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~ Ricky's first line in the film.
S**t just got real!
~ Ricky Baker's most famous line.

Ricky Baker is the main protagonist of the action comedy-drama film Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

He is a juvenile delinquent orphan who has commited so many crimes that The Child Welfare Center decided to leave him to Bella Faulkner and her husband Hector for adoption. However, when she dies and Ricky gets a letter from the Welfare Center saying they're going to pick him up due to this, he decided to fake his own death and run off into the New Zealand Bush.

He was portrayed by Julian Dennison who also played Russell Collins in Deadpool 2 and Josh Valentine in Godzilla vs. Kong.


Nothing much is known about Ricky's past, execpt the facts that he had this friend Amber until she went into a new home and she was dead for unknown reasons and his mom abandoned him when he was little. As he grew up, he started causing trouble like disobedience, stealing, spitting, running away, throwing rocks, kicking stuff, defacing stuff, burning stuff, loitering and graffiti, according to Paula Hall.

The Child Welfare Center tried so many attempts to put him into new families, but nobody wanted him due to his trouble. So they decided to give Ricky one last chance to prove himself by taking him to a farm in the wilderness. This farm belonged to Bella Faulkner and her husband Hector. While Bella was welcoming and kind to him, Hector was distant and anti-social. They also had a dog called Zig. Bella told Ricky he can call her "Auntie" and Hector "Uncle", much to Hector's disbelief and Ricky's delight.

Some days later, Ricky's 13th birthday came and everybody was happy (Execpt Hector). Bella and Hector decided to give Ricky another dog and he decided to name it Tupac, after a rapper. But one day, Ricky and Hector discover that Bella died due to a heart attack and they mourned for her at her funeral, despite the minister's attempts to lighten up the mood by talking about two doors and what's behind them.

Back at the farm, Ricky gives Hector some burnt toast for dinner and Hector, in return, gives Ricky a letter from The Child Welfare Center: "Mr Hector Faulkner. This is Paula Hall from Child Welfare writing to you. I'm sorry to hear about your recent bereavement. However, in light of the altered circumstances, The current situation regarding Ricky's care will have to be reviewed. As of June the 1st, I will be taking him back into state custody until alternative arrangements can be made. Rest assured I am working tireless to find a new home for Ricky. And you can expect a visit next week for Ricky's collection. Sincerely, Paula Hall, Ministry of Child Welfare." This angered Ricky and he exclaims that he's not going to let them take him away. But Hector told him there's nothing he can do about it.

But he was very wrong. As night fell, RIcky got up, packed some things and went to the shed and made a dummy of himself. He then wrote a note and sticked it on the shed that says "Goodbye, Cruel World" and sets it aflame. Seizing the chance, he runs into the forest with Tupac behind him. He then stopped to take one last look at the farm he once called home before heading off.

Once alone in the bush with only his dog for company, it wasn't easy for Ricky. He felt like he got lost every turn and instantly regretted this and wants to head home. One day, he was sitting in front of a cake he made for himself when he suddenly got lost in his mind and saw a cheeseburger. It then asked if he's lost and Ricky was snapped back to reality. It was revealed that the "cheeseburger" was in fact Hector who found him easily. Hector was suprised that Ricky was very lost and Ricky says he's in his "own town": Ricky Town (Population: Ricky). Hector counters by saying he's going back to "Reality Town" now.


Ricky: That's like when my mate Amber died. I processed that for ages.

Hector: Who's Amber?
Ricky: We were in a home together for a while, and she went to this new family and then started getting in trouble, telling stories about the dad. And then one day she was just dead.
Hector: What do you mean dead? How?
Ricky: Don't know. No one told me.

~ Ricky talks to Hector about his old friend Amber.
Ricky: That's not very fair. Some people can't even have babies. And the ones who can-they don't even want them. Like my mum

Hector: No, mate. She wanted you. She was- she was probably just young. She couldn't work out how to raise you, you know. I bet she loved you, though.

~ Ricky tells Hector about his mom.
Ricky: Like hell, they can't do that!

Hector: Yeah, they can.
(Scene cuts to outside with Hector chopping logs)
Ricky: But I live here now. It's my home!
Hector: Not anymore it isn't. Not in their eyes. Not without a woman to run the show.
(Scene then cuts to the bathroom)
Ricky: Why don't we just get you a new wife? There's plenty of ladies on the internet, I heard.
(Hector gives him a confused and angry glare)
Ricky: Too Soon?
(Scene cuts to outside again when they are hanging clothes on a clotheline)
Ricky: What if we just keep living here, and if they try to take the farm, we'll just have a shootout, like Scarface. Except we don't have any cocaine.
Hector: You can't change this, Ricky. You're gonna go back, and you're gonna stick it out in a new home. OK?
Ricky: There's no way that's happening.

~ Ricky's angry rants about the letter and solutions to stay.
Stuff this, Tupac. We're going home.
~ Ricky realizes going into the bush was a mistake.