“ | Since leaving home, I have fought To'kustars and Incurseans, Tetramands and Ectonurites. It was a mistake to forget that. Compared to the battles I have fought throughout the galaxy, Revonnah-Kai is small potatoes! | „ |
~ Rook during his battle with Master Kundo. |
Rook Blonko is the deuteragonist of Cartoon Network animated series Ben 10: Omniverse, the fourth and final installment of the Ben 10 franchise.
He is Ben Tennyson's new crimefighting partner and is a by-the-book rookie Plumber who is described as "all training and no experience". He uses a weapon known as the "Proto-Tool" to defeat his enemies.
He was voiced by Bumper Robinson.
Meeting Ben[]
Rook made his debut in The More Things Change: Part 1, when he is called to Earth by Max Tennyson to be the partner of his grandson, Ben Tennyson. Rook first meets Ben in Mr. Baumann's shop, where he is quietly enjoying his meal in disguise. Ben, in the form of Cannonbolt sits next to him and asks Rook if he can have his food. Just as Cannonbolt is about to begin eating, the trio of alien criminals arrive. Cannonbolt starts to fight the criminals, causing major havoc. While everyone is escaping, Rook continues his meal calmly. After the criminals planted a bomb in the store and Ben is unable to transform, Mr. Baumann sarcastically mentions that Ben's friends should show up and save the day. Hearing that, Rook drops his food and starts to run towards the criminals. He quickly takes down the villains, then introduces himself to Ben and reveals that they are partners now. Rook tells Ben that it is an honor to meet him and that he had learned about his heroics at the Plumbers' Academy. Ben transforms into Bloxx and tells Rook to disarm the bomb, while he takes down the criminals. Rook tells that he can't disarm the bomb in time and blows a hole on the wall of Mr. Baumann's shop in order to detonate it away from the populous. They managed to move the bomb so it was able to explode further away. However, the criminals escaped by running into the crater that the explosion caused where Ben, Rook and Khyber's dog follows them.
In The More Things Change: Part 2, Ben and Rook continue to chase the criminals in a newly discovered Undertown. Rook begins to chase Fistina who manages to run into a tunnel along with Bubble Helmet. However, Liam gets left behind and Rook is able to shoot an electric web at him with his Proto-Tool. Rook and NRG start to question Liam but a hover bus is knocks them over and takes them to the Undertown market. Rook wants to chase the lowlifes but Ben tells him that they should rather be exploring. Ben is trying to enjoy Undertown, however, Rook constantly begins to interrogate and scare away citizens. Ben tells him to relax and that the bad guys will eventually come to them. Suddenly, Buglizard appears and start to fight Ben who accidentally turns into Water Hazard. Rook wants to help him but Ben tells that he got this. However, Buglizard quickly takes down Water Hazard without taking one hit, he then tells Rook that it is time for him to interfere. Rook shoots an energy rope at Buglizard which wraps her mouth for a short time and makes Water Hazard overpower her. Khyber, seeing that two fight against one, calls the situation unsporting and whistles retreat to his pet. Rook tells Ben that he had found out the location of Bubble Helmet and leads him to the Gas House. Rook kicks the door and tells everyone to put their appendages to the air. Ben, turning into Terraspin tells him that he shouldn't always reveal his badge and absorbs the poisonous gas to make the customers choke.
Mission with Ben[]
They find Bubble Helmet and ask who is behind the shakedowns. Bubble Helmet says that he will tell them as soon as he can breathe again and Rook, not knowing the common trick puts his helmet back onto his suit. While, following an escaped Bubble Helmet, Terraspin realizes how unexperienced Rook is and that he hasn't fought any actual bad guys so far. It turned out that Bubble Helmet lead them straight to his boss, Psyphon. They begin to fight with Psyphon's henchmen as well as start to destroy his shakedown machines. Psyphon manages to take down Ben and is about to torture him when Buglizard appears again. Psyphon retreats and Rook follows him, while Shocksquatch fights Buglizard. Rook gives a final warning to Psyphon who starts to shoot laser beams at him. Psyphon becomes amazed after seeing Rook's armor and that his attacks made no damage on it. Rook tells him that the armor is not for sale, not knowing Psyphon didn't mean to buy it. Meanwhile, the fight between Shocksquatch and Buglizard caused a tunnel to collapse right onto Psyphon. At the end of the episode, after everyone got arrested Rook brings Chili Fries to Ben which makes him finally accept Rook as his new partner.
A New Partnership[]
In A Jolt from the Past, Rook and Max were kept waiting at the Plumber HQ by Ben who was late because he dropped by Mr. Smoothys. Rook tells Ben that instead of his car, they will use Rook's Proto-TRUK from then on. Ben's first impressions of the vehicle were negative but after Rook transformed it into its space ship mode Ben admitted that sometimes he can be kind of awesome (with the emphasis on sometimes), much to Rook's joy. After they left the base, Rook felt like Ben was angry with him. Ben tells him that he is just bored and he hasn't been acting like a superhero lately, then he apologizes to Rook for keeping him waiting around. Rook tells Ben that he is looking forward to their partnership, after mentioning how many times he saved the universe and that he hopes that Ben will live up to the legends. Rook mentions that he thinks Alien X is a just rumor made up by a fan but Ben tells him that Alien X is real. Rook gets excited and asks Ben to turn into Alien X immediately but due to former incidents, Ben opposes. Ben then tells Rook to find him some hero-ing to do and he will then live up to the legends. Unfortunately, Ben constantly fails to show off his abilities, since aliens in Bellwood act natural opposing what he was previously experiencing. After a lunch break, they spot a guy who is using alien technology and begin to follow him.
However, the guy shoots at them and escapes with a muscle car, so they begin to chase him. After a quick chase, they capture the guy and quickly discover that he uses Nosedeenians to power his car. Rook tries to fight the Nosedeenians but due to lack of experience with them, he quickly gets tricked and zapped continuously. Ben and Rook split up, so Rook can tell Ben where the aliens are heading. While chasing them as Clockwork, Ben realizes that the aliens are not escaping but leading them to an old storage. They enter the building where they discover that someone is using the Nosedeenians as a power source. They soon get trapped in an electric field, however Rook quickly sets them free.
He, with the help of Bloxx, defeats and captures the thugs while their leader manages to get into a robot suit. Rook starts to shoot at the armor but Ben explains him that they can't fight back due to the Nosedeenians. With the help of Ben's new transformation, they manage to beat Fistrick and save the Nosedeenians. After the bad guys got taken away by the Plumbers, Rook says that the Tennyson legends always end with some type of beverage, however Ben corrects him that at night they eat chili fries, much to Rook's disappointment.
In It Was Them, Rook was delightfully eating Mycetian Swamp Hoppers in his Proto-TRUK while Ben fought Slamworm. When Ben remarks how Rook didn't help him out, Rook said that Ben should've said something, to which Ben had no genuine response. During their conversation, Rook stated that he has been working on his conversational skills according to Earth standards. Then, Ben explained about Dr. Animo to Rook. Rook checked on his computer and found that Animo was being held at Plumber HQ. So, Rook and Ben went towards Animo's cell, only to find it empty. Rook looked on as Ben searched for clues. After Ben found a secret tunnel, he and Rook crawled through it and emerged in the sewers. They were then attacked by a mutant ant. Rook tried to fight it off before Echo Echo took over. Rook used his Proto-Tool to shoot the ant, but it had little effect. In the midst of this, Ben showed Rook how he can help even when it wasn't asked for, which Rook politely took note of. Once the ant was destroyed, Rook stated how Ben defeated it. Then, they were surrounded by several ants. When those ants started walking away, Rook and Ben followed them. While riding on the back of one ant, Ben asked how Rook knows a lot about ants, to which Rook replied that when h learned he was coming to Earth, he read a fascinating guide book by Myrzel of Valdus Prime, where it was explained that ants are the dominant life-form on your planet, among other facts. Rook and Ben eventually come across Animo's giant ant hill. While trying to figure out a plan to get inside, Rook covered Ben and himself in pheromones so they can smell like the rest of the colony to the other ants. This plan worked. They find Animo inside. While Ben is talking with Animo, Rook spots an ant carrying a Kormite Power Core so he goes to retrieve it. Later, Rook saves Ben from some ants before Ben turns into Crashhopper. Rook mentioned to Ben that he can set the power core to detonate at a specific frequency so as to atomize just the ants. When Crashhopper asks for Rook's help while fighting Mucilator, he gladly offers it. Finally, Rook detonates the power core, destroying the ants. Then, he apprehends Animo while saying his full name. At the end, Rook pointed out that Ben isn't in his usual "post-butt-kicking attitude" and that he thought Ben was being paranoid, but conceded that someone is indeed out to get Ben. On a lighter note, he mentions that atleast they captured Animo and that he won't cause trouble for a long time.
Rook Blonko serves his role as Ben's new partner. He is Revonnahgander from Revonnah recently integrated in the Plumbers and sent by Max to team up with him after Kevin and Gwen had to leave Bellwood. A skilled, if inexperienced Plumber, Rook has been impressed by the legends around Ben's heroic accomplishments, and came to Earth partially to see if the boy lived up to the legend. Despite being an alien, he possess no special powers, instead relying on his skills, training, intelligence and a device called the Proto-tool that can transform into various weapons and equipment.
Rook is a tall alien, with a slim build and periwinkle-blue colored fur, black markings on his face, and pointed ears. The middle of his face, his chest and his stomach are white.
Compared to Ben, Rook is more stoic and prefers to think before acting. He used to treat Ben more like a superior instead of a friend/partner as he usually addressed him as 'sir' when they first met. He now tends to see Ben as an equal to lesser, saying he always has to save Ben and that, "[Ben] wouldn't even be alive without [Rook's] help." Although, Ben still manages to impress him from time to time. When Ben says that he doesn't always get Rook, but finds him to be cool, Rook says that the feeling is mutual.
While he is very intelligent, Rook's lack of experience can make him somewhat naïve and often the rear of Ben's jokes.
Rook dislikes chili fries, but loves meatball subs.
Rook has difficulty understanding Earth expressions.
Rook is shown to be formal, such as initially calling Ben "sir" and referring to Gwen as "Miss Tennyson." When he first met Ben, Rook was very respectful of him, and Kevin exasperatingly points out that Rook's "so polite."
As contractions are considered bad language on Revonnah, Rook never uses them, except for when he is very angry or under some sort of influence.
Powers and Abilities[]

Rook shows his proficiency at weaponry, by commonly using his Proto-Tool.
Rook is proficient at using weaponry, which he has most commonly demonstrated with the various forms of the Proto-Tool. Through his use of the Proto-Tool, he has shown himself to be a proficient marksman and swordsman. For example, he was able to shoot Fistrick's tank from far away on a crane and duel the Red Knight with one sword against two.

Rook displays his proficiency at martial arts.
Rook is proficient at martial arts, having received combat training at the Plumbers' Academy and under the tutelage of his Revonnah Kai teacher, Kundo. In addition to being Kundo's top student, Rook has since supplemented this fighting style with other techniques and tactics from his various missions as a Plumber, ultimately being able to best his teacher in fair combat.
Rook has enhanced strength, as he was able to lift and throw a Panuncian by just holding its tail.
Rook has enhanced acrobatics and reflexes, as he was able to dodge one of Exo-Skull's energy blasts by crab-walking, and can jump high in the air.
Rook is flexible enough to hold his leg over his head.
Rook has impressive piloting skills, as shown when he evaded several of Albedo's drones in the Proto-TRUK.
Rook is excellent at mechanics and engineering, having made modifications to the Proto-Tool. He was also able to create an electronic jamming device when he fashioned an electron entanglement disruptor to escape an electromagnetic barrier. Furthermore, he was able to help Kevin make his new car impervious to everything except magic.
Rook possesses a vast scientific and technological knowledge of alien paraphernalia, given his notice of his younger brother's modifications to a harvester for space flight.
Rook is proficient at soccer, having learned the game at the Plumbers' Academy.
Rook can understand the Sotoraggian language.
Rook has some knowledge of magic. When he was in close proximity of the Alpha Rune, he was able to perform magic by casting a spell, albeit with a slight bit of trouble reciting the incantation.
- Despite the naming of difference of his planet, Rook understands the culture difference in the wider universe; surnames going after given names.
- He does not mind his Plumber allies mistaking his family name for his given name; grammatically it does seem like a full name in their culture.
- Rook rebuilt his PROTO-TRUK after the Tetramand auto show thanks to Kevin giving him shards of tadenite from a car Lord Higwind gave them as a reward for stopping AUTO.
- They couldn't sell the car in one piece as no one could afford a car literally made out of currency.
- In the current future, Rook replaces Max as head Plumber (Magistratous); he also understands sarcasm and metaphors, but uses his old habit of misunderstanding them to mess with Ben 10,000.
- Rook is fond of Max's exotic cooking and meatball subs on Earth; he doesn't like smoothies.