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Heroes Wiki

The Robot Academy is the overarching protagonistic faction of The Doraemons, a spin-off manga and movie special series of Doraemon, and a pivotal faction of the franchise in general. Its purpose is to train robots so that they can help humans after graduating. It is located on the mainland of 22nd century Tokyo before moving out to the ocean area. It is run by Principal Teraodai.


The Robot Academy had trained numerous robots to help humans for generations. When Doraemon revealed himself to be malfunctioned, Principal Teraodai transported him to another class, which was coincidentally the same one that his love interest Noramyako is in. Later on, Noramyako introduced to Doraemon six other robots, forming the Doraemons. After they proved their competence, the Doraemons were entrusted by Teraodai for various tasks. Most of those tasks were also accompanied with secret tests of characters that he knew they would learn.

When the Doraemons returned to the school later than sunset as expected for the graduation, Teraodai, understanding their situation of having to save Dora-nichov, then exploited a loophole to grant them graduation. Afterwards, the robots celebrated their graduation.




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           Doraemon logo Heroes

Doraemon | Nobita Nobi | Shizuka Minamoto | Suneo Honekawa | Takeshi Goda | Dorami | Sewashi Nobi | Mini-Doras | Time Patrol

The Doraemons
Doraemon | Dora the Kid | Wang Dora | El Matadora | Dora-nichov | Dora Med III | Dora-rinho

Principal Teraodai | Jaidora | Noramyako | Robot Academy | Dorapin | Mimimi

Pisuke | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Kuntakku (Peko) | Eru | Miyoko Mangetsu | Papi | Riruru | Banhou | Ro | Linlei| Kukuru | Chippo | Sindbad | Paruparu | Sapio | Tap | Galaxy Super Express Train Conductor | Peave | Jack | Luffin | Lian | Theo | Gusuke | Milk | Poko | Fuuko | Ichi | Pisuke | Miyoko Mangetsu | Kibo | Princess Lire | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Sophia | Haribo | Riruru | Pippo | Dakke | Kurt Hartman | Kuntakku (Peko) | Aron | Kukuru | Carla | Flock | Sarah| Luca | Luna | Aru | Mozo | Kyu | Myu | Papi | Pinna | Sonya | Hanna | Marimba | Miina | Mikka | Chapekku | Claire | Milo | Chai | Pal |
