a doppelganger of his mainstream counterpart, albeit with some notable differences. As such, he is an anthropomorphic echidna with red fur that covers most of his body, a black nose on his peach-skinned muzzle, a white crescent-shaped patch of fur on his chest, and purple eyes. He also has seven dreadlock-like spines around the sides and back of his head with scars all over them, a scar in shape of 'X' sported on his forehead and a medium-sized, tri-crooked tail.

For attire, Knucks wears a black beanie with the Resistance's symbol on it, red and black boots, and black and green gauntlets on his white gloves.



Knucks is seen fighting off Badniks in order to protect his home, but then he gets picked up by Rebel Rouge, who was just Rouge the Bat at the time. They both watched their home, Green Hills, get destroyed by Badniks and get rebuilt into a modernized city known as New Yoke City. They both were horrified by this and formed the Rebellion, which is a group who strives to get their beloved home back no matter what.

Sonic Prime[]

Season 1[]

Rebel and Knucks started watching Sonic the Hedgehog the moment he arrived. Upon realizing he has hope for a better future and he knows Green Hill, Rebel saw Sonic as a potential ally. Later, Rebel and Knucks witnessed Sonic and Nine getting captured and then the city running out of energy. After that, the two broke into the Council's base.

After Nine reprogrammed Rusty Rose to be on their side, the two, Sonic, Rebel and Knucks went on to retrieve the Energy Crystal, which was the red Shard of the Paradox Prism. Rebel, Knucks and Rusty kept fighting the Eggforcers while Sonic and Nine went to get the Prism, but after touching the red Shard, Sonic was summoned to Boscage Maze, and then Nine took the Shard, leaving Rebel, Knucks and Rusty behind. Despite being fairly controlled to this point, Knucks finally found his inner fire, and was able to break out of the grasp of the Chaos Council and escape with Rebel.

After that, Rebel and Knucks considered Sonic and Nine traitors. When Sonic was summoned back to New Yoke City, Knucks took Sonic to their hidden headquarters and Rebel explained to Sonic everything that happened after he left, including the fact that weeks had gone by since then. She also asked where Nine was, but Sonic didn't know, although he promised to make things right despite that. Sonic and the Resistance battled the Eggforcers and the Council, when Nine appeared through a portal and took Sonic to The Grim. Sonic returned a few moments later and fought alongside the Resistance again, but the Council managed to take them down and demanded information and answers about the Shatterverse. Nine returned to New Yoke City and helped them defeat the Eggforcers. Rebel and Knucks were unharmed and Sonic left, accidentally getting summoned to No Place, while Nine was captured by the Council.

Season 2[]

Knucks and Rebel are finally happy after the Council left the city for a few days. The people and children seem to finally be free. this doesn't last long as the Council just comes back to New Yoke. Knucks and Rebel fight some Eggforcers, and meet up with Sonic again. Knucks is a little bit frustrated and not happy with Sonic's constant portal vanishing. Despite this, the three work together again. With the help of Denizen 1998 and other revels, they make their way to the Council's main base. Knucks is very efficient in combat, as always. He is later shocked to find a robot that looks just like Sonic: Chaos Sonic. While Sonic fights his robot duplicate, Knucks and Rebel continue fighting the Eggforcers. Rebels orders him to assist Sonic, and Knucks obeys. However Chaos Sonic proves to be a great opponent, as he quickly defeats Knucks. Later on, Knucks meets with Knuckles the Dread. The two of them are confused by their similarities, but work together trying to stop Chaos Sonic. This alliance didn't last long, as they are later seen fighting against each other.

Season 3[]

When the Shatterspaces start to collapse, Knucks and Rebel stay in New Yoke to help its citizens. When Sonic creates a pact with the Council, Knucks is not happy about it. Rebel convinces him that they don't have that many options. Knucks quickly clashes with Doctor Deep, and they have a small rivalry. When Sonic goes to the Grim to make a deal with Nine, Knucks and the rest travel there to protect him. Knucks is really strong in battle, but the robots prove to be worthy opponents. When Grim Big seemingly destroyed Sails and Mangey, Knucks and Rebel start to argue with Doctor Deep about the Prism and its future destination. Later in battle, Knucks keeps arguing with Deep after he says Grim Knuckles minions are the weakest. Knucks states that at least he has a robot replica.

When Sonic fights Nine at the top of the tower, Knucks climbs there to help him. He jumps on Nine from behind, punching him in the face. Knucks and Sonic engage in a fierce battle against the fox. Sonic uses his new shield to protect his friend. Shadow later joins them in the fight. Nine consumes more Prism Energy and immobilizes Knucks and Shadow. Sonic jumps onto Nine, releasing Knucks and Shadow from the pain. A few minutes later, Knucks and the rest break into Nine's lab. The fox finally has a change of heart and fixes the Shatterspaces. When the Council is arguing over power, Knucks and the rest of the New Yoke City variants of Sonic's friends send them to the Void.


            SonicPrimeLogo Heroes

Prime World
Sonic the Hedgehog | Shadow the Hedgehog | Amy Rose | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Knuckles the Echidna

New Yoke City
Tails Nine | Renegade Knucks | Rebel Rouge | Rusty Rose | Denizen 1998

Boscage Maze
Mangey Tails | Gnarly Knuckles | Thorn Rose | Prim Rouge | Hangry Cat | Birdie

No Place
Sails Tails | Knuckles the Dread | Black Rose | Batten Rouge | Catfish

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
