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Roc is one of the characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. He can grant tremendous power to his Driver Vandham, and his allies. He uses the power of wind. He is an anthropomorphic bird who fights using his powerful breath. His appearance is reminiscent of a cockerel (in-game portrait in particular), or a fowl in general as implied by his Japanese name, a reference to the Vermilion Peafowl.

He was voiced by Takahiro Fujimoto in the Japanese version, and by Todd Kramer in the English version.


Roc is first encountered when the party run into Vandham for the first time. There he serves as Vandham's Blade during their fight. After that it is revealed that Vandham and Roc only wanted to test Rex and they invite the party to follow them to Garfont Village. There, the two mercenaries take the party on one of their missions. When they come back to the village, they are attacked by Akhos and Obrona who were sent after Pyra by Jin. Vandham and Roc manage to fight them back and the two are forced to retreat.

Roc then follow Vandham and the rest of the party to Fonsa Myma where Malosand Akhos take Iona as a hostage forcing Pyra to come alone to the Olethro Playhouse. The party manage to find where Pyra went and start to engage Malos and Akhos in a fight. They are no match for them and Vandham is killed by Akhos. Roc then returns to his Core Crystal. He is later reawakened with his new Driver being Rex.



XenobladeBannerAgain Heroes

Playable Characters
Shulk | Reyn | Fiora | Sharla | Dunban | Melia Antiqua | Riki

Supporting Characters
Alvis | Arglas | Juju | Kallian | Linada | Meyneth | Miqol | Otharon | Sorean | Vanea

XC Future Connected

Shulk | Melia Antiqua | Kino | Nene

Xenoblade Chronicles X logo

Main Characters
Cross | Elma | Doug | Gwin | Irina | L | Lin

Recruitable Characters
Alexa | Bozé | Celica | Frye H.B. | Hope | Mia | Murderess | Nagi | Phog | Yelv

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 logo

Main Characters
Rex | Pyra | Mythra | Pneuma | Nia | Dromarch | Tora | Poppi | Morag Ladair | Brighid | Zeke von Genbu | Pandoria

Supporting Characters
Azurda | Vandham | Fan la Norne | Roc | Aegaeon | The Architect

Rare Blades
Adenine | Agate | Azami | Boreas Corvin | Crossette | Dagas | Dahlia | Elma | Electra | Finch | Fiora | Floren | Godfrey | Gorg | Herald | Kasandra | Kora | KOS-MOS 2.0 | Newt | Nim | Perceval | Perun | Poppibuster & Poppi Mk. II | Praxis | Sheba | Shulk | T-elos | Theory | Ursula | Vale | Vess | Wulfric | Zenobia

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna logo

Lora | Jin | Haze | Addam | Mythra | Minoth | Hugo | Brighid | Aegaeon

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 logo

Noah | Mio | Eunie | Taion | Lanz | Sena

Riku | Manana | Ethel | Valdi | Zeon | Teach | Isurd | Juniper | Alexandria | Fiona | Segiri | Miyabi | Cammuravi | Monica Vandham | Gray | Ghondor Vandham | Ashera | Triton | Melia Antiqua | Nia | Ino | Masha

C | M | T

Matthew | Na'el | Nikol | Glimmer | Panacea | Linka | Riku

The Liberators
A | Shulk | Rex | Panacea | Linka | Riku
