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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or simply Rudolph is a major supporting protagonist who appears in the 2001 movie Call Me Claus. He is based on his cartoon version with the character of the same name. He is Santa Claus' pet reindeer and Lucy Cullins' close friend.
Appearence and role[]
His appearence in real-life is the same as his cartoon counterpart, brown and white fur with the reindeer's horns with a shiny red nose. In his appearence, he is magical, loyal, jovial, honest, kind and, respectful to all reindeers especially for his nephew Comet including the elves and child, as well as selfless.
Unlike his cartoon counterpart, Rudolph is quiet and makes noises, he has a shiny red nose since he was an young reindeer. When Rudolph was young, he was the laughingstock of other reindeers and children who tease him and mocking him badly, he was then comforted by Santa and the fairy. Already adult, he becomes the 9th reindeer to give Santa the direction to assume the delivery Christmas gifts for the sake of all children on Earth.
Rudolph was first seen when he discovers Santa and Lucy Cullins, he discovers the elves embalming the gifts for children on Earth. He is a nice reindeer who trust his friends especially for Comet his nephew.
Rudolph later appears again when he and his reindeer pals emerge from Christmas car by Santa's magical powers. Like his cartoon counterpart, he has the ability to fly like the magical reindeers before him.
In the animated comedy cartoon named Têtes à Claques, Rudolph appears in Le Père Noel 2 episode which is an minor protagonist by saying "You called me!" "Tu m'as appelé!" in English when he plays an major role in the animated series.
He appeared again in Au Pays des Têtes à Claques An Brown Christmas also called in French Un Noel Brun which is one of the supporting characters after the snow appears via Jesus Christ's magic snap, he was seen being happy with Santa Claus that the snow has started snowing by miracle.
He is based on his cartoon counterpart who appears in the animated movie.
He and Santa Claus are one of the characters who appear in the french canadian comedy series Têtes à Claques and its sequel Au Pays des Têtes à Claques on TV and in the internet sites which they play an major role in the series.