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Heroine Overview

I'm not panicking.
~ Roxanne Richi
Megamind... I don't even know if you're listening, but if you are... you can't give up. The Megamind I knew would never run from a fight, even if he knew he had no chance of winning! It was your best quality. You need to be that guy, right now! The city needs you... I need you.
~ Roxanne begs Megamind to not give up and save the city.
Roxxanne: Uh, just so you know, we all risked our lives to save the city while you were cowering from your job.
Mayor: Oh, you think you can do better?
Roxxanne: I know I can.
~ Roxxanne calling the mayor out for not doing anything to protect the city or taking his job seriously at all.

Roxanne Ritchi is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Ol' Chum) of the Megamind franchise.

She is an intrepid reporter who at first wanted to stop Megamind's rule over Metro City, but after a bigger threat arrives in the form of Tighten, she and Megamind decide to work together to stop him, which ends up with Roxanne eventually changing him and Megamind changes Minion, with the two entering into a romantic relationship after the events of the film. In the end of the sequel film, Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate, she is elected mayor of Metro City and continues the role in the series Megamind Rules!.

She is voiced by Tina Fey, who also played 22 in Soul, Kate Ellis in Sisters, and Clair Foster in Date Night. In Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate and Megamind Rules, she is now voiced by Laura Post.



Roxanne is first introduced during a day where the entire city is opening a museum in Metro Man's name. However, Megamind and Minion are both planning to defeat Metro Man, so the two kidnap Roxanne and broadcast it to the city in order to lure Metro Man into a trap. After Metro Man arrives at the false destination of Megamind's base, he and Minion then start up the death ray in order to finally win against Metro Man for the first time. It works and Metro Man's skeleton soon flies to their base, horrifying Roxanne.

After this, Roxanne confronts Megamind and Minion about what will they plan to do with Metro City and its inhabitants after they take over the city, but Megamind just replies with "think of the most horrible, terrifying, evil thing you can possible think of and multiply it BY SIX!" before disappearing with Minion into the Metro City Hall.

A few days after Megamind and Minion take over the city, Roxanne is broadcasting outside the museum about Metro Man's demise and assuming that Megamind is watching, asks Megamind if he is proud of what he is done, before ending the recording with Hal. Roxanne then goes to the giant Metro Man statue for one last look, but happens to run into Megamind (who, in a panic, disguises himself as the curator Bernard and dehydrates the real one) who had also come to the statue for one last look before he blows it up.

Roxanne and "Bernard" then start to discuss what will happen now that there is no hero to stop Megamind anymore, but Roxanne tells him that she believes someone will stand up to Megamind as "heroes aren't born, they're made", which made Megamind realize that he can create a new hero to fight, causing the two of them to become excited before he allows Roxanne to leave in a taxi before the museum blows up.

Roxanne then finds the location of Megamind's hideout and infiltrates it, throwing a wrench in his and Minion's plan to create a new hero by stealing the defuser gun, not knowing the functionality of it and firing it, where it then travels through a pipe and hits Hal on his nose. Roxanne then finds "Bernard" again after almost dying by falling into a room filled with alligators and escapes with Bernard, telling him that she will see him tomorrow and calls him her "partner" before taking Hal back to his apartment.

Roxanne then gets ready for her date with "Bernard" but she’s still focused on trying to find out Megamind's plan for the city and decides she needs to look at the information from a different point of view in order to figure it out. It leads to a a bunch of the paper, forming a superhero with the name of "Titan". Hal shows up to her balcony in his superhero outfit, which looks exactly like the one that Roxanne noticed, and he reveals to her that his name is "Tighten", with Roxanne also being confused over this, but before she can get an answer. Hal takes her for a flight throughout the city, with him intentionally putting her in danger and saving her in order to try and gain her affection, however it just leads to Roxanne getting annoyed with him and asking to be put down. After Hal drops her off on a tower, Roxanne asks to see his real self, which Hal agrees to, with him removing his mask and showing her his face, with Roxanne being stunned that Hal of all people had become a superhero. Hal expected Roxanne to fall for him right there, right then, but Roxanne just told him that while he is a good guy, there would never be an "us" between them, causing Hal to be heartbroken at Roxanne's rejection, as he believed she was meant to be with him and no one else, before flying off the tower and leaving Roxanne to get down by herself.

Roxanne then makes it to her date with "Bernard" and Roxanne reveals to him that Megamind had created a new superhero for the sake of having someone else to fight, due to missing "getting his butt kicked so he created a new hero to kick it for him". The two then share a kiss and their conversation about not judging a book by its cover, although during it, Roxanne accidentally turns off Megamind's disguise, with his true identity getting revealed to her after all the other citizens start screaming, causing Roxanne to walk out of the restaurant in shock at what she just saw.

Megamind then catches up to her in the invisible car, and tries to explain to Roxanne why he did it, but Roxanne didn't want any of it and started to walk off, with Megamind trying to convince her to speak with him, bringing up their past conversation of "not judging a book by its cover", but Roxanne counters this by telling him to "take a look at the contents then shall we", with her bringing up that he destroyed Metro Man, took over Metro City, and manipulated her into caring about him, questioning why is Megamind so evil, but then she realizes why he pretended to date her, and questions Megamind if she and him would ever be in a relationship, but Megamind simply replies with "No" before walking off in the rain, with Roxanne looking back at him once, before walking home herself.

Megamind then shows up at her apartment, asking for help after Tighten had turned evil due to Megamind revealing that he was the "intellectual dweeb" that was dating Roxanne recently, with Tighten then declaring to the Mayor that the city is "under new management" after the Mayor claimed they had been freed of Megamind's control. Roxanne initially declines, but decides to help Megamind after he tells her that Tighten plans to destroy the whole city. Megamind then asks her if she knows if Metro Man had a hideout as Roxanne knew him better then anyone else, with Roxanne revealing there is one place she is thinking of, Megamind and Metro Man's childhood school.

After arriving at the base, they search it in hopes of finding something to stop Tighten with, although while they are inside, it turns out Metro Man had actually survived Megamind's death ray, with Megamind and Roxanne being mind blown at this discovery. Roxanne then asks for an amazing explanation, but Megamind believes he must be a ghost, before Metro Man then explains why he faked his death to the two of them, as he was sick of having to play the hero 24/7 and wanted to pursue another career in life, through making music.

Roxanne gets frustrated at him however, and starts attacking him, not being able to believe that he could make such a selfish choice when the city needed him the most, and allowed Megamind and Minion to control the entire city and do whatever they wanted. Megamind then tries to convince Metro Man to help them defeat Tighten, but Metro Man declines, saying he is done with superhero work, but tells Megamind "when there is bad, good will come from it" and tells him its taken a long time to find his calling, and now it's time Megamind found his own.

Roxanne then tells Megamind that they don't need Metro Man, and that they should just go back to Megamind's base, grab some weapons, hold Tighten sideways, and go all gangsta on him, but Megamind tells her "they can't" and Roxanne accuses Megamind of giving up, but Megamind counters this, saying he is the bad guy and he doesn't save the city, he doesn't fly of into the sunset, and he doesn't get the girl. He then tells Roxanne he’s "going home", and this makes Roxanne feeling guilty for all the time they spent together and sorry because she told him that things.

Tighten then begins destroying the city, and all the citizens begin evacuating, but Roxanne is still determined to stop Tighten despite Megamind losing all hope, with her attempting to reason with him, but Hal brushes it off, still enraged at her rejecting him the night prior and telling her that the old Hal is gone, before taking her hostage on top of the Metro Tower, where Roxanne had rejected him and broadcasting it live to Megamind while he is in prison, in an attempt to blackmail Megamind into fighting him, which works after Roxanne begs Megamind he has to stop Tighten and he is the only one who can do it, as the old Megamind never gave up, even when he knew to had no chance of winning his battles.

The Warden then tells Megamind he won’t release him, as he still has many life sentences that he needs to serve, but Megamind then begins to apologize for all the people he has manipulated or not treated well, including Minion and Roxanne, and then asks the Warden for forgiveness. The Warden then accepts the apology, and turns off his disguise, revealing it to be Minion using a disguise watch, with the two going back to Megamind's lab in order to set up their plan to save the city from Tighten.

Megamind first decides to go and save Roxanne from Tighten, by setting up a trap with the brain-bots to imprison Tighten for a short while, so that he can save Roxanne from the slowly destroying Metro Tower, and try to escape from Tighten before he breaks away from the brainbots. Unfortunately, Tighten manages to break free, and throws the entire tower at both Megamind and Roxanne. The tower eventually catches up to them, due to Megamind's bike losing more and more control, so he decides to throw Roxanne to the side in order to save her life, but he’s caught in the destruction and knocked out.

Roxanne then attempts to wake Megamind up, but is stopped by Tighten, telling her "that leaves just one loose end now" with him then kicking a bus at her in an attempt to murder her, but Metro Man then shows up, and Roxanne is shocked at his arrival, but Metro Man then tells her that she was right about the fact he never should have left being a superhero. Terrified, Tighten then starts to fly away from Metro Man, giving Roxanne the time to wake Megamind up. Megamind then tells her that he is sorry, and that he did the best he could. Roxanne then reassures him, telling her she is so proud of him, but then Megamind takes off his disguise, revealing it to be Minion the whole time, with Minion then saying that "Metro Man" is the real hero. This then leads to Roxanne deducing that Metro Man, is actually Megamind in disguise. Megamind then eventually catches up to Tighten and intimidates him into leaving Metrocity, with Tighten then accepting it.

Roxanne then turns off Megamind's disguise watch to make seen at the people of the city who is their real hero, and the audience is not shocked this time, however Tighten then realizes that there is only one person that calls Metro City, Metrocity, and then returns to battle Megamind in an attempt to kill him. Tighten overpowers Megamind in the fight, so Roxanne informs Megamind about the night she dumped him, but then reveals that she did look back at him during that night, and that he should be the one looking at this moment.

Megamind then looks behind him, and realizes that Roxanne is talking about the invisible car with the defuser gun still being inside of it that Megamind had brought up during their trip to Metro Man's base. Megamind then attempts to make it to the car, but Tighten catches up to him, and starts beating him up, taunting him that no matter what side he is on, he is always the loser, but Megamind counters this, saying that the benefit to losing, is getting to learn from your mistakes. Megamind then hops into the invisible car, much to Tighten's surprise, but notices the defuser gun needs time to heat up before it can be used. Tighten then rips the door off the car to find Megamind, but doesn't realize that Megamind is hiding on the door that Tighten just ripped off. When it does notice it, he throws Megamind into the air to kill him, with Tighten then chasing Roxanne towards a water fountain, eventually cornering her and quipping "say bye bye Roxie" before he attempts to kill her, but Megamind survives his fall by using his dehydration gun, and then with the defuser gun finally heated up, removes Tighten's powers, finally saving Metro City and its citizens from further destruction.

Surprised by what Megamind has just managed to do, Roxanne praises and congratulates him, with a hug having finally understood what he is really like. Seemingly dying Minion talks to Megamind, under Roxanne's saddened gaze that she apologized to them for failing to understand them. After a slight shock thinking that Minion is dead, when he just needed water and Megamind throws him in the nearby fountain and everyone screams with joy that they want to hug Megamind, only he thinks they want to attack him and he starts shooting madly scaring everyone, then Roxanne calms him and everyone saying that Megamind isn’t used to positive feedback yet.

At the party, inauguration of the new hero of Metro City, Megamind, Roxanne happy more than ever now officially says that she loves him, hugs him and gives them the mantle of Metro Man telling them that he gives them, Roxanne rekindles her romantic relationship with Megamind and they dance to Michael Jackson’s song, "Bad” at the end of the song she jumps into his arms and kisses him on the cheek making him smile.

Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate[]

In the sequel film, while reporting on the attempted robbery that was stop by Megamind, Roxanne feels bad that she's not doing anything really useful with her life and begins to realize that she's frustrated with her job. Just then Keiko Morita, the president of the biggest online Megamind fan club, approaches and starts interviewing the journalist. While talking to Keiko, she discovers that the audience that follows her on the Internet is 10 times larger than the number of people who watch her on TV and she feels even worse. When Chum tells her that he is felling abandoned and unappreciated in Megamind’s efforts, so Roxanne advises him to talk to Megamind so that he understands that the fish is much more than just a helper. But when Chum tells Megamind that he wants to be his sidekick. After being rejected, Chum states that he will look for other opportunities, which Megamind allows.

While she reflects on living a meaningless life, Megamind calls her to go to his hideout immediately as he needs help to solve something extremely important. But she arrives at the lair and rushes into the kitchen only to discover that Megamind needs to resolve is learning how to use the toaster. She soon was told by Megamind that the Doom Syndicate has thinks he is still is a villain when they have came to his lair and he is the one who formed the Doom Syndicate and recruited the city's worst villains to join him, only to abandoned them in prison, she agreed to help him in keeping the Doom Syndicate fooled.

With Megamind has his old crew fool, he was forced to reveal an abandoned villainous plot he has carried out to launch Metro City to the moon using rockets placed underground. The Doom Syndicate prepares to launch them, but Megamind stops them. Realizing that he is up to something, they vow to either start Metro City themselves or they will destroy the city. Realizing that he cannot defeat the Syndicate alone, Megamind and Roxanne track down Chum in a remodeled diner and tries to get his help. However, after realizing that he might belong more in the store than with him, Megamind regrets letting Chum go and then heads back to his lair, leaving Roxanne and Keiko behind.

When the Doom Syndicate learn about Megamind’s facade and overpowered him, Megamind hides in an alley, feeling defeated, but is confronted by Roxanne and Keiko, who remind him that it's okay to ask others for help. Chum also returns when Megamind tells him that he is indeed his sidekick. Megamind, Chum, Roxanne and Keiko team up to face the Syndicate of Doom but fail to stop the launch. They manage to redirect Metro City safely back to Earth. Roxanne is elected the new mayor of Metro City, while Keiko launches a newly designed hero signal as Megamind feels accomplished in his new team.

Megamind Rules![]

Season 1[]


Season 2[]



Roxanne is a pretty woman of average height with brown pixie-cut hair that is parted to the right, a pear-shaped figure, and light blue eyes. Her face is a bit squarish in shape, and she has a smattering of light freckles across her nose and cheeks and a beauty spot a bit under her mouth and to the right. She wears a white short-sleeved button-up shirt with a black belt, a light gray plaid pencil skirt and black high-heels.


Not much is known about Roxanne's early life except that she used to go bike riding with her mother at the Metro City Park in her youth and that she used to be best friends with a girl named Vida in middle school.

What defines Roxanne is the fact that she’s brave. If there is wrongdoing of any kind afoot, she’ll try to stop it, even when it's clear she's at a disadvantage. She’s very strong-minded and very determined, so when she decides on doing something, she’ll do it. However, she isn't reckless, she’ll call for and accept help if the situation calls for it.

Despite being sarcastic at times, she truly believes in the goodness of people. This is why she is nice to everyone, including Megamind and Hal Stewart, unless they prove her otherwise and then it depends on the person. She is very honest and one of the things she cares about the most is honesty and, although white lies are fine, she doesn't tolerate big lies. When she’s angry, she can get physical but she’s willing to give second chances.

She cares deeply about the people around and will try to protect them and help when there's trouble. She’s also very smart and usually figures things out rather quickly. She’s very nosy and will try to get to bottom of whatever she’s investigating. She can be quite observant but when she’s involved with something emotionally and she can sometimes overlook details.

She prefers the company of people with high intellects, thus explaining why she never became attracted to Metro Man during her numerous rescues, since while he could be witty, he lacked intellectual depth. When Megamind is disguised as Bernard, she becomes increasingly affectionate of him, since without the cloud of his super-villainy, Megamind's brilliance became appealing to her.


  • Roxanne is 30 years old.
  • Much like how Metro Man is a spoof of Superman, Roxanne is a parody of Lois Lane.
    • As such, her inexplicable turn to politics by becoming the Mayor in the sequel and TV series was derided as incompatible with her existing character. Not only did she display a strong pride in her journalistic career, there was never even the smallest hint that she had political ambitions.

External Links[]


           Megamind Logo Heroes

Megamind | Ol' Chum | Roxanne Ritchi | Metro Man | Brainbots | Keiko Morita | Megamind's parents | Mr. Dount | Hu-Mouse | Dude Monkey | Supercool Power-Kid | Blanche Morita | Eccentric Eddie
