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Heroes Wiki

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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Hero Overview

Rick: AM I DOING THIS RIGHT?!? Should I update my software?!?

Linda: Just hit enter. Hit enter!
Rick: AAAH!! I accidentally ordered 12 swifters on Amazon! What did I- (cut to Rick sobbing in the corner and then smashing the computer with a keyboard) AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

~ Rick trying to use a computer.
~ Rick after discovering YouTube.

Richard "Rick" Mitchell is the deuteragonist of the 2021 animated film The Mitchells vs. the Machines. He is the nature-loving father of Katie and Aaron Mitchell, and the husband of Linda Mitchell. He is shown to dislike technology and prefer nature and his family.

He is voiced by Danny McBride, who also voiced Boss Wolf in Kung Fu Panda 2, Honey Mustard in Sausage Party, and Bomb from the The Angry Birds Movie films.


Rick is an Caucasian middle-aged man who has light skin complexion and pudgy build. He has blond hair and mustache. Rick wears a white T-shirt with green linings that is underneath his yellow coat. Additionally, he wears jeans.


Rick is an nostalgic character who loves to spend quality with his family and nature. He seems to have an distaste for technology. He is seen to enjoy the wilderness and loves his daughter, Katie.


The Mitchells vs. the Machines (2021)[]

To be added...


  • ?

External Links[]


           The Mitchells vs. the Machines logo Heroes

Mitchell Family
Katie Mitchell | Rick Mitchell | Linda Mitchell | Aaron Mitchell

Poesy Family
Abbey Posey | Hailey Posey | Jim Posey

Dr. Mark Bowman | Deborahbot 5000 | Eric
