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Rinka Kagurazaka

Rinka Kagurazaka is a heroine of Valkyrie Drive -Bhikkhuni-.

She was voiced by Aya Suzaki in Japanese.


  • Age:16
  • Birthday:August 1
  • Blood type:BO
  • Height:158cm
  • Three:sizes B: 93 (H) / W: 57 / H: 84


Rinka is the oldest of the Kaguzarazaka sisters. Though she’s one to be constantly smiling and has a gentle disposition at heart, her sheer rampaging prowess born from her pure heart strikes fear even in the heart of her younger sister Ranka. She fights with a Japanese sword and leaves a very nice scent in her tracks as she moves.


Rinka is a attractive girl with long purple-violet hair and purple eyes. She's a bit shorter than her sister but her breasts are larger. She wears a hairpin on the right side of her head (while her sister has it on her left side). She wears a sailor uniform shirt with a blue tie that exposes her midriff and a blue skirt, while her thong is visible on her hips. She wears black stockings and school shoes.



            SF SK JP Logo Heroes

Hanzō National Academy
Asuka | Yagyū | Hibari | Ikaruga | Katsuragi | Daidōji

Crimson Squad
Homura | Yomi | Mirai | Hikage | Haruka

Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy
Miyabi | Murasaki | Imu | Ryōna | Ryōbi

Gessen Girls School
Yumi | Murakumo | Yozakura | Shiki | Minori (Senran Kagura)

Other Characters
Sayuri/Jasmine | Kafuru | Hanabi | Renka | Ryōki | Fubuki

Guest Characters
Ayane | Hakufu Sonsaku | Super Sonico | Rinka Kagurazaka | Ranka Kagurazaka | Neptune | Marie Rose | Honoka | Mai Shiranui | Kasumi | Athena Asamiya | Leona Heidern | Kula Diamond | Airi | Leina Vance
