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Rion is an anti-heroic supporting protagonist in the Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon series.

She was voiced by Saki Fujita in the Japanese Version and Lisa Reimold in the English Version.


Rion has short, rubine red hair in a bob-cut adorned with yellow ribbons. Her eyes are verdigris with slit-shaped pupils and bordered with salmon-pink colouring. She has a pair of fawn-like ears atop her head, not unlike Inuyasha's canine ears. She is the shortest of the four princesses, and appears to be in her early teens physically, although owing to her daiyoukai heritage she could be as old as Sesshoumaru.



She has been sealed away for 600 years since her murder at the hands of a half-demon by named Sakasa whose going to avenge his master's death, and hidden away at Mount Musubi. Once rescued by the Half-Demon Princesses, she transferred her mind and spirit into a clay doll containing her bones and grave's soil and achieved an artificial human-looking form similar to Kikyō. Becoming a traveling companion of Riku, she then traveled briefly with Towa, as her own aunt was threatening the young half-demon girl's life.

Powers & Abilities[]


The Kyūyōkon Root you seek is right here. It is yours to take it, if you want it.
~ Rion to Towa
Please, defeat my father and protect the world that I love.
~ Rion
Rion: My father has visited every corner of this world, but for one place, and that would be the realm that lies beyond space and time.
Moroha: Beyond space and time?
Towa: Does she mean the future world I was living in?
Rion: To achieve this, he hopes to find and capture a spirit named Akuru to move the Windmill of Time. But it is said that, should that ever happen, the world of living will come to an end.
Towa, Setsuna, Moroha: (gasps)
Setsuna: So that's the Degenerate Age.
Rion: Flowers, trees, insects, animals, all the things I love and cherish in this world will cease to exist.
Towa: No way.
~ Rion's warning of the Degenerate Age



External links[]

  • Rion on InuYasha Wiki
  • Rion on Villains Wiki


           Inuyasha LogoHeroes

Main Heroes
Inuyasha | Kagome Higurashi | Miroku | Sango | Shippō | Kirara | Towa Higurashi | Setsuna | Moroha

Myoga | Tōtōsai | Hachiemon | Kōga | Kikyō | Kaede | Kohaku | Ginta | Hakkaku | Jinenji | Shiori | Ayame | Kin'u | Gyokuto | Hermit Sage | Tarōmaru | Water Godess | Hisui | Sesshōmaru's Mother | Tōga | Takechiyo | Riku | Rion | Rokuta | Nanasuke

Sesshōmaru's Group
Sesshōmaru | Jaken | Rin | A-Un

Akitoki Hōjō | Saya | Asagi | Moegi | Dai | Roku | Shion | Ai
