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Heroes Wiki

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Reyna Ramírez-Arellano is the 16-year-old demigod daughter of the daughter of Bellona and the late Julian Ramírez-Arellano, the best friend of Nico di Angelo and Gleeson Hedge, and one of the protagonists of The Heroes of Olympus book series as well as a supporting protagonist in The Trials of Apollo. She is a former praetor of Camp Jupiter and is now part of the Hunters of Artemis.


Reyna was born in San Juan sometime between 1994-1995 to Julian Ramírez-Arellano and Bellona, the Roman Goddess of War and Devastation. Due to her being a daughter of Bellona, Reyna has the ability to lend people her strength. Reyna has an older sister named Hylla, who tried to protect her from their father, in which they would often sneak out of the house. One night, when she was ten, Reyna and Hylla escaped their father again, and when they came back, Julian was so angry, he was glowing. He couldn’t touch things anymore but he learned to move them, like a poltergeist.


As leader of Camp Jupiter Reyna is wise and calm, but has been struggling with leading the camp by herself while trying to keep Octavian from gaining power. She puts the camp's welfare over that of her own, and judges people with how they can assist the camp.


As a daughter of Bellona, Reyna is skilled with weaponry and combat and can lend her strength to allies or followers. She fights with an Imperial gold spear and dagger.

           Rrp-cropped Heroes

Camp Half-Blood: Gods
Apollo | Artemis | Athena | Dionysus | Hades | Hephaestus | Poseidon | Zeus

Camp Half-Blood: Demigods
Alabaster C. Torrington | Annabeth Chase (film series | Disney+ series) | Bianca di Angelo | Charles Beckendorf | Clarisse La Rue | Jason Grace | Leo Valdez | Luke Castellan | Meg McCaffrey | Nico di Angelo | Percy Jackson (film series | Disney+ series) | Piper McLean | Silena Beaurgard | Thalia Grace | Will Solace

Camp Half-Blood: Others
Blackjack | Chiron | Dr. Howard Claymore | Festus | Gleeson Hedge | Grover Underwood | Mrs. O'Leary | Rachel Elizabeth Dare | Rainbow | Sally Jackson | Tristan McLean | Tyson

Camp Jupiter: Demigods
Frank Zhang | Hazel Levesque | Jason Grace | Reyna Ramírez-Arellano

Kane Chronicles Heroes
Anubis | Carter Kane | Horus | Sadie Kane | Walt Stone | Zia Rashid

Magnus Chase Heroes
Alex Fierro | Blitzen | Magnus Chase | Samirah al-Abbas

Ella | Festus | Hunters of Artemis
