This article's content is marked as Mature SCP-187 contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | I hate the monsters here. I hate how the agents make me look at them. I hate when I see people with their arms and legs and heads tore off, and I know the monsters are gonna do it and I can't do nothing about it. I hate when I get so scared I start crying, and I hate when I get so scared I pee myself, and I hate that I can't keep any secrets from this god damn paper cause it's what I'd write if I had the chance but all I can do is trace. | „ |
~ SCP-187 in "Tracing". |
“ | It got worse, after that. I couldn't go outside, or talk to my friends. If someone took me into town, all I could see was the rotting shit in the windows and broken toys in the shops. Not all of it, at first, but then there was so much and it was so… just, everywhere. I couldn't take it. That was the first time I lost my mind. Left it somewhere behind. | „ |
~ SCP-187 to Stanley Gillespie in "Skipping Time". |
SCP-187 also known as Double Vision is a character in the SCP Foundation mythos. She is a young woman with the ability to see into the near future of subject in front of her, which often causes her great distress.
SCP-187 was originally just a normal human girl, having gone to school and living with her loving mother. However, around the age of ten she somehow gained the ability to see the outcome of everything she saw. This caused her great distress, as she saw all creatures as dead and rotting, objects as broken, food as feces and water as urine, resulting in her locking herself inside her home and refusing to eat. She became completely isolated from the outside world, losing most of her friends and slowly going insane. The SCP Foundation learned of her and quickly contained her at one of their sites.
Foundation custody[]
The Foundation struggled with stabilizing her, and were forced to restrain her to prevent self-harm, along with sedating her. SCP-187 was forced to wear mittens all the time to keep her from damaging her eyes, and was fed intravenously due to her refusal eat normally. Eventually, it was decided to blindfold her when she ate and drank, though she would have only 15 minutes to eat at a place that nothing would happen. Interested in her ability, the Foundation began putting her in various tests to see how it worked. 187 refused to comply and kept her eyes shut, leaving staff to use eyelid speculums to force her eyes open.
At first, she was set to observe Class-D personnel, seeing what would happen one of them. Coming across a female doctor, 187 asked her about her wedding ring, telling her that she didn't have it in the future. The doctor's husband later filed for divorce, leading to the doctor removing the ring. During testing with D-Class, 187 saw D-16124 as a swollen corpse which was later revealed to be because he ended up in space through SCP-120. Commenting that another D-Class, D-16198, was attractive, she wished to get to know him better, only to be horrified as she saw a large bullet hole in his face. Learning of his fate, D-16198 attempted to escape, leading to him getting shot, meaning that 187 had inadvertently caused her own prophecy. Seeing D-16206, she saw that his legs were gone which was because of an anomaly later escaping and bitting him.
Passing by the cell of another monstrous anomaly, 187 saw that the creature would manage to break through its reinforced doors, which left her accompanying doctor Klein concerned. He had an armed response team be ready for the containments breach, and once the anomaly did break through the staff was able to quickly recontain with minimal damage. Realizing 187's usefulness, Foundation staff decided to have her see the various other anomalies they had contained and determine what would happen with them in the near future. More specifically, staff wished to test her with seemingly-indestructible SCPs to see if they would be destroyed and in the process learn of the method of destruction that would lead to that outcome.
This was approved, with Dr. Gears supervising each experiment. In the first experiment, SCP-187 saw SCP-173, and upon immediately laying her eyes on the statue she screamed for one minute and thirty-eight seconds before she collapsed. She remained in a catatonic state for two days, until regaining her senses, but had completely forgotten what she had witnessed and remained in shock for some days.
In the second experiment, 187 was presented with SCP-139-ARC and she saw that it would be shattered, only for the entity inside of it to be unleashed. To make matters worse, the entity could perceive her from the future, frightening her which forced staff to restrain her before taking her away. In the third experiment, 187 was presented with SCP-162, but felt no pull from it and saw it would be melted in the future.
In the fourth experiment, 187 was presented with SCP-529 which she was at first anxious about. She eventually softened up to the cat as she began petting her, seeing Josie as a normal cat with no abnormality, meaning that in the near future she would regain her bottom half. In the fifth experiment, 187 was presented with SCP-003, which she saw as woman. The two conversed for a bit, with 187 finding the woman to be nice and smart, leaving the staff concerned about the object's future transformation.
In the sixth experiment, 187 was presented to SCP-882 and at first she was mesmerized by it, despite the carnage it would be causing. She fixated on it for some time, completely unresponsive to staff who was forced to physically remove her from SCP-882's chamber. Questioned about what she saw, 187 responded that she just saw a complex sickening machine filled with blood and bones, but with an enormous pretty clock. However, as she was about to be returned to her containment chamber, she was struck with a deafening machine crashing that wouldn't stop, causing her to breakdown in pain. Eventually, the sound faded away, and 187 appeared to recover. In the seventh experiment, 187 was presented with a unknown anomaly, and it's completely unknown what transpired.
In the eighth experiment, 187, accompanied by MTF Zeta-9, was inserted into a chamber infested with SCP-015. She only saw a few little changes in the structure, but after opening a door that led to just open air she saw that in the near future SCP-015 would go through the door and form an endless hallway with numerous branching corridors. In the ninth experiment, 187 was introduced to SCP-415, a man with regeneration who insides were continually harvested by extradimensional aliens, and upon seeing him she saw that he would finally die after being emptied out one last time, the sight making her feel sick.
In the tenth experiment, 187 was set to observe SCP-455 from a distance. She became disturbed at the sight and tried to look away, but the staff present forced her to keep watching. She witnessed an artificial monster made completely out of metal emerging from the ship and taking the appearance of a floating landmass. This prompted the Foundation to prepare an exploratory team to determine the ship's true nature. In the eleventh experiment, 187 was presented with SCP-343 and the two conversed for a bit. However, 187 saw him as a little girl, possibly SCP-239, meaning that 343 may be a construct made by her after being introduced to the concept of God.
In the twelfth experiment, 187 was introduced to SCP-646, a grey gelatinous creature that infinitely birthed babies of all species except for anomalous ones. Soon she saw a swarm of tentacled giant maggots with human faces, with a larger one mating at the center, which made 187 extremely sick. In the thirteenth experiment, 187 was planned to be presented with SCP-106, but the latter managed to break free. Noticing her property, 106 avoided harming her, opting to instead butcher every individual she was observing, wanting her to see his massacre as he loved the spotlight.
Whenever 187 was in Butler County, Kansas she saw the entire area ravaged with holes filled with carcasses of squirrels, making her feel extremely uneasy. This prediction was used by the Foundation as evidence for the existence of SCP-3761, a future event in which all squirrels from all over the world would travel to Butler County where a war would ensue between them.
During Halloween, SCP-239 wanting to celebrate altered reality into a Halloween environment. In this alternate reality SCP-187 was turned into a teen named Katie plagued with insecurity and eating disorder. Wearing a fortune teller costume, she alongside some of her friends went to DJ Scravecrow's performance inside a barn to have fun. After Finn showed her his lackluster Lagume Monster costume, Katie went inside the party to drink, but the beer overwhelmed her which led her to puke near a tree outside. Having dirtied herself, Katie contemplated whether to go back to the party or return home as both outcomes would make her look bad in front of everyone, so she decided to just cry alone against the tree. Sadly, SCP-106, who was left unaffected by the reality change, came from behind her swiftly killed her. He brought her to his pocket dimension where her eyelids and hands were removed and restrained to a chair where she was forced to watch a horrible movie. This alternate reality was turned back to normal after Dr. Clef stabbed 239 with SCP-668 when she attempted to become friends with him, leaving 187 along with everyone else to dismiss the entire experience as nothing more than a dream.
Possible Endings[]
As part of Project 001-Future Sight, SCP-187 was presented the terminal of a Foundation site, seeing a message from the near future. She relayed the information to staff which turned out to have been sent by the Gate Guardian as a warning to all Groups of Interest for the incoming Rapture.
Skipping Time[]
In time, SCP-187 grew old, becoming an old lady that looked older than she actually was due to her malnutrition. One day SCP-187 was visited by Foundation employee Stanley J. Gillespie who wanted to interview her. SCP-187 explained to him her origin and how difficult it had been, but eventually she asked him to leave. He insisted to keep talking as he wished to learn more about her, only to relent if she saw him once. 187 removed her blindfold, seeing that Gillespie would receive a haircut and a black eye, leaving Gillespie to understandably depart.
SCP-187 resembled a Caucasian female who at the time was around to her early to mid 20s. She stood 180 cm tall, and weighed 40 kg (approx 88 lb). Possessed blue eyes that looked younger than the rest of her body, dirty blond hair mixed other dyed colors. Because of her anomaly, she suffered from severe malnutrition, resulting in her extremely skinny and thin body, almost skeletal in appearance.
SCP-187 was a normal girl who just wished to live an average life. However, upon acquiring her ability to see the outcome of anything she saw, she began suffering from severe PTSD, due to seeing the deaths of others. This especially worsened when she was made to see certain experiments with her fellow SCPs, witnessing horrors that left her traumatized. This got so bad, that she went as far as to attempt to blind herself to be rid of her ability as it was making her life unlivable. SCP-187 felt like she had no control of her life and her surroundings, seeing how things would definitely happen with no way of preventing them. Soon she came to deeply resent the SCP Foundation staff and the beings they contained, deeming them as uncaring individuals who were only interested in her ability rather than her as a person, dehumanizing her by taking away her real name, feigning their care for her, and forcing her to witness various disturbing anomalies.
Abilities and Powers[]
SCP-187 possessed the ability to see both the current and the future state of anyone or anything she looked at, be it a scientist or a fellow SCP. She could only see notable changes, most notably the fate of the subjects she as her ability didn't acknowledge minor changes like what clothes people would be wearing. She can use this power to get the answers to written test regardless of language, but it doesn't work on computerized test. She can't turn this power off, for example, she sees food after it is digested, which led to her being malnourished. Even when writing her diary, she actually traces the words her future self wrote. Her IQ level was 97, which was slightly below average.
Other Media[]
SCP Sedition[]
SCP : Sedition - SCP - 343 [Tape 01][]
She is mentioned by Watch during his interview with 343. Watch notes that she saw him as a little girl and 343 admits this might mean he takes that form in the future, given the nature of her powers.
- SCP-187 was largely inspired by Cassandra from Greek mythology.
- SCP-187 was compared to Shiki Tohno from Tsukihime, Min from A Wheel of Time, and Jean Poldonski from Jacques Spitz's novel L'Œil du Purgatoire.
- When Dr. Shirley Gillespie was confronted by SCP-1848, an entity which shapeshifts into a subject that correlated to the observer's past, it transformed into her late husband Stanley, but it confused Gillespie for 187.
- When the Foundation used SCP-978 to take a photo of 187, the picture showed her happily eating normally without a blindfold, restrains or assistance, meaning she wished to not possess her power anymore.