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Heroes Wiki
We'll get you your freedom, Zee. I know it.
~ Ro in the intro of The Zeta Project.

Rosalie "Ro" Rowan is a protagonist in the DC Animated Universe. She is Zeta's travel partner who gives tips on the normal world.


At a young age, Ro's mother left her to be taken care of her grandparents. When they passed away, she was sent by special services to a foster home. The Morgan family adopted Rosalie and took care of as their own daughter.  Ro left them at some point and lived in a girl's foster home. The head of the home sent Ro to clean the restrooms after she defended a girl from bullies. She used this moment to escape but was chased by a guard. A gang leader named Slam helped her hide and promised a new life but she needed to join his gang.

At one time, Ro stole food and escaped the police. She delivered the stolen food to the gang leader. Slam wanted her to rob a credit bank after she was initaited. Ro refused to listen to Slam who moved in to shoot her. Fortunately, she was saved by a robot named Zeta who later revealed his nature to Ro. Ro helped accompanied Zeta in his adventures and even met the futuristic Batman.



  • According to the creators, Season 3 would've reveal that Ro was a robot.


            DCAU logo Heroes

Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures
Main Characters
Batman | Robin | Nightwing | Batgirl | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Catwoman
Harvey Bullock | Creeper | Harvey Dent | Zatanna | Janet Van Dorn | Yoru Sensei
Gray Ghost | Charlie Collins | Earl Cooper | Michael Stromwell | Phantasm

Superman: The Animated Series
Main Characters
Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl
Lana Lang | The Flash | Aquaman | Orion | Steel

Batman Beyond
Main Characters
Terry McGinnis | Bruce Wayne | Dana Tan | Maxine Gibson

Static Shock
Main Characters
Static Shock | Gear | Rubberband Man
She-Bang | Anansi

The Zeta Project
Main Characters
Zeta | Rosalie Rowan

Justice League and Justice League Unlimited
Main Characters
Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Hawkgirl | Green Lantern | Martian Manhunter)
Green Arrow | Black Canary | Huntress | The Question | Captain Marvel | Booster Gold | The Atom | Mister Miracle | Big Barda | Fire | Captain Atom | Vigilante | Gypsy | Justice Guild of America
