This article's content is marked as Mature SCP-040 contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | Emma was a little upset that I had "flaked" on our little lunch, but I've promised her that I'll drop by either today or tomorrow to talk to her, and that I'd bring her even more little snacks. I realise this is spoiling her a little, but the girl has been through figurative firestorms, not to mention what she was like when we found her. She deserves a little spoiling every now and then. Of course, ever since Clef went on his little rampage I've been a little nervous about her safety. Granted, she's a maelstrom of energy, capable of warping life to degrees we cannot even fathom, but beneath that, is a small, lonely little girl, who really just wanted some friends. It's just I feel kind of bad for her. I know that's not very unbiased, but I have a soft spot for children. Besides, I think I made very clear to Clef exactly what I thought of his little "outburst". | „ |
~ Prof. Pathos Crow in "1st - 12th December 2008". |
SCP-040, known under the alias "Evolution's Child" is a character in the SCP Foundation series. She is a young child with the power to manipulate living organic matter and create new lifeforms in the process and for that reasons she was contained by the Foundation.
She plays a minor role in the "Olympia Project" series.
SCP-040 was one of the fifteen orphan children taken under the care of the Keys to the Kingdom Christian Charter School for Gifted Youth in Colorado, which secretly performed experiments on them in order to grant them super powers. These experiments were overseen by an ex-CIA agent who was going under the alias of "Mr. Henry Green". There SCP-040 was looked after by the nurses while Mr. Green barely interacted with her, and was forced to wear weird helmets that were possibly attached to machines as part of the experiments. SCP-040 was seemingly the only child to have developed any abnormality.
Foundation Custody[]
One day around 2008, the SCP Foundation raided the School as part of an Operation to assassinate Green as he had previously collaborated with them before going AWOL. Following this, the Foundation took custody of SCP-040 while administering amnestics to the nurses and the other children. SCP-040 was given her own residential module with no amenity restrictions and allowed access to site library, recreational facilities, cafeteria, and public areas always while supervised. Dr. Abernathy was also assigned to conduct bi-weekly psychological reviews on 040.
Seeing value in her powers the Foundation decided to use her for their own intentions while allowing her to keep three of the creatures she created in order to keep her compliant. However, she soon found herself feeling uncomfortable in taking part in these experiments as it heavily involved manipulating living subjects. Prof. Kain Pathos Crow sought to use 040 for altering individual parts of D-Class personnel in his Olympia Project, but found it difficult to remove her mental block that prevented her from fully using her powers and instead she was assigned to just alter the host body. As part of the Olympia Project Crow began to pass some time with her, even preparing a Christmas party for her involving SCP-2412-J. On Christmas, 040 was gifted a TV which she soon used to watch cartoons like Ruby Gloom.
During Halloween, SCP-239 wanting to celebrate altered reality into a Halloween environment. In this alternate reality SCP-040, named Fiona, was dressed as Frankenstein's monster and was escorted along with SCP-239, Stella, and Cindy by Iris and later by Cade through the town of Daleport. This alternate reality was turned back to normal after Dr. Clef stabbed 239 with SCP-668 when she attempted to become friends with him.
Possible Endings[]
Project Isorropía[]
Following the success of the cross-testing of anomalies at Site-100, SCP-040 was cross-tested with SCP-4259, a dangerous lamia-like creature that caused adults to forget about her while the children proved immune to her. This resulted in 040 transforming SCP-4259 into a friendly creature which although still possessing her antimemetic and infohazardous effects didn't pose a threat anymore.
As SCP-040 aged her powers increased and became increasingly less compliant with the personnel. At the age of sixteen, SCP-8421, a time manipulator by the name of King, broke into her cell and helped her to breach containment and escape. After that he introduced her to his criminal team known as the House of Stars which was comprised at the time of Sheriff, Chef, Tower of Babel, Red Joshua, some other members and his second in command Game Master. She would assist her teammates in various heists to steal valuable anomalies from the Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition and Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd., often using her powers to change Game Master and SCP-8421's appearances to allow them to infiltrate more easily, and always managed to escape. While under Unusual Incidents Unit's custody, SCP-040 and Joshua fell in love and after escaping became an official couple.
In 2013, the House of Stars sabotaged Site-19's system and broke inside the cell of a comatose SCP-239. They got her out of her chamber before exploding it, making it seem 239 died. However, as 239 was still under the constraints of the chemicals injected into her, the House decided to bring her to MC&D associate the demon lord Hr'asm'kal in hopes of removing the constraints. They made a deal in which 239 would work for Hr'asm'kal and MC&D and in return he would restore her full consciousness.
They worked together for eight years until during break-in at Site-19, where SCP-8421 was forced to sacrifice Joshua. 040 and several of their teammates were enraged at King for having Joshua killed, but he was backed up by Game Master and as result the team disbanded. Following the disbandment SCP-040 began travelling abroad and remain out the public eye. She had managed to evade capture for nine years before being recaptured by the Foundation. Thankfully she was broken out by Sheriff who had been sent by Game Master to free her in order to reform the team. She was at first against rejoining the team as she still held a grudge against Game Master but was convinced when Sheriff told her that their leader was deeply sorry for what had happened and he himself had missed SCP-040. As the group reformed they decided to steal the Foundation's SCP-6900, a pine tree that produced edible remedial pine cones and filled those who took care of it with positive feelings.
Knowing that Cpt. Riley Parr of Mobile Task Force Delta-12, also known as "Burn Down the House", who held a personal vendetta against the House had planned to take them all out for good, they orchestrated their own counterplan. SCP-040 switched her appearance with Sheriff's and accompanied Chef in infiltrating Site-19 after the Tower of Babel infiltrated the system. As part of the plan Game Master and Sheriff, under the guise of 040, went to the pocket dimension housing SCP-6900, while the actual 040 transformed two of the Foundation agents they'd killed into resembling Sheriff and Chef just as Babel made themself appear as also dying. Believing that Sheriff, Chef and Babel had been taken care of Parr trapped Game Master and "040" inside the pocket dimension and burned SCP-6900 in order to finish them both. As Parr and her collaborators began celebrating the death of the House of Stars Tower of Babel released a powerful electromagnetic pulse from a Foundation tech wizard that caused all of the site to blackout. 040 and Chef then arrived to the pocket dimension just in time for Game Master and Sheriff to emerge from the ground thanks to Sheriff's telekinesis. Having collected 6900's cones and branches 040 reverted her and Sheriff's appearances to normal before escaping through a gateway.
Eventually, the House planned to break SCP-239's contract with MC&D, and that opportunity arose when Dr. Cimmerian from the future approached them to ask for their assistance in stealing SCP-8888, a non-digital mechanical AI that was capable of predicting the future, in order to complete a time-loop he had trapped himself in. Having bribed Site-15's director Ryoto Hishakaku into compromising SCP-8888's security, the House and Cimmerian managed to break inside the artifact's chamber and successfully steal it. They then proceeded place SCP-8888 inside the Vault of the Wanderer's Library, without letting the Librarians know about it. However, SCP-8888 also wished to be free of the Foundation's containment and formed a plan of its own with the House behind Cimmerian's back.
As part of the plan, the House would infiltrate the Casino Night that would be held by the demons of Undervegas in the Grand Hall of the Library where the would await the arrival of the Foundation PTF Theta-8 which would be comprised of Drs. Daniil Sokolsky, Cimmerian's past self, Hishakaku, Azalea Moncier, Placeholder McDoctorate, William Wettle, James Harkness and SCP-239 going by the title of Agent S. As the PTF arrived to Casino Night and future Cimmerian got hold of SCP-8888 to bring it back to the Foundation, the House watched from afar as Wettle unwillingly used his bad luck to force everyone around him to inexplicably win. SCP-040, disguising herself as a waitress, contributed to the incoming chaos by placing 5,333 chips on a blackjack table as she spilled a drink on Wettle's head after Sheriff and Game Master turned his credit mark into a bomb.
In the ensuing chaos, most of PTF, except for the current Cimmerian who was transported back in time to start the time-loop, attempted to flee from the Library after failing to find SCP-8888, but were prevented when the small bomb Wettle carried exploded, knocking them all to the ground. The House regrouped and confronted the PTF, as SCP-040 helped SCP-239 get back on her feet before embracing each other. 239 then proceeded to freeze the time around them and revealed to the rest of the PTF that this was all part of their plan to break her contract with MC&D, and now that she was free proceeded to manifest some waters infested with alligators and teleported both herself and the entire House away, but not before expressing her hatred for the Foundation.
In the aftermath, the PTF members went back to the Foundation, and the time-traveling Cimmerian successfully brought SCP-8888 back to the Foundation. However, as part of 8888's own plan, the House and SCP-239 worked together to breach the facility containing it, SCP-040 contributing by unleashing an army of mutated chickens. They successfully broke SCP-8888 out, and now free the House brought the artifact to Xiropotamos Beach, Antikythera where 8888 wished to spend its newfound freedom, with the House paying for its vacation.
Following the abolishment of the Veil of Secrecy in 1998, SCP-040 was apparently released from containment and allowed to live a normal life outside. On September 11th of 2001, 040 was in Manhattan when the Chaos Insurgency attacked the World Trading Center, sending all of Manhattan in hell for some days. There, 040 befriended SCP-503 and Koikorozaki Shimbun reporter Takayuki Hirosue, and worked together to escape. Hirosue would record several events transpiring around them for his newspaper to publish, and apparently he and his two companions managed to survive throughout the event until Manhattan returned to back to Earth.
SCP-040 is a young girl approximately 8 years in age and standing 111 cm in height and weighing 20.7 kg. She possesses numerous abnormal physical aspects, such as skin that is sensitive to light and brittle to physical contact, naturally pink hair which can fall out easily, and green-yellow heterochromia (different colored irises in eyes), in which the yellow eye has a black sclera, and is completely blind.
Powers & Abilities[]
SCP-040 possesses Level V Biokinesis, the manipulation of matter of living organisms, which she can use to create new, unique organisms (dubbed SCP-040-1 by the Foundation). However, SCP-040 can't create said organisms with microscopic life and has difficulty with doing this with plant-based life. SCP-040 is incapable of creating instances of SCP-040-1 with dead organisms, and could only do so whilst combining living ones simultaneously. Once modified, SCP-040 can not further modify instances of SCP-040-1. Test revealed that as she grows older her powers would increase, but she lacks total control over her powers as when she begins manipulating matter she would do it subconsciously. This required her to wear hairpieces made of SCP-148 in order to keep her powers in check. During her sessions with Pathos Crow, she began slightly improving but struggled with getting over her anxiety and remain in control as she suffered from psychological repression of her abilities which resulted in undesirable outcomes. This forced the personnel to use hypnosis on her in order to improve her condition but to no avail.
“ | We finally got back Emma's results for her psych test. the results are a little distressing, at least to me. I have to wonder, why someone would take a child as wonderful as her, and hurt her in such a way that the only way to deal with the pain is to try and permanently seal away part of herself? But then again, that sentiment goes the world over, for all abused and mistreated children. | „ |
~ Crow in "13th-23rd December 2008". |
SCP-040 is shown to behave normally for an individual of her age group, showing slightly above-average intelligence. She is cooperative with Foundation personnel and didn't mind her containment as long as the personnel behaved well around her. However, when she was forced to bring to life a deceased human she became distressed due to the reanimated human being stuck in the mindset of a toddler and refused to take part in other experiments. She would become nervous when a group of people were present during the display of her abilities which reflected on the creatures she created as they became horrifying monsters and after they were put down 040 became saddened at their deaths. She was also described as having delusions of grandeur which thankfully stopped during her sessions with Pathos Crow. She suffered from psychological repression of her powers as she would only use her powers when she was required to do so but would later regret doing it. Her mental health further deteriorated in her ensuing sessions as she began feeling loss of self-esteem, loneliness, and more emotional baggage due to the personnel's dissatisfaction with the experimental results which added to the lack of parental figures. Despite her refusal to be treated psychologically the Foundation had managed to increase her self-esteem.
Instances of SCP-040-1 are shown to have behavioral aspects of normal household pets such as dogs and cats, but show loyalty to SCP-040, regardless of the material's original ownership. Appearances vary amongst said organisms, with some retaining pre-modified aspects, but most bear little to no resemblances to their original forms.
Under its standard containment procedures, most instances of SCP-040-1 created by SCP-040 are to be destroyed following creation and/or experimentation. However, under an agreement with the Foundation, SCP-040 is allowed to keep three instances as a form of company (and to an extant, as pets):
- SCP-040-1a: A polymorphic, symbiotic organism capable or changing shape, size, color, and texture. It appears to consist of material from outerwear clothing (likely a jacket or coat) and spends most of its time absorbing nutrients from SCP-040'a body. It was found alongside SCP-040 upon her containment. Its genetics are equivalent to that of a domestic house cat.
- SCP-040-1c: A spherical organism that is capable of flight via bladders filled with helium, similar to balloons. It has 11 tentacle-like appendages and can use its respiratory system to create musical vocalizations.
- SCP-040-1j: A large, four-legged organism made of thick blue and pink fur. It has a large mouth with blunt teeth but no eyes. It is capable of climbing up vertical surfaces (such as walls) and is often used by SCP-040 as a form of transportation.
- SCP-040 war originally created by author Kain Pathos Crow, but due to poor reception it was later rewritten by Djoric.
- SCP-040 hated peas given to her to eat while during her time at the school, and she would give them to a fellow child referred as Five. She also thinks that green beans are better.
- SCP-1490, a boy around 040's age who is capable of manipulating the bodies of humans he touches, is speculated to have some connection to 040.
- One thread discussed using her to depower SCP-239. They concluded that if they did, SCP-040 would realize that the foundation is prepared to do the same to her.
- When cross-testing SCP-040 with SCP-682, it transformed into a clone of her and attacked her.
- On a related note, she used his tissue to make her own Cerberus.
- In the tale "Evolution of Mind", SCP-040 is depicted as a test subject of Prometheus Labs, Inc., having been created from the DNA of Dr. Green. However, this tale was tied to her pre-rewrite version, as the events described do not match with that of the current SCP-040 article.