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I believe the results will justify both the risks and the means. We are closer than ever to understanding the mechanism by which human brains interact with extranormal phenomena. The emotional and eventual neurological damage to SCP-2241 is… unfortunate but it is also necessary for the advancement of our understanding. In addition, due to the new modification of the monitoring hardware, 2241 can be neutralised quickly should it become a threat at any time after the surgery.
~ Researcher Valdez

SCP-2241, also known as Cameron The Crusader, is a character in the SCP Foundation series. He is a young boy who is capable of using multiple abilities (reality-bending, telekinesis, matter transmutation, self-duplication, teleportation) and is confirmed to develop out more abilities in the future. He is determined to use his powers for good but after falling under the custody of the Foundation he has been thus far manipulated and experimented upon for their own gain.


Not much is known about SCP-2241's appearance, but it's known that he is a seven-year-old, brown-haired male human.

Powers and Abilities[]

SCP-2241 has a minor telekinetic ability and showed signs of a latent reality bending ability. More specifically, SCP-2241 had shown the ability to manipulate objects he can see and which are within approximately six metres of him. In addition to this, manipulated objects may teleport or be changed slightly, implying a more general reality bending ability.

SCP-2241 was considered a good candidate for long-term/intensive research into telekinesis and reality bending specifically, and anomalous humanoids generally. A theory made by the researchers is that the anomalous humanoids of this type develop stronger or additional anomalous abilities as they age, with the possibility of developing into full scale reality benders increased by emotional stress. As such, it is considered essential to long-term containment and research that SCP-2241 believes he is working with the Foundation. SCP-2241 has demonstrated to have an apparent superhuman strength, which it was stated that with one missile launch from his hand was already powerful enough to break the barrier of sounds. He also seems to have the ability to disable the senses of both organic and inorganic life-forms, which was proven when he corrupted the motion senses of the Foundation personnel.

Cameron's main weakness is that his powers and abilities have yet to reach their full potential, as he is currently still a young boy. His powers were noted to be tied to his condition, strength, and age.


Cameron is a boy who is considered to be kind-hearted and always attempts to do the right thing. The boy is one of the types that act before thinking. Cameron would never sit around upon seeing someone in a pinch and will go to great lengths to protect or help the person. This was demonstrated as he helped a lady getting back her purse.

However, Cameron was somewhat of a spoiled brat. When Cameron doesn't get anything he wants, he would display an extremely childish, and short-temper manner. Although, it is also implied that Cameron suffers from mental breakdown when he realizes that an innocent life is about to die, as it is possibly because of still being a kid he cannot handle seeing things that are gory.

This is shown as he became angry from seeing that the researcher who finds what they are looking for is transmuted by him into a timebomb and almost killed the both of them, he almost lost it when he thought the researcher is going to die. Although, with all these troubles going through it also allows Cameron to develop and learn the newfound powers he discovers to neutralize the threat he is being recognized with.

However, his lack of understanding about the world causes him to be one of the few SCPs that can easily be manipulated by others. Despite being able to know what action is terrible and what action is good, Cameron is still a kid, and he isn't educated really well, which causes him to not know how to judge a person to see whether if their good or not before cooperating with them, thanks to this, the SCP Foundation can easily use him for a lot of purposes. This was demonstrated in the SCP-5000 entry. The Foundation ordered Cameron to cause a whole campsite to convict murder to one another, and he just so happens to do so with no hesitations, at which point the Foundation later on abandoned him.



Cameron was a young reality-bending boy who developed his powers of telekinesis and transmutation due to the stress he endured from his early childhood. He lived in an unhappy and abusive household as his parents would become angry and yell at each other but mostly at him over his incompetence and mess. Being a big fan of various superheroes, Cameron kept his own powers to himself and secretly practiced in the woods.

Foundation custody[]

Cameron was first discovered by the SCP Foundation when the young boy was in the middle of saving a woman from being robbed, which he stated is what superheroes like him should do. He was shortly after contained and designated SCP-2241, and seeing potential in using him for the organization's own benefit they decided to manipulate him by telling him that they were a heroic group that fought villains. SCP-2241, ignorant of the organization's true nature, decided to work for the Foundation under the impression that they are like the Avengers. The Foundation began testing SCP-2241 in order to unlock more abilities by staging hostage situations using D-Class personnel.

However, these tests, overseen by Researcher Valdez, began more extreme as SCP-2241 was forced to use his powers for violent purposes to which he was strongly against. The Foundation pressed him further and forced him to act after having a man killed. This made him mentally unstable, but became determined to continue practicing so he could prevent further deaths. The tests continued and MTF Theta-17 was prepared to intervene if things went awry.

In the ensuing tests, SCP-2241 was able to unlock further abilities such as teleportation and self-duplication, but the Ethics Committee was strongly against further testing as they were distressing and somewhat cruel which was damaging his mental health. O5-3 of the O5 Council overruled the Committee's request and allowed the testing to continue, and after seeing that parts of SCP-2241's brain were responsible for his powers Valdez decided to have Cameron undergo invasive neurological surgery. O5-4 and O5-7 attempted to intervene as SCP-2241 was just a child, but the rest of the Council sided with O5-3 and Valdez, and proceeded to experiment on the poor boy.

Possible Endings[]


After all of the adults around the world completely disappeared without a trace, leaving all children, including SCP-2241, all alone, SCP-2241 not knowing what to do proceeded to transform Site-34 into a mansion resembling Westchester Mansion. Assuming that the Foundation personnel had vanished into SCP-3001, he began practicing his powers inside the mansion, causing the environment to undergo a pataphysical distortion which made it seem like a comic book story. Eventually SCP-2241 was approached by the new Administrator Cole Thereven and Rich House who sought to find a way to return the adults. The duo attempted to convince him to help them but SCP-2241 remembered the painful procedures done to him by the Foundation and became reluctant in working with them. Thankfully, later on he agreed to work alongside them and help the Foundation to protect the children that were left around the world and find a way to return the adults.





  • In MLZ-1730 in which the contained anomalies and Foundation personnel switched places, with the anomalies taking the role of Foundation personnel known as the "Man Zoo League" and containing normal people in their "Man Zoo", SCP-2241 and SCP-076-2 became the MZL Assistant Directors of Task Forces under the title Cameron the Conquer.
  • In the entry of SCP-5000, SCP-2241, unlike other human or human-sympathetic SCPs, was spared and manipulated by the Foundation to convict murder upon several survivor campsites by harassing and blaming teenagers so that they could murder each other. He was last seen assisting the Foundation in taking down the GOC and humanity's last stronghold Ganzir. It unknown what happened to him after Ganzir was successfully destroyed.

External Links[]


           SCPFoundation SCP Heroes SCPFoundation

Major Organizations
Church of the Second Hytoth | Dr. Wondertainment | Gamers Against Weed | Global Occult Coalition | Horizon Initiative | Manna Charitable Foundation | Nobody | Prometheus Labs, Inc. | SCP Foundation (O5 Council) | Serpent's Hand | Three Moons Initiative | Unusual Incidents Unit

Minor/Recurring Organizations
Stuff Industry

Safe SCPs
SCP-011 | SCP-085 | SCP-105 | SCP-131 | SCP-163 | SCP-181 | SCP-187 | SCP-208 | SCP-343 | SCP-387 | SCP-492 | SCP-507 | SCP-516 | SCP-590 | SCP-999 | SCP-1230-1 | SCP-1281 | SCP-2053-1 | SCP-2295 | SCP-2412 | SCP-2622 | SCP-2800 | SCP-2816-2 | SCP-2980-1 | SCP-3161-1 | SCP-3355 | SCP-3973 | SCP-5094 | SCP-5443 | SCP-7952 | SCP-8000

Euclid SCPs
SCP-049 | SCP-073 | SCP-326 | SCP-336 | SCP-451 | SCP-666-1 | SCP-706 | SCP-781 | SCP-789 | SCP-1252 | SCP-1338 | SCP-1342-3 | SCP-1530-3 | SCP-1609 | SCP-1690 | SCP-1810 | SCP-1959 | SCP-1985 | SCP-2040 | SCP-2045 | SCP-2101-1 | SCP-2241 | SCP-2273 | SCP-2331 | SCP-2370 | SCP-2639-A | SCP-2726-A | SCP-2785 | SCP-2792 | SCP-2999-B | SCP-3082-2 | SCP-3090 | SCP-4128 | SCP-4158 | SCP-4197 | SCP-4231-B | SCP-4793 | SCP-5239 | SCP-5935 | SCP-7000

Keter SCPs
SCP-734 | SCP-990 | SCP-1233 | SCP-1440 | SCP-2006 | SCP-2662 | SCP-3740 | SCP-4051 | SCP-4239-1 | SCP-4343 | SCP-4455 | SCP-4640 | SCP-4999 | SCP-5031 | SCP-5151 | SCP-5726 | SCP-6113-1

Neutralized SCPs
SCP-1508 | SCP-1762-2 | SCP-2420 | SCP-3507 | SCP-4017 | SCP-4026-1

Thaumiel SCPs
SCP-179 | SCP-2137 | SCP-3894-Alpha | SCP-4606 | SCP-6101 | SCP-6666-A

Archon SCPs

Esoteric SCPs
SCP-040 | SCP-1867 | SCP-2085 | SCP-3700-1 | SCP-4755 | SCP-5699 | SCP-7373

Joke SCPs

International SCPs
French Branch

Spanish Branch

Japanese Branch

SCP-001 Proposals
SCP-001 (The Gate Guardian) | SCP-001 (Dr. Wondertainment) | SCP-001 (The Broken God) | SCP-001 (The Foundation) | SCP-001 (The Council) | SCP-001 (The Serpent)

Ashur | Bes | Deimos | DJ Chaac | Gate Guardian | Jalakåra | Mekhane | Nahash | Pangloss | Rakmou-leusan | SCP-2662 | Yehom

SCP Foundation Personnel
Alto Clef | Calixto Narváez | Dr. Iceberg | Katherine Sinclair | Michael Edison | Simon Kells | Stuart Hayward | William Wettle

James Talloran | Thomas Yaltz

Agent Kramer | Agent J████ | Daniel Johnson | Dmitri Strelnikov | Max Lombardi | Sarah Crowely | Troy Lament

Task Forces
Auxiliary Task Force Alpha-1 | Mobile Task Force Theta-90 | Mobile Task Force Tau-5 | Mobile Task Force Omega-9

D-14134 | D-87465

Glacon | Screamy

O5 Council/Administration
Calvin Lucien | O5-█ | The Archeologist

Alexander Sukarno | Alex Thorley | Marion Wheeler | Olympia | Pietro Wilson

Andrew Llewellyn | Derdekeas | Eric | Fruit Cake | Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V | Jenna | Joey Fucknuts | Kit | Kind Man | Lewitt-Zairi Family | Mirage | Nobody | Reality-Bender | Tobin Hollis | William

From Other Media
Connor Cornwall | D-9341 | SCP-105-C | Big Charlie

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from scp-wiki.net and its authors.
