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“ | 181 is "lucky" — it passively manipulates probability to create unlikely events. Used to be a D-Class until it survived three lethal skips, which caught "our" attention, and after some testing, we made it a skip. | „ |
~ SCP-2134 to Dr. Barley. |
“ | Hey, that’s bullshit. You are a good person, and you couldn’t have stopped what happened. I’m not just saying that to play devil's advocate, I mean it. You are a good person, it’s just that bad things happen to good people. | „ |
~ Randall House comforting SCP-181 in SCP-7821. |
SCP-181, also known as "Lucky", is a character in the SCP Foundation series. He is a Safe-class anomalous human contained by the Foundation. He was originally a D-Class personnel after receiving a life sentence before his anomalous nature of luck was soon discovered by the Foundation and properly contained in a more secured manner.
SCP-181 was an American man named Gregory O’Callaghan born in 1984, to a family of three, a mother, a father and an older sister. However, unbeknownst to him at the time he possessed the power to manipulate the probability to always favor him. When he was around seven years old, 181 lost his entire family in a car accident, with him surviving mostly unscathed, having inadvertently stolen their chances of survival. Realizing he had luck powers, 181 ran away from orphanage and at the age of thirteen went to Atlantic City where he bankrupted a small casino, causing him to be chased out of the city. When he was sixteen years old, he moved to Illinois where he used his powers to pay for a condo. However, a nearby casino owner paid off some police officers to arrest him, but fortunately as one of the cops was about to shoot, he suddenly had an heart attack, allowing 181 to escape.
In the ensuing years, he bounced off state to state until arriving in Nevada where he partook in the Nevada Gaming Commission which unbeknownst to him was secretly run by demons from Hell, and able to always win every game thanks to his anomaly. Unfortunately, this caused him to be framed for fraud by the Commission which hunted him down by plastering his face on every local news channel, giving him the nickname of "Lucky". He was eventually arrested and given a life sentence for his supposed crimes. Presumably following the 18th month of his incarceration he was approached by the SCP Foundation and offered him a chance of freedom if he decided to work for them as a disposable personnel for some months. He seemingly accepted and was moved to Armed Reliquary Containment Area-02 where he was given the designation of D-87465.
In his first test he and fellow D-Class D-65468 were to be exposed to an unknown SCP, but when D-65468 got first exposed he rampaged across the testing area killed every single personnel present except for D-87465 due to an armed response team arriving just in time and putting D-65468 down. Following a week after the incident D-87465 was then tested with SCP-075, a hostile snail-like creature that released a highly corrosive substance, but to everyone's surprise he managed to avoid his encounter with the creature for three times unscathed. Because of this the Foundation began suspecting of some anomaly affecting D-87465 and so he was next tested with SCP-082, an affably ogre-like immortal man who occasionally ate people which also includes his friends. D-87465 yet again survived his encounter with SCP-082 for four weeks which prompted Dr. G███ D██ to properly investigate this case. After the doctor tested D-87465 with various objects such as flipping a coin, rolling a pair of dice, and randomly pulling several cards from a deck of playing cards, he had D-87465 roll another unknown SCP. D-87465 was able to roll 19 green circles and recreate 4 classical masterpieces of varying art forms but as was about to roll the SCP on the red triangle a tremor was caused by SCP-216 which caused the SCP to fall on a green circle again. This confirmed the doctor’s hypothesis that D-87465 had the ability to uncontrollably manipulate the probability around him in his favor and he was redesignated as SCP-181 which allowed him to avoid the monthly termination of D-Class personnel.
During the Foundation's attempt to use SCP-7771 to its advantage as part of Project Loaded Dice, Dr. Ramone García proposed to the O5 Council to use SCP-181 to fund Foundation projects. However, this proposal was denied. Dr. ███████ soon discovered in a recent audit that during the time of SCP-181's confinement the death and injury of Foundation personnel has exponentially increased and because of this it was theorized that SCP-181's anomaly could be a great threat to the world. In light of this SCP-181 was transferred to Site 27-█ and placed in solitary confinement while personnel in the site were prohibited to interact with him and were ordered to take maximum precautions when operating within the site. He was considered to be a member of MTF Alpha-9, but was denied due to safety concerns.
In their attempts at neutralizing SCP-682, it was proposed to use SCP-181 as their next attempt. However, this attempt was denied by the O5 Council due to 181's effects. Having technically been affected by 181 as his luck prevented him from encountering the monster, 682 adapted to the effects, temporarily stealing his luck. This caused the Chaos Insurgency to attack the site containing both of them which led to the majority of the anomalies, including 682, to escape, while 181 began experiencing extreme pain. Thankfully, 682's adaptation wared off and things returned to normal.
As Site-666 was rapidly losing funding due to being affected by SCP-7821, a phenomenon that caused the site director Randall House to instead of winning money in Las Vegas he always lost which led him, and as a result the Foundation, to be in debt, House had his assistant Agent Calendar transfer 181 to their site. She did so by kidnapping him and keeping him in her car's trunk as she drove back to Site-666. Upon arriving, 181 was placed in a interrogation room tied up and was soon met with Dir. House and Calendar. They explained to him the state their site was in and needed his help to fix the problem, offering him to give him more privileges if he were to help them. 181 was at first apprehensive about this, but after learning about Site-666 and how it was crucial in preventing demons from invading Earth he ultimately accepted.
181 was briefed on Operation Card Shark in which he, under the name of Ace King, would gamble in the Las Vegas casinos to gain money for the site, taking House's place, but before they could execute this plan, the group had to take a small amount of money from the demon ₦emonø, the owner of series of casinos, to use as a starting point. On their way to ₦emonø, 181 began befriending his new companions until arriving to their destination, ₦emonø's tavern. Instructing 181 to not say any word, House went to negotiate with ₦emonø, but the demon remained unconvinced. Frustrated, House flipped a coin before catching and slamming it on their table, telling ₦emonø that if he rightly guessed the side of the coin he could claim House's soul but if he lost then he provide them money. ₦emonø accepted but saw that he had guessed wrong, causing him to relent and give House's site some of his money, but warned the director to not fail him.
Equipped with a pair of camera glasses and an earpiece, 181 was dropped off to a casino where he converted the money given to him into chips. Via the earpiece House instructed him to drink and not talk to him to seem less suspicious. Going to a roulette, 181 began betting all of his money on specific squares, getting it right everytime thanks to his luck. He soon grew bold and on House's suggestion 181 bet on difficult squares. The croupier was at first amazed by his luck, but soon grew suspicious of him and set off a silent alarm, notifying the casino's security and boss about a possible cheater. Through the camera glasses, House saw that and told 181 to leave immediately. 181 obliged and took the money he won, which was around $23,000, making a straight line to the exit, but was confronted by three security guards. Luckily, before the guards could get to him they tripped and fell, allowing 181 to escape and get into House's van. As the casino's cameras had malfunctioned 181's face wasn't captured, meaning that he could steal from that casino again after the situation calmed down. With the first part of the operation a success, 181 was sent gambling at more than 31 casinos, providing Site-666 more than $1,002,523.
On their forty-third operation in Lady Luck Casino, this 181 was accompanied by House who thought that he had a chance to win some money by himself again. Not wanting to raise suspicion the two went on their separate ways, with 181 going straight to the bar. There he was met with a woman who introduced herself as Pantelina Tyche and attempted to befriend him. 181 continued to talk to her, unsuspecting of anything, until Calendar told him to leave immediately, attempting to warn him about Tyche but was soon cutoff by his earpiece malfunctioning. Tyche proceeded to drop the façade and revealed to a confused 181 that she knew who he was and she was responsible for SCP-7821, using her luck powers to get back at the Foundation. House soon noticed them and attempted to come to 181's side but was immediately tackled to the ground by the security as he had attempted to cheat. As House was getting kicked out, Tyche continued her conversation with 181, offering to play a game that if he won she would cease draining Site-666 of funds. Knowing this was a trap, 181 instead turned to walk away, but she then provoked by calling him a weak man who stayed with Foundation solely due to being desperate for companionship. Angered by this, 181 accepted her request to play poker, betting all the money he had won. Although they had quite of a prolonged game, Tyche began manipulating him by revealing she had been a member of the Council when he was first contained and was the one responsible for isolating him in order to contain his anomaly. This further angered him, causing him to lose control of his luck and allowing her to take for herself and win the game in that moment.
Having not just lost all of the money but also indebted the site, Tyche revealed her true nature as the goddess of fortune and that she already alerted the Gaming Commission about him. As she left with the money, 181 turned to see two demon security guards making their way towards him. He immediately tried to escape, making a straight line to the exit, knocking over a table full of chips which gathered a small crowd that as a result tripped over the two demons pursuing him. Exiting the casino he hid behind a dumpster where he found an unconscious House all beaten up. He helped the director get back on his feet and made their way to their van which had been attacked. Hoping on and driving away, the two demons caught up to them on their SUV and began shooting them with Tommy gun. Calendar took out her shotgun and handed 181 a smaller firearm to cover her. As they shot at the SUV, one of the demons shot at 181 who immediately dogged it, only for the bullet to hit the driver, Agent Adams. Calendar then proceeded to jump off the van and into the SUV to take the demons down, while the van returned to Site-666.
Upon arriving back to the site where Calendar awaited them, House lashed out at 181 for crippling the site due to falling victim to Tyche's manipulation. He attempted to apologize, but House expressed his disappointment in 181 and planned to transfer him to Site-169 where he could live peacefully. Frustrated and saddened by this turn of events, 181 broke down in his quarters, not wanting to leave the site as he had become accustomed and came to view the staff as his new family. Determined to set things right, he entered into one of the site's terminals to learn more about Tyche. In it he was able to discover SCP-7447, Tyche's ex-boyfriend which she had dumped out of cowardice, and with this in mind he downloaded a playlist of Frank Sinatra songs and a spaghetti recipe to make it appear like a high amount of credit. He then went back to ₦emonø's Tavern, demanding to know where Tyche was in that exact moment. ₦emonø refused and ordered his two bodyguards to kick him out, but using his luck 181 managed to snatch a gun from one of them, knocking one out and seemingly killing the other. He then confronted ₦emonø himself who tried to retaliate, only for 181 to act fast and beat him up. Cornered, ₦emonø revealed that Tyche was currently at the Wynn Hotel which was about to be transported to Undervegas, the hellish version of Vegas.
Arriving to the Wynn Hotel, 181 confronted Tyche, interrupting her game with other demons. He challenged her to another game of poker betting all of the Foundation's remaining funds which he falsely claimed were in his USB, but she refused having become annoyed by his persistence. 181 didn't back down, and instead added his own soul to the bet and called Tyche a coward who feared she might loose this time. Offended by this, Tyche accepted the challenge and the two started playing against each other. Just as the game started, the hotel was transported to Undervegas, transforming the surrounding environment in a hellish state. As the two played, 181 used Tyche's own tactics against her, revealing he knew about her ex-boyfriend and accused her of leaving him due to being unable to maintain a proper relationship with someone. This infuriated Tyche, which gave 181 the opportunity to steal all of her luck and at last win the game, right before the hotel shifted back to normal reality . Having lost, Tyche begrudgingly accepted her defeat and not gave back to the Foundation all of their money back but also had SCP-7821 ceased. However, despite coming out victorious, 181 was soon confronted by one of the game's other participants who demanded to have his money back. 181 wasn't concerned as the next moment, Mobile Task Force Mu-0 broke inside the hotel, taking down the demon and securing 181. He was then taken back to the site by Agent Alice Sterling, where House was awaiting him. House demanded to know what 181 was doing, and the latter explained his plan, having bluffed about taking the Foundation's money and stolen Tyche's luck to win.
With the crippling problem now resolved, all of Site-666 celebrated. During the party, 181 apologized to Adams for having him take the shot that was meant for him, but the latter didn't mind and urged him to party along. Suddenly the party was interrupted by House and Calendar's entrance, with House going to talk to 181. Excepting to be scolded, 181 was surprised to hear House congratulating him on his job, throwing away his transfer letter as 181 had earned his place in Site-666, overwhelming 181. As the party resumed, 181 decided to leave to look at the outside horizon, House following him soon after. Asking him what was on his mind, 181 expressed his guilt in being responsible for his family not surviving and didn't think himself as a good person, but House told him that he was in fact a good person, the problem being that good people would suffer. As they watched the panorama together, House had 181 say his catchphrase "The House always wins."
Possible Endings[]
Project Isorropía[]
Following the success of the cross-testing of anomalies at Site-100, SCP-181 was cross-tested with SCP-2820, a sentient weapon that causes those it perceives as threats to humanity to die through convoluted events. When SCP-2820 was notified of SCP-181's existence it targeted him in order to have him killed. However, this failed thanks to 181's power which only resulted in some injuries. SCP-2820 was determined to kill 181 and continually attacked it, causing 181's power to diminish and allowing the Foundation to reintegrate him into the D-Class population. In another entry, SCP-181 was introduced to Dr. Wettle, resulting in both absorbing the effects of each other. Wettle was finally freed of his bad luck while 181 was left in shock.
SCP-181 appeared as a Caucasian man with dark hair, green eyes and wearing a pair of glasses.
Powers & Abilities[]
SCP-181 is a tychekinetic, a being capable of manipulating the probability around to always benefit; however, he doesn't have control over this power. Thanks to this power every outcome revolving around SCP-181 always results in the most favorable for him. He was able to win every game in the Nevada Gaming Commission, survive his encounters with extremely dangerous entities and objects, nearly flipping 50 heads on a coin, rolling 25 7 scores on a pair of dice, pulling all 13 heart cards out of a playing cards deck, and rolling 20 green circles on an unknown SCP. Apparently this ability only benefits SCP-181 as it began greatly increasing the number of deaths of near Foundation personnel and it was theorized that it could pose a great threat to the entire world. Because of this, SCP-181 was moved in solitary confinement, since efforts to remove as much chance from an event as possible reduced SCP-181's effect on the event. His properties were shown to make him immune to the effects of SCP-7760, cards that cause those who touched them to experience negative life events.
Due to his anomaly, SCP-181 felt isolated from the other people as his luck caused those around him to become unfortunate and as a result would avoid him. Ever since he lost his family, he blamed himself for their deaths as he had unwittingly taken their luck which could've saved them, believing himself to be murderer which weighed greatly on him. Escaping from the orphanage, he lived mostly on his own accord by himself, hoping to state to state where he used his anomalous luck to practically steal money from casinos as a way to sustain himself. He came to enjoy gambling and betting, becoming bold and confident, knowing well he would win and get away with it, but would always be forced to leave when he was about to get caught for cheating. Once he was arrested and later taken by the Foundation, he was shown to be very compliant with personnel and it was stated that he had a good behavior. When his luck manipulation was uncovered, the staff instead of fearing him became intrigued by his property, causing him to finally feel accepted and be seen in a good light. Sadly, after the true extent of his property was attested, the staff became wary of 181 and isolated him from everyone, leaving him depressed. When he was taken to Site-666 to help in neutralizing SCP-7821, 181 bonded with the local staff, coming to see Director House, Agents Calendar and Adams as his family, and gladly helped them while getting nothing in return, only wanting to remain with them. While dueling against Tyche, the latter was able to easily get into his head and get him easily infuriate by provoking him, but the next they confronted each other, 181 was determined to beat and make amend for his mistakes.
- SCP-2134, a former Foundation scientist who gained memetic properties, hypothesized that SCP-181 became a D-Class as a result of his power in order to evade imprisonment. This is supported by the fact that the Foundation doesn’t recruit many American Class-D personnel.
- Apparently SCP-181 is somewhat still unaware of his power since when he was presented with SCP-458 which produced his favorite pizza he was told that it was simply a chance of luck that the pizza happened to be his favorite. This was proven to be false later on.
- SCP-723-D was also a former D Class who became an SCP after his immortality was discovered when Foundation personnel tried to terminate him.
- SCP-181 shares many similarities with SCP-503, a unlucky man who is temporarily lucky, and UIU 1933-001, an anomalous criminal who can manipulate the outcome of situations he is involved to his favor, but is unable to control it.
- SCP-3477-21, one of the many immortal humanoids resembling the 17th Prime Minister of Australia Harold Holt possessed SCP-181's exact power, granting him immortality.
- Back in his old site, the only tv show SCP-181 was allowed to watch was Friends.
- SCP-181's face sketch from SCP-7821 was police sketch of the Connecticut River Valley Killer.
- In the "Aces and Eights" canon, a universe in which the SCP Foundation is set in the Old Wild West, SCP-181 was a criminal known only as Lucky who was hired alongside the ghost thief the Bandit by Marshall, Carter and Dark Detective Agency to steal a valuable item from Doctor Mander-Bassen of Deer College.