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Roadkill is the tritagonist of Nickelodeon’s 23rd animated feature film Rango. He is very wise and teaches Rango about "the other side".

He was voiced by Alfred Molina.


Meeting Rango[]

Roadkill needed some assistance from a chameleon. He tells the lizard about the Spirit of the West. Rango seeks water but Roadkill tells him he also needs friends.


After seeing the Spirit of the West, Rango saw Roadkill again. Roadkill helped Rango find a place filled with water and that made Rango come back to Dirt.

Town of Mud[]

After Rango took care of the Mayor, the town of Dirt became the town of Mud. As Rango leaves, Roadkill tells Rango to give the people a good speech.


  • "I must get to the other side." (repeated quote)
  • "The Spirit of the West, amigo. The one. They say he rides an alabaster carriage with golden guardians to protect him."
  • "Give them a good one, amigo."


  • It is very possible that Roadkill is the Right-Hand of the Spirit of the West.
  • His design is based on Don Quixote.


           Rango logo Heroes

Rango | Beans (Rango) | Spirit of the West | Priscilla | Wounded Bird | Roadkill
