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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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I have been struggling to hold ShadowClan together. I had hoped, with a strong deputy like Tigerheart, that we could overcome the betrayals that have split the Clan over the past moons. But Tigerheart has left us. I could not hold the faith of my Clan before the rogues split us in two. I do not have the strengths to repair the wounds that have been inflicted since then. I can no longer lead ShadowClan.
~ Rowanstar stepping down as leader

Rowanclaw - formerly known as Rowanstar - is a supporting character in the Warriors series. He is the mate of Tawnypelt and father of Tigerstar II, Dawnpelt and Flametail, as well as the former leader of ShadowClan. Many of his Clan's youth disliked him though, believing him to be a weak leader, and eventually almost all of his cats abandoned him to join The Kin. After The Kin's defeat, Rowanstar gives up on his ability to be a leader, stepping down and returning his remaining lives to StarClan before disbanding ShadowClan. He and his Clanmates then joined SkyClan, and soon after Rowanclaw died saving Yarrowleaf's kits, promising Tawnypelt that Tigerheart would soon return and reform ShadowClan.


Rowanclaw is a lithe tabby tom with dark ginger fur and amber eyes.


Tigerclaw's Fury[]

Rowanpaw, the apprentice of Jaggedtooth, strikes a blow on his fellow apprentice Oakpaw during a training session, dodging his counterattack and taunting him. Oakpaw retaliates by tackling Rowanpaw, to which ShadowClan's medicine cat Runningnose asks him if he's ok. Tigerclaw insists that the dark ginger tom is fine, and that he should've been quicker to dodge. Tigerclaw and Runningnose then check to make sure the two apprentices weren't killing each other before going off to have a conversation in private. After ShadowClan's leader Nightstar dies, Rowanpaw asks if StarClan was giving up on them, but Stumpytail hushes him.

Tigerstar and Sasha[]

Into the Woods[]

Rowanpaw goes on patrol one night with Jaggedtooth and Tigerstar, the new leader of ShadowClan. When Tigerstar asks him what he can smell, he replies that he's picked up the scent of a fox. The next day, as the three are patrolling again, the apprentice remarks that he can still smell the fox, but Tigerstar replies that it's no threat, since it's not within ShadowClan's borders. The leader then scents a frog and tells Rowanpaw to catch it, but he complains that frogs are gross, to which Tigerstar says that food is food. Rowanpaw tries to catch it, but a rogue named Sasha catches it instead, not knowing the apprentice was aready hunting it. He and Jaggedtooth prepare to attack her, but Tigerstar stops them, sending them back to camp with the frog that Sasha let them have.

Blackfoot's Reckoning[]

In the aftermath of the battle against BloodClan, Rowanpaw - now Rowanclaw - says that they're lucky to have survived when the new leader Blackstar asks if he's ok.

Graystripe's Vow[]

The ThunderClan warriors Dustpelt and Brackenfur escort Rowanclaw and Russetfur into camp, with the two explaining that they need to speak with Firestar, ThunderClan's leader. Firestar's deputy Graystripe lies that he went to go hunting, not wanting to reveal that the leader had actually set ff on a journey to restore the fallen SkyClan, and tells the two to just speak to him instead. Rowanclaw insists that they wait until Firestar comes back however, but Graystripe replies that the leader will probably be awhile, and he can pass on any information once he does come back.

Rowanclaw and Russetfur then report scenting BloodClan cats on the outskirts of the forest. The ThunderClan warrior Mousefur accuses them of lying, to which Rowanclaw's fur bristles hostilely. Before a fight can break out though, Graystripe diffuses the situation by thanking the ShadowClan warriors for the information and tasking Mousefur and Brackenfur to escort them back to the border.

The New Prophecy[]


After the ThunderClan warrior Brambleclaw accidentally steps over ShadowClan's border, Rowanclaw attacks him, but is stopped by his Clanmate and Brambleclaw's sister, Tawnypelt. She tells the two that they shouldn't be fighting so soon, to which he calls her a half-Clan warrior who's disloyal to ShadowClan, due to her mother, Goldenflower, being a ThunderClan cat. He and one of his Clanmates later attack Brambleclaw and his mate Squirrelflight, though are defeated and retreat.


Rowanclaw apprentice Talonpaw is fatally wounded by two hostile kittypets named Jacques and Susan, and dies of his injuries while trying to get back to camp. Greif-striken and enraged, he leads a patrol to the kittypets' house to get revenge, but fails when the two's owners come out and start throwing things at the group, which injures his brother Cedarheart's leg, forcing them to flee. Brambleclaw offers to help scare Jacques and Susan into leaving ShadowClan alone by luring them out to where their owners can't defend them. Blackstar reluctantly agrees, and the plan succeeds.


Rowanclaw is part of a patrol that leaves scent markers in ThunderClan territory, and are subsequentially caught. The ShadowClan patrol at first has the ThunderClan one outnumbered, but an apprentice brings in reinforcements, evening the odds. The ShadowClan warriors are defeated and retreat. Later, at a Gathering, Rowanclaw and Cedarheart get into a fight with Dustpelt and Thornclaw, with Brambleclaw attempting to break up the fight before Firestar yowls for them to stop.

The Power of Three[]

Dark River[]

Rownaclaw and Tawnypelt have become mates, and had a litter of three kits: Tigerkit, Dawnkit and Flamekit. Though the other Clans at the Gathering are apprehensive when hearing Tigerkit's name, as he was seemingly named after Tawnypelt's tyrannical father Tigerstar, Squirrelflight ignores their fears and congratulates Rowanclaw on becoming a father. He passive-aggressively replies that he's proud to be the father of three Clanborn kits, putting emphasis on the litter being born of two ShadowClan cats, likely as a jab at how many members of ThunderClan are either half-Clan or not Clanborn at all.


His new apprentice, Ivypaw, has now becoming a warrior named Ivytail. As Tawnypelt argues with Russetfur about her loyalty when she's about to go help the Tribe of Rushing Water, the dark ginger tom comes to his mate's defense, saying that they should be grateful to the Tribe for all the aid they've lent the Clans in the past. He then tells Tawnypelt how proud he is of her for going to help the Tribe, promising to watch over their kids while she's gone. Tawnypelt thanks Rowanclaw and Snowbird - the latter of whom agreed to nurse the kits in her absence - and heads out towards the mountains.


When a rouge named Sol arrives in ShadowClan's camp alongside the three ThunderClan apprentices Hollypaw, Jaypaw and Lionpaw, Rowanclaw stares at them in surprise as he guards the entrance. Russetfur, the Clan's deputy, then pushes past him to speak to the four.

Omen of the Stars[]

The Fourth Apprentice[]

Rowanclaw very briefly appears leading a patrol which his Clanmate Toadfoot calls out to, but despite acknowledging the greeting, no one on the patrol responds.

Fading Echoes[]

While battling with ThunderClan over a small patch of land, Rowanclaw and Russetfur fight on either side of Blackstar. Rowanclaw tries to attack Lionblaze, but is quickly overpowered. The ShadowClan warriors then retreat when Lionblaze accidentally kills Russetfur while saving Firestar from her.

Night Whispers[]

Following Russetfur's death, Blackstar chooses Rowanclaw as the new deputy of ShadowClan. During the previous deputy's vigil, Rowanclaw recounts the events of her life and says that while she may have come to the Clan as a rouge, she died a true warrior. Later, as Dawnpelt and Tigerheart argue over which one of them would be a better deputy, their father interrupts by telling them that he'd like to be deputy for only a few moons before retiring. He then asks Flametail if he'd want to be the deputy of ShadowClan as well, but the orange tom replies that he's happy with his life as a medicine cat. Rowanclaw playfully responds that he made a good choice, as he isn't sure he could take on all three of his kits at once.

As ShadowClan plans their next battle against ThunderClan, the deputy suggests that their formation should be different, with older, more experienced warriors next to younger ones, that way each part will be strong. He then reminds Pinepaw of how Hazeltail had knocked her aside in the previous battle, and advises her to roll the next time an opponent is about to attack her. After visiting the Moonpool, Flametail tries to tell Blackstar and Littlecloud what he saw, but the leader doesn't believe him. He tells his father about this, who tells the medicine cat not to underestimate their leader. At the next Gathering, Blackstar announces Rowanclaw's promotion, and adds solemnly that Russetfur died too soon. Later, Rowanclaw leads a patrol of himself, Tigerheart, Crowfrost and Shrewtooth. After Flametail falls through the ice on the frozen lake and drowns, with the ThunderClan medicine cat Jayfeather trying and failing to save him, his parents and siblings grieve his loss heavily, with Dawnpelt in particular blaming Jayfeather for not saving him.

The Forgotten Warrior[]

When Dawnpelt accuses the ThunderClan medicine cat Jayfeather of drowning Flametail, Rowanclaw is one of several of her Clanmates who believes her, saying it's possible while nodding.

The Last Hope[]

At the Gathering, Rowanclaw agrees when it's reported that there were strange scents in ShadowClan territory recently. Later, during the battle against the Dark Forest, he stands in dismay over Blackstar after the leader loses his eighth life. Once Blackstar revives, his deputy takes a moment to make sure he's ok before returning to battle. He then meets up with Lionblaze at the border, asking who the spirits who've shown up to help the Clans are, not knowing they're ancient cats who were alive for the Clans' founding.

Dovewing's Silence[]

Blackstar visits ThunderClan with Rowanclaw at his side, and Dovewing notices how it almost seems like the deputy is holding his elderly leader upright. Squirrelflight, the new deputy of ThunderClan, briefly exchanges a nod with Rowanclaw, and as Blackstar struggles to speak, the dark ginger tom explains that they came to discuss the foremr Dark Forest trainees. He then glances over his shoulder, seeming to want to name those cats, and continues that they must decide what to do with them. Bramblestar, ThunderClan's new leader, agrees to hold a meeting with the other leaders to reach a consensus, and Rowanclaw nods his head before leaving the camp and guiding Blackstar back home.

Crowfeather's Trial[]

At a Gathering, Onestar commends all the former Dark Forest trainees who helped WindClan and ThunderClan drive out the hostile stoats invading the underground tunnels. Rowanclaw retorts that it doesn't matter, as the trainees still have a lot to make up for, to which Lionblaze confronts him and says that the trainees were manipulated by the Dark Forest. He adds that what thy've done is now in the past after they've sworn an oath of loyalty, and Rowanclaw glares at him before sinking back into his spot on the roots of the Great Oak.

Bramblestar's Storm[]

While a ThunderClan patrol visits ShadowClan, Rowanclaw stands next to Blackstar, and stops Ratscar from starting a fight with Squirrelflight. Later, as Blackstar names cats from all Clans that were killed by the Dark Forest, an argument starts between the leaders about him honoring other Clans' cats for them. Rowanclaw then proclaims that the Clans are always facing new challenges, and nothing stays the same forever. He states that ShadowClan is still a strong and proud Clan that was not weakened or broken by the Dark Forest's attack, owing it to Blackstar's leadership. Tawnypelt praises her mate for his speech, which ends the argument between the Clans.

Later, Bramblestar sees Rowanclaw and Littlecloud heading to the Moonpool, and the dark ginger tom explains that Blackstar had died in the recent flood, so he's now heading towards his leadership ceremony. He asks Bramblestar how ThunderClan is doing before he and Littlecloud continue to the Moonpool. Later, Bramblestar goes to ShadowClan with Leafpool, Spiderleg and Cinderheart to welcome Rowanstar as a leader. Rowanstar greets them, and thanks his deputy Crowfrost for escorting them to the temporary camp. The brown tabby tom congratulated him on becoming leader, and says he made a good choice for a temporary camp after their normal one flooded. Rowanstar remarks that it's been hard to move, but the water will drain out of the normal camp soon, though Bramblestar notices a bit of worry in his eyes and sees that he's thinner than usual, concluding he must've been eating as little as his possible so his Clanmates could have more of the scarce prey, but decides not to bring it up, knowing he would never admit it.

Leafpool then asks to visit Littlecloud, an Rowanstar allows her, telling Dawnpelt to go fetch the medicine cat. Upon seeing how frail Littlecloud is, Leafpool offers to help him with his medicine cat duties for a while, with Rowanstar's neck fur bristling tensely when he accepts. The ThunderClan cats then offer to help some ShadowClan warriors bring in some bracken, but the dark ginger tom tells them that his cats can handle it themselves. The two leaders then bicker for a bit before going somewhere private, where Bramblestar remarks that he's heard ShadowClan has been having problems with some kittypets. He tenses up and asks how he knows that, asking Tawnypelt if she told him when she gets back from patrol. She admits she did and begs him to let ThunderClan help, he angrily tells Bramblestar they ShadowClan doesn't need it. As The ThunderClan cats begin to leave, Leafpool asks to stay for a bit, as Dawnpelt is close to giving birth and Littlecloud is too frail to help her when she does. Rowanstar calls her a mouse-brain, but she asks him if he wants his Clan to suffer because their medicine cat can't care for them as well anymore, so reluctantly he lets her stay.

Later, a ShadowClan patrol lead by Rowanstar crosses paths with Bramblestar and Jessy, a kittypet sheltering in ThunderClan. He reminds the other leader that they don't need his help with the kittypets, and Bramblestar replies that Jessy knows about their problem too. The dark ginger tom retorts that she knows because she's a kittypet, and that ThunderClan is always taking non-Clan cats in, leading his patrol away. Eventually the ThunderClan cats decide to scare the kittypets into leaving the Clans alone, but Rowanstar angrily confronts them and tells them to stay out of his Clan's business, escorting them back to their territory. Leafpool comes back to ThunderClan soon after, explaining that Rowanstar made her leave.

When Bramblestar later finds out that ShadowClan is being terrorized by badgers, and ThunderClan comes to the neighboring Clan's aid while they're fighting the badgers. Rowanstar yowls that they don't need help, but ThunderClan stays and helps drive the badgers off anyways. ShadowClan then heads back to camp, thanking the Clan for their help, but asserting that they still didn't need it. At the next Gathering, Rowanstar, Mistystar and Onestar all recount how they're remembering their fallen Clanmates. Bramblestar then suggests an addition to the warrior code that the Clans will always support each other in their times of need, which the other leaders agree to.

A Vision of Shadows[]

The Apprentice's Quest[]

At Alderpaw's and Sparkpaw's first Gathering, the former's mentor Molewhisker points out Rowanstar to them and says he's the leader of ShadowClan. Alderpaw looks up at the dark ginger tom as he climbs up and takes his seat on the Great Oak, thinking to himself that the leader is one cat he doesn't want to cross. Rowanstar begins the meeting, calling Mistystar to speak first. After she's done, he calls for Onestar and Bramblestar to speak next, and once they're done he reports that prey is bountiful in ShadowClan. Needlepaw, an apprentice of ShadowClan, irritably whispers that he would say the same thing if the Clan was starving, saying that he must think the other Clans are all mouse-brains. Alderpaw, shocked by his new friend's disrespect towards her leader, doubts that Rowanstar is lying, though.

The dark ginger tom continues that twolegs are still using the campsite on is Clan's territory, but have yet to cause trouble, adding that he doesn't expect to see much more of them soon with the weather getting colder. Afterwards, he announces that Stonewing and Wasptail have become warriors, glancing down proudly at them. After the attendees cheer for the new warriors, Rowanstar announces four new warrior apprentices as well: Sleekpaw, mentored by Tigerheart, Beepaw, mentored by Dawnpelt, Juniperpaw, mentored by Stonewing, and Strikepaw, mentored by Wasptail. Onestar skeptically asks if apprentices should be trained by newly-made warriors, to which the other leader responds that once ShadowClan cats become warriors, they're ready for anything, and says the other Clans should stay out of his business. Needlepaw then tells Alderpaw that her Clan has more apprentices than the leader knows what to do with, and he feels odd that she talks about the leader in such a way. The fourth leaders then gather close together and begin conversing quietly, after which Rowanstar steps forwards and states that the medicine cats have something to announce that they've only told the leaders before now, which ends up being a new prophecy: "Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky."

Much later, after Alderpaw goes on a mission to find SkyClan and bring them to the lake, Needlepaw accompanies him. Though they don't find SkyClan, they find two orphaned newborn she-kits, who they name Twigkit and Violetkit. They bring the two home, believing them to be what the prophecy was referring to, and Alderpaw and Needlepaw get into an argument over which Clan should raise the kits, as they both found them. It's decided to have Bramblestar and Rowanstar discuss the issue at the next Gathering.

At said Gathering, Mistystar starts relaying RiverClan's news, but Rowanstar interrupts her by getting up and walking to the edge of his branch. He asks why they're treating it like a normal Gathering when they know Bramblestar has something important to announce, glaring harshly at the brown tabby. He then sarcastically says the ThunderClan leader may want to talk about something related to the prophecy, to which Bramblestar explains Alderpaw's journey, and how he found Twigkit and Violetkit, who may be important to the prophecy. Rowanstar interjects that Needlepaw helped find them, and had saved him from drowning as well. Bramblestar says this is true, but asks why Needlepaw joined the journey in the first place, and if it's normal for ShadowClan apprentices to just wander off on their own. The dark ginger tom is visibly embarrassed by this, and snaps that it's none of his business, stating that his Clan can take care of their apprentices. He then continues that the kits were brought to ThunderClan to be taken care of by their medicine cats, but no one said that's where they would stay.

Bramblestar then explains the journey to Mistystar and Onestar, and the latter says that the two kits couldn't be what they were meant to find in the shadows, as they're too young to even know about the prophecy, but Rowanstar retorts that they don't have to know to be part of it. He says that StarClan guided the two apprentices to the kits, but Bramblestar tells him that they can't be sure of their importance yet, but it's still the Clans' responsibly to take care of them. The ShadowClan leader reminds Bramblestar that Needlepaw helped find them, with the brown tabby tom arguing that they've already settled into ThunderClan, and it would be cruel to make them move.

When Mistystar suggests that both ThunderClan and ShadowClan get one kit each, the two agree to this, and the meeting comes to an end. The two hop down from the tree and head for the kits, who are being guarded by Alderpaw and Sparkpaw. Bramblestar tells Rowanstar to pick one, and Alderpaw can tell from his nervous look that that dark ginger tom knows separating the sister is cruel. He hesitates choosing Violetkit, promising to take good care of her in ShadowClan when Alderpaw asks him to. He then gently picks Violetkit up by the scruff, and she begins to thrash and wail, with Twigkit yelling at him not to take her while attacking his leg. Twigkit begs Alderpaw and Sparkpaw to help her sister, but the former just curls his tail around her and sadly says it's no use. Bramblestar snaps at Rowanstar to hurry up and take the kit away, and the dark ginger heads back towards his Clan, Violetkit looking back at her sister before the two disappear into the crowd.

Thunder and Shadow[]


Shattered Sky[]


Darkest Night[]


River of Fire[]


Tawnypelt's Clan[]

Tawnypelt has a dream of ShadowClan before the yellowcough outbreak, back when Rowanstar was still leader, and wishes her dream could be real. She then remembers how he mate had stepped down from leadership, and takes note of how many cats blamed him for what happened with The Kin, even after he sacrificed himself to save Hopkit and Flaxkit. Scorchfur then accuses her of being more loyal to her mate than her Clan, and she tries to argue back, but is too shocked by how much her peers hate their former leader.

Tawnypelt then reflects on how Rowanclaw always used to really listen to her, and thinks she hears his voice telling her to take her grandson Shadowkit to the Tribe. Tigerstar confronts his mother over this, saying that ShadowClan died under Rowanstar's leadership, and he's trying to bring it back, to which she scolds him for insulting his father's memory. Later, at the Tribe, Tawnypelt considers staying there, as she feels she doesn't have a place in ShadowClan anymore. Rowanclaw then visits her in her dreams, encouraging her to let go of him and the old days, and to embrace Tigerstar's leadership. He then tells her that he loves her before he disappears and the dream comes to an end.

A Vision of Shadows[]

The Raging Storm[]

In StarClan, Firestar calls a meeting where he, Bluestar, Crookedstar, Blackstar and Tallstar discuss what will happen to the Clans, during which Rowanclaw eavesdrops from the shadows. Firestar sees him move, and asks him what he's doing, to which he comes out of hiding and states that if they're talking about the Clans' future, he wants to be included. Blackstar sternly replies that he's no longer a leader, and Rowanclaw responds angrily that he gave up his remaining lives so ShadowClan would survive. The black-and-white tom retorts that he gave up his lives so that he would survive, but he responds that isn't true, as ShadowClan has reformed and Tigerstar will lead them to greatness.

Bluestar speaks up, asking what the cost of ShadowClan's reformation is, believing the Clan always wants another Clan's land. Narrowing his eyes, Rowanclaw tells her that ShadowClan needs its territory, and they must never be driven out again. Firestar, looking at SkyClan's trees, says that SkyClan cannot lose their territory once more either, pausing before adding that they belong at the lake with the other Clans. Bluestar then asks if Tigerstar will allow SkyClan to stay, and Rowanclaw says that his son will do anything to make ShadowClan strong. Firestar agrees with this, but adds that every other Clan must become strong too, not by stealing territory, but by learning to live in harmony.

Crookedstar says that the Clans have survived darkness before, but Firestar anxiously replies that they haven't survived one like this before, and their greed could tear them apart. Blackstar asks if he thinks the Clans have learned nothing with The Kin, but the orange tom replies that he doesn't think they've learned enough, pointing out that Darktail had been able to split them. Rowanclaw then tells Firestar that ShadowClan has Tigerstar now, and Firestar replies cautiously that Tigerstar is a young cat who wants to prove his Clan's strength, but now is not a time for battles with SkyClan settling in and the other Clans needing to accept them. He continues that the Clans won't be able to face what's to come if they can't unite, causing Rowanclaw and the other leaders to glance at each other nervously.


  • Up until Starlight, he only ever appears in allegiances starting with A Dangerous Path. Strangely, he is described as a she-cat in these allegiances.
    • This mistake happens again the the allegiances of Graystripe's Vow, due to them being reused from older books
    • This error has spawned a popular headcannon in the fandom that Rowanclaw is a trans man.
    • Author Victoria Holmes has said that she would've preferred to keep him is a she-cat.
    • Victoria has also explained that the reason she made Rowanclaw become Tawnypelt's mate and Blackstar's deputy was because she felt bad for him always getting his gender wrong.
    • Coincidentally, the same thing happened to his grandson Rowankit who was named after him, as the kit started out as a she-kit before getting changed to a tom.
  • He is the second of four leaders to step down from leadership, with the first being Pinestar, the third being Owlnose, and the fourth being Brambleclaw.
  • His position as deputy was first revealed in Erin Hunter Chat 7.
  • While not named in the book, he is confirmed to be the dark ginger tabby who joins Mudclaw's rebellion in Winds of Change, as stated on illustrator James Barry.
  • In Su Susanne's "Missing Kits" series, he is stated to be the half-brother of Kinkfur and Pouncetail, though this is most likely no longer canon.
  • Rowanclaw is callen Rowanstar in the StarClan section of the official family tree, despite having given up his leader name a while before his death.
  • He was mistakenly said to be the cat attacking Lionblaze instead of Ratscar on page 223 of The Last Hope, and is later mistakenly called Ratscar on page 275.
  • His name as a kit is never stated in the books themselves, but was rather revealed on the official website.

External links[]

Rowanclaw on the Warriors Wiki


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