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Heroes Wiki

Mister Seven, I want to believe you. I-I do. I mean, I know this world needs help. That's why some of my generation are...kind of crazy and rebels, you know. We wonder if we're gonna be alive when we're thirty.
~ Roberta to Gary Seven

Roberta Lincoln was a female heroine introduced in the Star Trek episode Assignment: Earth.

She was portrayed by Teri Garr.


Born on Earth in September, 1949 Lincoln was highly intelligent, but dropped out of high school. Noticing a job advertisement for a receptionist in the Village Voice she went to work for Aegis Agents 201 and 347, who had told her they were working on a research project.

When the agents died in an automobile accident Gary Seven was sent to Earth to determine why the Aegis had lost contact with them. He was intercepted by the Enterprise, which had gone back in time to conduct research, but he and Isis were able to escape to Earth. Seven took over the mission to sabotage an orbital weapons platform. During this time he accidentally revealed the true nature of his mission to Lincoln. Despite interference from the crew of the Enterprise, he was successful in the mission, detonating the platform 104 miles above the Earth, and scaring Earth's various governments into banning further deployment of such platforms.

Lincoln remained with Seven, who remained on Earth to conduct missions on behalf of the Aegis. One of their first missions was to travel forward in time to the 23rd century to keep Spock from being assassinated by a rogue Romulan Aegis Agent in 2293.

Lincoln herself was eventually named an Agent of the Aegis. Over the next 30 years Lincoln and Seven did what they could to help keep humanity from destroying themselves and developing as intended. As an agent, she witnessed many of the critical historical events of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Lincoln played a critical role in the Eugenics Wars of the late 20th century, preventing Khan Noonien Singh and his fellow augments from taking over the Earth. She helped the United States secretly develop the DY-100, providing crucial bits of engineering know how to government scientists such as Shannon O'Donnell.

After the end of the Eugenics Wars Gary Seven decided to retire to a lower gravity world. Lincoln was promoted to the rank of Supervisor. Lincoln chose Rain Robinson to be her assistant after the younger woman found the Botany Bay in orbit and tracked the transporter beam from the ship back to her home in the Isle of Wright.

At some point Lincoln had at least one child, who had at least one child, giving Lincoln a granddaughter. Later in Lincoln's life this granddaughter published several novels about Lincoln's younger years, which Lincoln stated were the products of her granddaughter's very active imagination. Shortly before her 91st birthday Lincoln disappeared. The last person to see Lincoln alive was a neighbor, who saw her walking away from her home carrying a black cat.
