Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

In the immortal words of Jay-Z: "Whatever deity may guide my life, dear lord don't let me die tonight. But if I shall before I wake, I'd accept my fate."
~ Roadblock to the Joes.

Roadblock is the main protagonist of 2013's film, G.I. Joe: Retaliation and is second in command to Duke who was killed and Roadblock swore his revenge against Cobra.

He was portrayed by Dwayne the "The Rock" Johnson, who also voiced Maui, Chuck Baker, Jack Bruno, and Luke Hobbs.


Roadblock is second-in-command to Duke, and is among the survivors of the military air-strike on G.I. Joe orchestrated by Zartan, who was at the time posing as the President of the United States. Leading FlintLady JayeSnake Eyes and Jinx, Roadblock successfully stops Cobra by beating Firefly in combat and using his briefcase to stop the Cobra Zeus satellites.


  • Rapper-Actor Common was considered to play the part of Roadblock in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra before they decided on using Heavy Duty.
  • Dwayne Johnson was rumored to appear in the first film as Shipwreck.
  • As a wrestler, Dwayne Johnson ("The Rock") was known for the line "Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?" In this film, he plays Roadblock who in the original comics was a chef.
  • Dwayne Johnson had previously Cliffjumper from "Transformers Prime", another show own by Hasbro.


            GIJoeTitle Heroes

General Colton | General Flagg | General Hawk

Conrad S. "Duke" Hauser | Flint (G.I. Joe) | Beachhead | Sgt. Slaughter | Scarlett | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Gung-Ho | Lady Jaye | Bazooka | Breaker | Wild Bill | Zap | Shipwreck | Alpine | Snow Job | Barbecue | Sgt. Stalker | Thunder | Airborne | Ace | Short Fuze | Tripwire | Blowtorch | Clutch | Cover Girl | Crankcase | Spirit | Cutter | Doc | Deep Six | Dusty | Flash | Footloose | Frostbite | Grand Slam | Quick Kick | Recondo | Rip Cord | Mutt And Junkyard | Thunder Torpedo | Steeler | Wet Suit | Low-Light | Cross-Country | Dial-Tone | Leatherneck | Iceberg | Sci-Fi | Lift Ticket | LifeLine | Mainframe | Slipstream | Lt. Falcon | Jinx | Chuckles | Law & Order | Tunnel Rat | Baroness (alternate reality)

Alternate Continuities
Sigma 6: Duke | Scarlett | Snake-Eyes | Heavy Duty | Spirit | Kamakura | Hawk | Jinx | Tunnel Rat | Lt. Stone | Scott Abernathy
2009-2013 Film Duology: Duke | Hawk | Scarlett | Ripcord | Snake Eyes | Roadblock | Baroness | Storm Shadow
2021 Film Series: Snake Eyes | Scarlett | Akiko
