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Hero Overview

I am a good father!
~ Richard in "The Return."

Richard Buckley Watterson is one of the three tritagonists (alongside Anais and Nicole) of the Cartoon Network series The Amazing World of Gumball.

He serves the role of the father in the Watterson family. Unlike the traditional father, however, Richard is not wise, nor is he a good role model to his children in any way. Despite his misguided advice and uncouth mannerisms, Richard has good intentions and loves his family all the same. Though he has mentioned that Darwin is his favorite, he has denied it to avoid anyone's feelings getting hurt, calling Darwin his favorite fish instead.

He is voiced by Dan Russell.


Richard has a similar appearance to his daughter Anais. They are both pink rabbits, but whereas Anais is very small and slim, Richard is large and overweight. He has long, straight ears, a darker pink nose, three short black whiskers on both sides of his face, and unusually long eyelashes.

Even though he is unemployed, Richard is almost always seen wearing a work uniform; this consists of a long-sleeved, buttoned-up white polo shirt, light brown pants, and a dark grey clip-on tie. His lower torso is big enough to cast a shadow on the upper area of his leg. Like his wife and son, Richard goes around barefoot. Oddly though, when he's in his sleepwear, he wears brown slippers. He also wears a brown sleep robe. His tongue is red.

In Season 2, his appearance changes slightly. The shadow under his belly becomes much lighter, his eyes are oval-shaped, his overall body becomes a little rounder, and like Anais, his ears are shorter than they were in Season 1. Also, his tongue was changed from red to light pink, and the inside of his mouth is now pink as well.

In Season 3, Richard's eyes are permanently round like the rest of his family. In "The Kids," it is revealed that Richard has ice-blue eyes.


Richard is the father figure in the Watterson family but doesn't seem to possess any responsibility or common sense. He is very childlike and lazy and is not a good role model to his children either. However, Richard genuinely loves his family and has good intentions, despite his lack of intelligence and maturity.

Richard has been shown, however, to be clever enough to get himself out of doing chores.

He greatly enjoys eating, especially when it comes to sausages. As a result, he is overweight. His obsession with food can sometimes be his undoing, such as when he is supposed to help his wife in "The Spoon," but he ends up licking a sausage on the floor instead.

Richard is very childlike and has been seen exhibiting childish behaviors in several episodes. His tactics include believing in ghosts, joining in some of Gumball's misadventures, believing in Santa, and many others. He also has a very hypocritical sense of humor. He enjoys pulling pranks and laughing at people, but hates it when others prank or laugh at him, saying that "it's only funny when it happens to someone else."

The motive for Richard's personality was shown in "The Authority," where it was revealed that Granny Jojo sheltered Richard his entire life, leading him to grow up as an unintelligent and lazy person. In "The Man," it was revealed that Richard's father walked out on him when he was young, claiming he was going out to buy some milk. Richard still believed it out of denial, even into his adult life.

Despite his irresponsible moments, there are times Richard has shown to be a responsible parent disciplinarian. He was willing to sign a suspension card when Gumball and Darwin were accused of forgery. He was also capable of being angry and punishing his two sons when they seemingly bullied a baby Anais (She was faking to get them in trouble). He was also very willing to get a job to support his family, once as a desk office worker and another as a Pizza Delivery man, though extreme circumstances led him to fail.

Richard is shown to be effeminate, he enjoys dressing up as a female in "The Finale," "The Name," and "The Safety." He dresses up as an old woman in "The Lady" to befriend some older women. He admits he feels like he is that good at being a man.


Richard is unbelievably skillful at being lazy. He was given the title of "The Laziest Person In Elmore" in 1983, beating the former laziest person, Lazy Larry.

Richard is also slightly skillful at martial arts and can run very fast despite his weight, as shown in "The Remote."

Richard appears to be quite handy, as shown in "The Car," when he rebuilds Robinson's car, albeit leaving it extremely fragile, and is seen using tools frequently in the show.

He cannot have a job without destroying the entire Universe, showing he unknowingly has reality-warping powers.

Despite Rochard's weight, he is significantly strong. He was able to break walls in "The Prank," despite breaking a few ribs and somehow endured it. More of Richard's strength is seen when he rips the door to their station wagon's driver seat right off its hinges. When he broke the bathroom door just by throwing a bar of soap at it, and breaking windows by punching them with no effort.

Richard is also shown to be a terrible driver, though Nicole stated he was always capable of driving to the store. However, in "The End," when Richard had trouble driving the car off, as he did not disengage the handbrake. After disengaging the handbrake (with the help of Gumball), he set the gear to reverse, hence crashing into the Robinsons' car. When he finally set the car to the correct gear (with the help of Gumball again), he crashed again. In "The Bumpkin," Richard went to every other place in Elmore but Idaho's house in an emergency.


Come on, think outside the box! It's got everything we need—a toilet, a...toilet...
~ Richard in "The End."
Sorry, I've got a medical condition, called laziness.
~ Richard in "The Laziness."
It's because of you I'm mortal!
~ Richard in "The Gi."
First he takes my sausages, and then what? Should I let him take my wife? A man's house is his castle, Nicole. And this is a castle, and I'm not letting him ruin it. There's a phantom in our bed, ...A giant earwig! And the next thing you know, he'll come for the kids—the kids!
~ Richard in "The Poltergeist."
My nipples are purple! [Whispers] Not really. That was sarcasm.
~ Richard in "The Gripes."
Then, [Gulps] I like to look at things and think about what they'd taste like. [Stares at the rug] The rug would taste of peach Fruit Roll-up, and the TV would taste like burned crème caramel set in a rich, highland double-fudge base. [Salivates]
~ Richard's last words in the series.


  • He is based and named after Ben Bocquelet's father, Richard Bocquelet.
  • In "The Tag," it is revealed that Richard never went to college.
  • Richard's height is 6'2" (188 cm).
  • In "The Authority," his dumb personality comes from his mother's poor parenting.

External Links[]

Richard Watterson on the The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki


           The Amazing World of Gumball logo Heroes

Watterson Family
Gumball Watterson | Darwin Watterson | Anais Watterson | Nicole Watterson | Richard Watterson | Joanna Watterson | Louie Watterson

Fitzgerald Family
Penny Fitzgerald | Polly Fitzgerald | Patrick Fitzgerald | Judith Fitzgerald

Robinson Family
Gaylord Robinson | Rocky Robinson

Banana Family
Banana Joe | Banana Barbara

Wilson Family
Tobias Wilson | Rachel Wilson

Yoshida Family
Masami Yoshida | Yuki Yoshida

Jötunheim Family
Hector Jötunheim | Mrs. Jötunheim

Elmore Junior High Students and Staff Members
Carrie Krueger | Leslie | Sarah G. Lato | Bobert 6B | Teri | Molly Collins | Alan Keane | Carmen Verde | Idaho | Sussie | Juke | Anton | Clayton | Billy Parham | Clare Cooper | Nigel Brown | Steve Small | Joan Markham | Moonchild Corneille

Elmore Citizens
Larry Needlemeyer | Donut Cop | Gary Hedges | Marvin Finklehimer | Mike the Microphone Guy | Pest Controller

Santa Claus | Sluzzle Dude | Chimera | New Bobert | Cartax
