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“ | I can't just sit on the sidelines while people die. I-I have to do something. Anything. Or everything I stand for is a lie. | „ |
~ SCP-4197. |
SCP-4197, real name Dr. Sara Veers, is a character in the SCP Foundation series. She is a surgeon and practitioner of Sarkicism, using her powers over flesh to cure her patients.
She plays a minor role in "In Memoria, Adytum" canon.
Sara was born into the normal and rich Veers family in America, but for unknown anomalous reasons she was born with four fleshy tendrils occupying her mostly hollow torso. As she grew up in the Veers Estate, a friend of her mother and Karcist, Lizzy Virgo, saw potential in the young girl and secretly taught her the ways of the Nälkä. Sara from a young age learned to manipulate flesh matter, and seeing how she could use her new capabilities to heal others, she eagerly studied under Virgo. However, they were forced to meet in secret as Sara's father became cautious of Virgo, fearing she would take his child away to replace her own daughter who had left her. Sara came to highly admire her teacher, expressing her desire to become just like her, but Virgo told her that she shouldn't be like her and instead be someone better than her as she had done bad things in the past which had driven her daughter away from her. Sara grew to become a successful expert surgeon and wishing to cure people all around the world she began traveling abroad.
Sara spent four years of traveling to impoverished countries where she used her powers to operate on poor sick people who couldn't afford quality surgery. She performed numerous miraculous surgeries from which her patients made full recoveries. During her stay in Botswana, Sara removed several brain tumors from a twelve year old boy who fully recovered within two days, but while dispensing mosquito netting and anti-malarial drugs outside of Gaborone she was apprehended by the SCP Foundation after it found out about her activities. She made no resistance and allowed the Foundation operatives to capture her and contain her at Site-12, where she was given the designation of SCP-4197.
Foundation staff would test SCP-4197's capabilities by having her treat various ill subjects like D-24729 who had severe tendon and ligament damage. Suddenly, Dr. Richard Blanc experienced kidney failure and acute blood poisoning, forcing staff to have 4197 cure him which she was able to accomplish. From this surgery, the Foundation discovered her connection to Sarkicism and sent Dr. Marcus Turner to interview her and learn more about her background. During the interview, 4197 tried to argue about the benefits of fleshcraft, but was rebutted by Turner explaining to her that her practices went against the Foundation's Veil protocol. After Cpt. Tobias Bell received massive fractures in his legs and spine due a car accident, 4197 used her powers to manually reassemble the bones. Bell was able to regain his mobility and returned to work after two weeks, but this operation proved to be too much for 4197 as she was rendered comatose for five days.
Because she was prevented from using her skills to help the poor, 4197 became depressed and refused to eat, drink or sleep. Turner confronted 4197 about this, telling her she needed to take care of herself but she refused as helping people was her entire life's purpose. Turner knew that and offered her help the Foundation in curing the injuried staff as everyone she had treated were completely cured of their disabling afflictions and could properly serve the Foundation, but 4197 was unsure to whether accept the offer or not. However, all of a sudden, a group of unknown assailants broke inside Site-12 to steal some valuable objects, wounding and killing a large number of personnel. During the attack, the lock of 4197's cell broke, allowing her to exit her cell. Upon exiting, she saw four security guards laying wounded on the ground, and at the sight of this she immediately took out her surgical kit and thaumaturgy pouch to save their lives. She managed to patch up the guards' wounds, but upon finishing two of the assailants came back. Shooting one of the unconscious guards in the head the assailants planned to take 4197 with them, only for a panicked Sara to grab both of them with her tendrils and throw them to her cell before twisting the lock of the door to trap them.
During the remainder of the containment breach, 4197 saved the lives of around twenty-six staff members, including Turner. Following the incident, 4197 was interviewed by Dr. Alexandra Virgil, who had a difficult past with the Sarkic cults, to talk about the possibility of Sara working for the Foundation. Virgil explained to 4197 that Turner had somewhat glorified the offering, and revealed that if she were to work for them Sara would be forced to experience more situations similar to the containment breach. Although 4197 was left disturbed by the attack and wished to avoid any involvement in future conflicts, she accepted, wanting to do her best to protect innocent lives. From then on, she began working in treating staff members who weren't expected to survive, curing them and exponentially dropping the mortality rate of Site-12.
SCP-4197 was as a thirty-two-year-old adult human female, and had four long flesh tendrils emerging from her hollow abdomen through four large holes evenly located at the sides.
Powers and Abilities[]
From birth SCP-4197 had four prehensile appendages that occupied her hollow torso which only contained a heart and a pair of misshapen lungs while completely lacking a digestive system, indicating that she might be capable of self-sustenance. Under the tutorage of Karcist Lizzy Virgo, SCP-4197 learned the power of fleshcraft, specifically cytomancy which allowed her to manipulate the cells of not only humans but all animals as well. She managed to successfully remove severe tumors, and repair organs like muscles, kidneys and bones, some of which she was able to accomplish with her bare hands and drawing sigils on her patients and herself. She could even utilize her vacant abdomen to store her instruments, like a surgical kit.
SCP-4197 was a kindhearted and selfless individual. All she wished to do was to cure the sick all around the world that were either too poor to afford proper cure and surgery, or were affected by deadly near-incurable afflictions. She wished to do anything she could to help people, and because of this she embraced the powers granted by Sarkicism as she saw the religion as misunderstood and prejudiced as despite the disgusting and dangerous nature of the adherents she believed that if used right could do great good to the world. Once she was contained by the Foundation and was deprived of helping the ill, 4197 became depressed as she had no other reason to live except for healing the others. SCP-4197 was completely against violence, not fighting back against her containment despite disliking it, and was utterly terrified of the assailants and firearms. Eventually, she came to work for the Foundation, still desiring to help people, and used her abilities to assist wounded Foundation personnel, seeing them as a good organization that, despite imprisoning her, at its core sought to do good in the world.
- SCP-4197 is one of few outright benevolent Sarkites which included SCP-5707 and Agent Lucretia Popescu.
- If she were to pursue Sarkicism seriously she would have qualified as a Orin or a Zend.