Ryuhaku Todoh is a supporting character from the Art of Fighting series. He is the father of Kasumi Todoh.
All along as the founder and teacher of Todoh style Kobudo though took be glean with the styles both Aiki-jujutsu and Kendo, Todoh is in the confrontation towards an apprentices to the Kyokugenryu school of Karate. He inkling that they threats to his style by training in the factors, which fights into his rival friend, Takuma, as such both of them were young. By the way, he is really to be very spleen.
When Ryo find his younger sister, Yuri, who kidnapping by Mr. Big, Todoh fights with him as his arrival in the school, which ended up to be defeated until the question about Yuri missing. Much to his disgraced, Todoh also seeing his school's property soon that the attendance of his schools was making bearing. He just then knows Ryo is too stronger, convince him to sought on her sister.
After loss in the battle, Todoh decided to escaped when he bare out for in away, his wife, Shizuko, thought about that he would trained in the other corner of the world by his plans to rematch fights Ryo in the future. As his gone, his daughter, Kasumi, who can't find his father, as she stands in takes revenge on Ryo and all the students of Kyokugenryu, which then retake her family's honor.
- In Art of Fighting, very little of Todoh's personality was shown. In later games, he became comic relief for SNK.
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