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What are you waiting for? GO!
~ Rusty, to the Twelth Doctor
"Rusty the Dalek" is a recurring character in the Twelfth Doctor era of Doctor Who. He was a Dalek captured by the forces of Combined Galactic Resistance who had turned against his own kind. Intrigued by Rusty's desire to exterminate the Daleks, the Doctor decided to explore the possibility for a "moral Dalek".
He was voice by famous veteran Dalek voice actor Nicholas Briggs, who has voiced countless Daleks over the years.
Seeing the birth of a star triggered a realization in Rusty of the inevitability of life returning despite the efforts of the Daleks. The Doctor, Clara Oswald, Journey Blue, Ross and Gretchen Carlisle were shrunk and ventured into Rusty to try to fix the damage that was killing him. Using his sonic screwdriver, the Doctor repaired a crack in Rusty's power source that was leaking radiation and killing him.
Seeing how a star is born, Rusty realize that the Daleks are evil and suggesting that them much be exterminated, Rusty interrupted, ambushed, and completely destroyed all of the daleks that were currently occupied fighting the soldiers, thus saving the surviving soldiers from being slaughtered. Rusty then tricked the other Daleks by transmitting a retreat signal to the Dalek Saucer, making them think that the Humans were gonna self-destruct their own ship, which successfully fooled them. Rusty then went with the other Daleks, intent on going after them.
Rusty's genocidal nature toward his species, Rusty is more of a anti-hero, As Daleks will always revert to their genocidal nature, but wound be considered "a good dalek" for this hatred.
Rusty isn't the only Dalek out there that began to question and lose interest in the Dalek cause, turned good, and become an ally to humanity and the Doctor, such as primary examples being Metaltron, Dalek Sec, Dalek Caan, the The Traitor Dalek, as well as the unfortunate human converted into Dalek, Clara Oswald, as well as the Humanised Daleks, who were in fact the very first offshoot Dalek race of friendly Daleks that were created by the 2nd Doctor to be more of a benevolent and less war-like race with more human-like and child like personalities, as well as refusing to kill, and also questioning orders.
Coal Hill defenders Charlie Smith | Ram Singh | April MacLean | Tanya Adeola | Andrea Quill | Matteusz Andrzejewski
Other Allies
James Stirling | Professor Travers | King Peladon | Alpha Centauri | White Guardian | K9 Mark III | Maxwell Edison | Sabalom Glitz | DI Patricia Menzies | Bernice Summerfield | Father Octavian | The Face of Boe | Jackie Tyler | Bad Wolf | Pete Tyler | Ood Sigma | Jenny | Hostess | Craig Owens | Sophie | Brian Williams | Rusty | Danny Pink | Rigsey | Grant Gordon | Grace O'Brien | Karvanista | Claire Brown | Inston-Vee Vinder | Bel | Eustacius Jericho | Rogue