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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Rhinox is a supporting character featured in the 2023 film, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. He is a member of the Maximals who could transform into a rhinoceros

He is voiced by David Sobolov.


Transformers: Rise of the Beasts[]

Rhinox was part of the Maximals team, led by Apelinq, which also included Optimus Primal, Airazor, and Cheetor. One day, Scourge, the strongest follower of Unicron, landed on the Maximals' homeworld in search of the Transwarp key. Rhinox and the other Maximals were lucky enough to escape before Unicron destroyed the planet. As Apelinq fought Scourge to give the others a chance to flee, the Maximals secured the Transwarp key. After reaching Earth, the Maximals split the key in half, with one part attached to an Airazor statue and the other concealed in a Peruvian temple. The Maximals later entrusted their half of the key to Amaru's family for safekeeping. Unfortunately, Airazor got separated from the group and believed herself to be the last of her kind.

In 1994, humans Elena Wallace and Noah Diaz came looking for one half of the Transwarp key. As Optimus Primal had them cornered, Rhinox came into Cheetor's defence when he noticed Arcee and Wheeljack coming to assist a pinned down Mirage.

Unfortunately, the following day, Airazor was brainwashed by Scourge because of the mark he inflicted on her. She turned against her former allies and took the Transwarp key from Elena Wallace and gave Primal her consent to kill her. Rhinox was deeply upset over Airazor's death, but there was no time to mourn their comrade. Despite the dire circumstances, Optimus Prime and Noah persuaded Primal and the other Maximals to fight back. Together, they devised a plan that involved sending Elena and Noah into the Terrorcons' fortress. Rhinox transformed into his maximized form and joined forces with his fellow Maximals and Autobots to prevent Scourge and the Terrorcons from bringing Unicron to Earth.However, they were overrun by the drones until Bumblebee arrived in the heat of battle.

However, the Transwarp key and the control panel was destroyed. With no way to stop Unicron, Optimus opted to stay behind and sacrifice himself to destroy it. However, both Noah and Primal reappeared to save Prime. Rhinox and the others were able to escape, predicting that Unicron was not destroyed and one day return. Rhinox and the other Maximals had newfound allies, the Autobots, and the humans if Unicron ever returned.



           Transformers Reboot Films Logo Reboot Films Heroes

Bumblebee | Optimus Prime | Arcee | Wheeljack | Cliffjumper | Mirage | Stratosphere | Brawn | Ratchet | Ironhide

Optimus Primal | Cheetor | Rhinox | Airazor | Apelinq

Sector 7
Doctor Powell | Jack Burns | Seymour Simmons | Tom Banachek

Charlie Watson | Memo Gutierrez | Otis Watson | Noah Diaz | Elena Wallace
