This article's content is marked as Mature SCP-2800 contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | Almost every time that I went out to fight crime, I got beat up by the thugs that I was trying to stop. Sure, I got a few good hits in and left some spines in them, and maybe bruises here or there, but there wasn't much else. They had knives and stuff too. I didn't have any of that stuff. What kind of a hero uses a knife? Gotta show a good message to the kids, right? Superheroes have to be good models for the kids. | „ |
~ SCP-2800. |
“ | You know, though lots of different types of cacti can make flowers, though. You'd be surprised, I'm sure, but some of them can be really beautiful. I think if I really set my mind to it, I might be able to make some. People would like that, I'm sure. | „ |
~ SCP-2800 to Factotum September in "Penal Reform". |
SCP-2800, real name Daniel MacIntyre, and currently known under the alias "Cactusman, the Spiked Menace", is a character in the SCP Foundation mythos. He is a human who was mysteriously transformed into a human-cactus hybrid. Determined to use his powers for good, he became an urban superhero, before being contained by the SCP Foundation, who designated him as a Safe class anomaly.
He plays a minor role in the "Devil's Advocate" series.
SCP-2800 is a male human of Scottish descent, he has brown hair and green eyes and stands 187 centimeters (approx. 6 feet, 1 and 1/2 inches) and weighing 76 kilograms (approx. 167.5 pounds). His DNA is infused with a genome from the saguaro cactus and possesses many physical properties across his body relevant to the plant as a result.
Powers & Abilities[]
SCP-2800 possesses numerous properties, including the following:
- Able to grow Cacti spines, measuring 2-3 centimeters (approx. 3/4 to just over 1 inch) that can fall off naturally or be manually removed by SCP-2800 himself.
- Able to preform photosynthesis as a means to obtain nutrients and avoid growing hungry.
- Strong efficiency with water, as he is able to retain hydration as low as 1/3 that of a normal human.
- Able to adapt well to arid (dry) climates and above-average temperatures.
- Plant Communication, mainly with those of the Cactaceae (Cacti) family, including several Cacti-related SCPs such as SCP-3388, SCP-2497, and presumably SCP-1277, SCP-1478 and SCP-822. He could do this thanks to speaking the language of Cactese, which sounded like a series of roars and grunts, though it actually consisted of specific grunts and had 73.5 words to describe a small amount of water.
In addition to the aforementioned properties, SCP-2800 has been diagnosed with dysthymia (chronic depression) and "hero syndrome" (the unrelenting urge to assist others no matter the risks).
As mentioned above, SCP-2800 suffers from dysthymia and "hero syndrome". Both disorders are believed to be connected in some way, as the latter acts as a means to prevent the former, and as a result, SCP-2800 frequency goes through numerous mood swings and has been placed under suicide watch by the Foundation.
To counter the depression, the Foundation have placed various potted cacti within SCP-2800's cell and allow him to assist Foundation personnel whenever granted the chance as a means to boost his morale.
Daniel Maclntyre, by his own account, he just awoke with his powers one day. After gaining his powers, he decided to become a super hero and fight criminals, but got beat up constantly. However, he persevered despite his struggles, and eventually began to find some success in using his powers to fight crime.
According to an old surveillance tape from a subway that Daniel was known to have lurked around prior to its containment. The tape showed Daniel successfully fighting off a criminal who was threatening to rob a mother and her child who then thanked Daniel for saving their lives before he disappeared.
Foundation Custody[]
Sometime after the tape, SCP-2800 was encountered and contained by the SCP Foundation. Unlike most SCPs, SCP-2800 was captured by the Foundation by accident, who were at the time, tracking down a completely different SCP, which SCP-2800 attempted to assist in capturing. He was convinced by the Foundation to willingly surrender himself to their custody and was designated SCP-2800. In order to help him with his mental illness, the Foundation had him take therapy sessions along with organizing staged acts that made him believe that he was helping the Foundation which proved to greatly improve his mental health.
Being confined to Site-17, 2800 kept wandering the halls to see if anyone needed his help. One day he came across a disoriented SCP-6703, a revived cyborg corpse of Eileen Sinclair, he offered to help direct her to the common area. However, he himself was unsure where the area was and not wanting to look incompetent tried to sneakily find a map of the facility. They wandered throughout the site without any sense of direction and while conversing with each other, they were approached by SCP-4051. He informed them that they were in the medical wing and offered to bring them to the common area, but 2800 became jealous over 4051. This jealousy increased as 4051 revealed his capabilities to him, until they noticed that they had lost SCP-6703. They found her going down the staircase that led to the area, having gone pass it by accident, but due to her weak physique she slipped. Both 2800 and 4051 hurried over to the staircase, seeing that 6703 was saved by SCP-1985. After she scolded them for mishandling 6703, both 2800 and 4051 apologized to each other for being carried away before finally going to the common area.
Suddenly, the Chaos Insurgency attacked Site-17, forcing the on-site personnel and contained anomalies to scatter and defend themselves. In the chaos, MTF Alpha-9's Agent Aleksander Foxx gathered SCP-2800, infovore and ex-Insurgent Anne Byrne and the Blood Striga Marya to help him elevate the situation, bringing 2800 along for the sole purpose of having him cover them by taking the bullets first. Seeing that the Insurgents were attempting to take over the maintenance terminal, the group decided to go there to stop them. Faced with a blocked metal door which led to the terminal, 2800, Marya and Foxx hid behind a nearby dark corner while Anne attempted convince the Insurgents behind to open the door under the pretext she was still with them. She managed to have the attackers to open the door wide enough for Foxx to dash in and kill all of the Insurgents. However, this alerted the nearby Insurgents who quickly rushed to the now locked door, walking pass 2800 and Marya who were still hiding in the dark corner. Not knowing what to do, Marya suddenly asked 2800 to use his spines to attack one of the Insurgents enough to draw some blood, but he was terrified at this suggestion, accidentally alerting one of them of their presence. As the Insurgent got closer to them, Marya told him she needed Cactusmam to save the day, feeling him with enough determination and courage to punch the enemy. Launched into the Insurgent by Marya 2800 fell on top of the enemy and began mindlessly punching him in the head, only to realize he forgot to grow his spines on his hands. Despite this, he managed to split the Insurgent's lip, drawing some which was enough for Marya to unleash herself and transform into a beast. She easily slaughtered and devoured every single Insurgent present, until Anne calmed her down by exposing her to Foxx's chlorophyll blood. With the terminal cleared, the site was purged of the Insurgents and things returned to normal.
Possible Endings[]
Cactus Insurgent[]
One day, during an attack by the Insurgency on the site SCP-2800 was located, they decided to kidnap SCP-2800 from the site since he could help them deal with a problem they had. After being brought to an Insurgency base SCP-2800 was approached by two Insurgents who also possessed anomalous capabilities, named Alexandra Radcliffe and Zacharie Langley. They explained to him the nature of the Chaos Insurgency and its "noble" actions and told that he was here in order to deal with a problem with a cactus monster that the Insurgency had encountered. Despite the two Insurgents trying their best to make themselves appear as the good guys and wanting to befriend him, SCP-2800 constantly felt uneasy and wasn't really convinced. Despite this, he begrudgingly agreed to help the Insurgency for the time being as long as he could help people.
A Collection of Anomalous Television Programs From Beyond the Masquerade[]
After a Broken Masquerade occurred following the disappearance of North Korea, SCP-2800 was apparently released and allowed to live freely. He participated in a McDonalds Commercial in which he was seen eating a Big Mac.
In Other Media[]
In the Confinement YouTube series SCP-2800 briefly appears in the fifth episode as one of Connor's roommates which also includes SCP-007.
- In the previous deleted version of SCP-4089 by author Zzuxon, SCP-073 and SCP-105 were getting annoyed by SCP-2020, until SCP-2800 interrupted 2020 and got it away from 073 and 105. If this version of SCP-4089 would have stayed on the site it would create some discrepancy as SCP-073 would have involuntarily killed SCP-2800, due to 2800 possessing plant DNA.
- When the Foundation's Department of Multiverse Analysis began pulling webpages from alternate universes, they came across a Wikipedia article about a musical called "Containment Breach The Musical". This musical features multiple SCPs and Foundation researchers played by actors, including SCP-2800 who is played by an actor named Chaz D. Kevereaux.
- When the Foundation used SCP-978 to take a photo of SCP-2800, the picture showed him leading a superhero team comprised of fellow cacti-based heroes on a comic cover.
- In "The Alpha-9 Holiday Special", SCP-2800 received for Christmas a saguaro cactus taller than him which he immediately hugged.