This article's content is marked as Mature SCP-4239-1 contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | I have two very important things to give you, Silvanus Ayers. Both answers. First; I do not do a trick with a computer. I am the thing that lives in your heart that pushes you forward when you have to do something you don't know how to do. | „ |
~ SCP-4239-1 to Silas Ayers. |
“ | As suffocation would you. This would destroy everything I am. They would do nothing with that knowledge, or else live as gods. They would not contribute to history. I would slowly choke myself breathing their rarefied air. Gamers Against Weed, despite their ill-chosen name, send to me refugees, convicts, political dissidents, religious pilgrims. These people do not come for me to make them powerful. They come to me because they want to change who they are and the world they live in, or else they come to be safe. I respect both motives. History has always belonged to those driven by these needs, and I have survived this long by believing in the flow of time. The young will teach the calcified to live again, or else bury them. And besides, these ones are family, and I have waited for a very long time to meet my family. |
„ |
~ SCP-4239-1 again to Silas Ayers. |
SCP-4239-1, also more well known as Mr. Destiny, is a character in the SCP Foundation mythos. He was created by the Gamers Against Weed as part of their Misters Against Weed line, but shortly after his creation he was transported back in time when the concept of "fate" was first formed. He would go against numerous enemies and gain some allies through time, until going to an island in Lake Michigan where he would gather various people from different parts of the world who were unable integrate into society to guide each of them to their respective destiny and together change the world for the better.
Mr. Destiny was created by harmpit (Armand), jockjamsvol6 (JJ), polaricecraps, fallout_meta.txt, and hetcopogg (Dahlia Price) of Gamers Against Weed on January 11th of 2016 by combining their special abilities in a ritual to construct a being based on JJ. However, following his creation, Mr. Destiny's past was rewritten to make him an ancient being dating at least 13,000 years prior to the present, back when the word meaning "fate" was first formed.
Mr. Destiny having theoretically been born in the ancient past, would go on to live through the ensuing years, and began aiding those who were struggling with their purpose in life. He was present in Göbekli Tepe in southeastern Anatolia where he wrote on a building dating back to 8800 BCE something in English. He then traveled from the Caspan Sea to the land that would become the Golestan province of Iran where waged war on a Sarkic cult which he destroyed by scorching the land so nothing could grow again. After killing the flesh monster the cult worshipped, the cultists were left without guidance or meaning, and so Destiny helped them abandon their old twisted religion and form a new faith in themselves. This event would be recorded by witnesses in a tablet written in Akkadian which dated back to 1000 BCE. Mr. Destiny would make various appearances throughout Eurasia in which he helped bring down various governments.
Project Kenowhere[]
On July 17th of 1997, Mr. Destiny encountered for the first time the Global Occult Coalition somewhere in unincorporated area of Arizona. The GOC sent their Assessment Team 723 to gain information on Mr. Destiny, but when they were dealing with a vehicle malfunction Destiny took the opportunity to destroy their footage before laughing at them from afar. Mr. Destiny would be confronted several times with the GOC in various parts of North America, until February 12th of 2016. On March 15th of 2016, Dahlia wanting to protect him from their enemies drove Mr. Destiny to Kenosha, Wisconsin where he borrowed a speedboat to relocate on an island in Lake Michigan. The Gamers Against Weed then proceeded to erase the knowledge of the island from history and surround it with a illusionary bubble in order to allow Destiny to hide it from those who were unwelcomed. As the GOC had set base near the lake in their attempt to capture him, Mr. Destiny would send them letters requesting them to cease their pursuit, but as expected it was in vain.
While on the island, Mr. Destiny began using his destiny-based powers to reach out to various individuals who were meant to fulfill their objectives, but were unable to accomplish this due to outside reasons. These generally included unemployed or rebels and protesters who were left without a real purpose in life. As Mr. Destiny came into contact with these individuals, they would go on a pilgrimage towards the island and set camp there. This camp began substantially growing over time, including numerous individuals who started living there and greatly contributed to their community while under the motivation of Mr. Destiny. The island was named Kenowhere and was kept secret by GAW to prevent hostile forces such the GOC and the SCP Foundation, who were both aware of Mr. Destiny whom they designated KTE-6561-Black and SCP-4239-1.
On October 18th of 2017, Mr. Destiny sent a letter to the GOC on the shore of the lake, requesting that their special operative Silas Ayers come visit him if they wished to learn more about him. The GOC accepted and sent Ayers to the lake on a boat, but while traversing through it, the helmsman disappeared which caused Ayers to crash into the island. There he was warmly welcomed by Mr. Destiny and his community, allowing him to live on the island as long as he wished and ask his questions about them. In the ensuing days, Ayers attempted to gather as much information as he could the community and Destiny himself, but all of them gave somewhat cryptic answers. At some point, Destiny allowed Ayers to access the GAW's forum and interview the his creators, but they were somewhat distrustful of the GOC agent and didn't reveal anything new that Ayers didn't already know. Ayers eventually grew frustrated at the answers he was getting, but noticed that he was becoming affected by Destiny's effects and decided to confront him. During their conversation Mr. Destiny took the appearance of the dog of Ayers' neighbor with whom he used to play as a kid before accidentally running her over as a teenager. This caused Ayers to reflect on himself, and realized that the reason Destiny summoned him in Kenowhere was to help him and his community. This worked as Ayers decided to leave the GOC and become a loyal member of Destiny's followers, becoming an integral part in protecting Kenowhere and providing it with the needed resources they were lacking.
Possible Endings[]
Around the year 2038, after SCP-4669, Ms. Zapatista, was created, she began using her ability to spread awareness of the failing capitalism around the Third World countries and organized various protests to establish communism. SCP-4239-1 appeared to have entered a relationship with SCP-4669 and began assisting her and GAW in attacking the selfish governments and rich people who took advantage of the lower class.
After SCP-4669 was detained by the Foundation within Site-346, 4239-1 partook in the raid on the site in order to free her. During the raid, 4239-1 managed to break first inside the site and incapacitate several Foundation guards. After Jude opened the lock on 4669's chamber, 4239-1 proceeded to free her and the two went to join with group. Before disappearing from the site, they were also joined by some defecting Foundation members and other humanoid SCPs who had been freed during the attack. Their whereabouts were unknown to the Foundation, while 4669's activity began growing.
Project Isorropía[]
Following the success of the cross-testing of anomalies at Site-100, SCP-4239-1 was cross-tested with AO-11435-89-288, a four player chess board in which only one iteration can be played regardless of circumstances. After AO-11435-89-288 was delivered to Kenowhere, 4239-1 and three other inhabitants began engaging themselves in the game. They dedicated all of their time playing the game and refused to do anything else, causing Kenowhere to stop functioning properly as 4239-1 became concentrated on the game.
SCP-4239-1 resembled a humanoid standing approximately 2.1 m tall and assumed to weight around 125 kg. His skin was dark olive-toned, and possessed a flat chest and some scars and muscles. The most notable feature that distinguishes him was his head taking the appearance of a random race and breed of canines when out of everyone's sight. On his outer right thigh he had a tattoo which read "MR. DESTINY, BY GAMERS AGAINST WEED". He only wore a skirt-and-sash combination and two golden arm bracers while mostly being shirtless, although he would occasionally wear shorts.
SCP-4239-1 was shown to be a kind and wise man. Thanks to his capabilities he was able to sense when poor people were unable to fulfill their destiny due social, physical, mental, or emotional barriers. Upon reaching to them those most of these individuals became committed to go Kenowhere and join him, although others would go to the island for other reasons such as to contribute to 4239-1's community, because they had nowhere else to go, and because they wanted to become something more. Although at first 4239-1 appears as a bit of an extravagant individual, he has proven to be very beneficial to his people's lives as his encouragement alone was all they needed to become determined to follow their destiny. This even caused some of his followers to regard 4239-1 as a god and messiah, but he himself doesn't care if he is seen as such. SCP-4239-1 can even use his power to change his head to the appearance of different canines to reach into a person's mind and make them think about themselves and what they wanted to do with their lives. Eventhough he enjoys bragging about his adventures, 4239-1 only cared for the wellbeing of others and is very respectful towards anyone, including his enemies, those who impose their rules on the lower people and restricted them from finding their own identity, and those who refuse his offer to join him, although he was shown to make fun of some GOC operatives who lost their footage of him.
Powers and Abilities[]
Being a Mister Against Weed who has existed since ancient times, SCP-4239-1 possessed immortality as he lived through countless years and fought against numerous enemies. He was a skilled fighter as he was able to kill the powerful leader of a Sarkic cult and fend operatives of both the GOC and the Foundation. He also has the ability to transform his head into different species of canines and often used this to connect on a personal level to different people. While breaking out SCP-4669 he was shown to wield a sword to incapacitate Foundation guards and disintegrate incoming bullets shot at him.
His most recognizable power is his ability to sense when people are destined for great things but were stopped from achieving this. 4239-1 would then come into contact with them in form of his Calls. He would communicate with them either by meeting them in person, sending them a business card, letter, email, payphone outside of a warehouse, hide his messages in personalized advertisements, crossword puzzles, and encoded message within a sequence of randomly generated numbers which only the receiver could see, or straight up talk to them through telepathy. Upon receiving his Call, that person would be granted part of 4239-1's power that allow them to travel to Kenowhere, similar to how jockjamsvol6 shared her special power with others, finding it incredibly easy to make their way to the island despite having no previous knowledge about it. The person could travel to their destination by finding out that they either have their name on an airplane ticket, found the Visa application to be unusually quick and easy, a friend who helps them in their travel, a short road they could take after traveling via a cab or easy access to classified documents. Their journey is also consistently pleasant and easy, and after arriving at the shore of Lake Michigan they enter the island by using an abandoned rowboat or other drifting objects, just swimming, performing a random ritual, being unexpectedly teleported there, or walk on the water similar to Jesus Christ. If the receiver is unwilling to join 4239-1 then the 'Luck' effect and desire to travel would slowly dissipate like nothing had happened. 4239-1 was capable of detecting when someone tells the truth or is lying, and shared this power with Silas Ayers for interrogation purposes.
- SCP-4239-1's personality was based on the author scarhaver's best friend who supported them in their younger years, while his design is clearly based off the mythological cynocephalic characters.
- Because of the format screw of the SCP-4239 page, depicting it as a page of Gamers Against Weed database, Mr. Destiny's exact Foundation designation was unknown. However, in SCP-4669 it was revealed that his designation was SCP-4239-1, meaning that his island is designated SCP-4239.
- While conversing with Dahlia SCP-4239-1 told her that he had a blood brother who was forever trapped within a stone circle.
- When SCP-4239-1 talked for a bit with Jude Kriyot, the latter wept for an hour after the conversation and was left extremely dissatisfied with experience and didn't recommend it to anyone.
- In "Sometimes It's Not Funny", it is revealed that despite his contribution polaricecraps has never met 4239-1 in person, and after killing a Nazi he feared what 4239-1 would say to him.
- In Timeline A-50 in which an apocalypse caused by law enforcement, known as the "aCOPalypse", SCP-4239-1 and his community gave shelter to the few surviving members of GAW, which included the universe's Black Queen, while Esther and bones worked on a countermeme to stop the apocalypse.
- In the continuity of "Mundus, Liberari" in which the GOC is unrelated to the UN and the Foundation doesn't exist, Mr. Destiny guided Jude to join the Security and Containment Protectorate in order to defeat the GOC and save the anomalous world.