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“ | Worry not! Wherever darkness crawls, wherever injustice seeks to prevail, those who serve good will always have an ally in… THE SPECTER! | „ |
~ SCP-4494. |
SCP-4494 also known as THE SPECTER, is a character in the SCP Foundation mythos. He is a humanoid being who embodies justice and the concept of the crime fighting. As a result he manifests whenever and wherever he is needed to take down criminals. Because of his effects on the nearby people, the Foundation classified him as Archon and let him free to continue his mission.
SCP-4494 plays a role in the "Resurrection: New Faces" and "Resurrection: His Will Be Done" series.
SCP-4494 is the living physical embodiment of the concept of fight against crime. He would manifest himself at night during dire confrontations between law enforcement and criminals to aid in defeating the injustice. After successfully subduing the criminals SCP-4494 would soon de-manifest but not before briefly conversing with the people present. During his free time SCP-4494 often watched TV or played video games.
However, one time he was failing to accomplish his job, the entire city he was located at the time had forgotten about the concept of crime fighting. In just some hours and minutes the city was completely engulfed by criminal activity which had reached unprecedented levels, while the citizens were oblivious to the changes and the chaos. Because of this incident the SCP Foundation had decided to let SCP-4494 freely roam the world and fight crime, classifying him as Archon.
Aiding the Foundation[]
One time, when the Foundation's Mobile Task Force Sigma-12 was raiding a facility that manufactured and distributed the "Warp" anomalous narcotic, they were faced with drug runners who possessed anomalous weaponry. Since they being overwhelmed, SCP-4494 manifested himself just in time to assist them. With his intervention the MTF was able to quickly take down the criminals. Following that, one agent of the MTF attempted to contain SCP-4494 but was stopped by their fellow agents. They thanked him for his assistance and briefly conversed before SCP-4494 de-manifested.
Observing Dr. Jane Yesenia organizing a mission for SCP-4051 to retrieve Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.'s anomalous objects "stolen" by the criminal gang the Herders, he appeared in her office asking to assist Rainer in the incoming mission. This request was accepted, and 4494 accompanied 4051 in tracking down some members of the Herders in Chicago. Watching the criminals beating up an innocent driver who was on his way to transport some anomalous items, 4494 couldn't stand this and intervened to stop them, but 4051 told him that they had to wait for the criminals to go back to their base. As the Herders drove to their base on a van, 4051 manifested a scooter for him and 4494 to chase them. Chasing the van to a warehouse near the corner of Bellwether and 2nd Avenue, 4494 wished to barge in and directly fight the Herders, but 4051 told him that it would mess with their mission and instead opted to infiltrate the building by wearing invisibility cloaks which he just produced.
They successfully entered the warehouse without being noticed, and observed as the gang gathered numerous anomalous items and placed them in some vans in order to transport them elsewhere for the intention of profit. The duo also saw the Herders' leader, a man with a magnifying glass for a head. Unfortunately, as they made their way through the warehouse, 4051 bumped into one of the criminals, tripping to the ground and blowing up their cover. As the Herders began surrounding the duo, Glasshead confronted them, demanding to know who they were working for, but the two refused to answer, the leader gave his men the order to kill the intruders. 4494 and 4051 fought back, but Glasshead stroke the latter from behind, forcing the Specter to shatter his head though he wasn't killed. As they were being overwhelmed, 4051 called for backup. Before MTF Psi-1 arrived, MC&D detonated a bomb hidden in their stolen anomalies, destroying the warehouse, but luckily, 4494, 4051 and the majority of the Herders managed to stay alive and be retrieved by Pi-1, at which point the Specter departed.
As the Bloom underneath SCP-2000, which was previously used by the Foundation to reset reality before malfunctioning and being destroyed during "Incident Zero", began to intermit reality the O5 Council decided to form a sub-team of Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 to deal with the problem. The MTF's leader, Dr. Sophia Light choose SCP-4494 as a member of the sub-team, seeing him as a suitable candidate alongside Carlotta Deneb, SCP-1360, SCP-5601, Lucretia Popescu and SCP-4051. After assembling all of them within Site-θ, Dr. Light explained to them that the anomaly was spreading outside of Yellowstone park and they needed to enter the facility, find out the cause of the problem and fix it. However, following the briefing, Light's clearance had been revoked by someone, forcing her into being locked up inside her office until the matter was resolved. When both 4494 and 4051 attempted to talk to her, they were stopped from visiting her by a security guard and after persisting on wanting to talk to her the guard began threatening them, forcing Light to step in and convinced them both to stop disturbing the guard but they still remained in the hall outside of the office in order to keep her safe. When Lucretia and Carlotta broke inside the office of James Avery, the Site Director, to demand answers from him since he had reluctant in cooperating with Light, 4494 and 4051 assisted them in bringing Avery into Light's office in order to solve the situation. After doing so, Light assured them that everything was fine and convinced the MTF members to return to their quarters while she spoke with Avery and O5-10 via transmission.
During Halloween, SCP-239 wanting to celebrate altered reality into a Halloween environment. In this alternate reality SCP-4494 was turned into a teenager named Spencer. He and his friends, Alex, Porkchop and Lance went to DJ Scravecrow's performance inside a barn to have fun. After Alex beat up Abe due to the latter abusing his ex-girlfriend Iris, the group of friends began discussing the unpleasant event. They eventually grew bored of the party and left the barn to drink beer over at Porkchop's truck. Suddenly, both Iris and Guy Hopper, who was accompanying Iris on her way back to home, came back on a haste, shouting that a slimy humanoid monster had killed Abe. At first they were unsure about the situation, but they then saw the entire barn hosting the rave collapsing and killing everyone inside. They all went to see if there was any survivor. Spencer and Alex found Ari beneath the debris and tried to get her out, only for SCP-106, who was left unaffected by the reality change, to emerge and overpower Alex, killing the poor girl.
Lance and Spencer left in a panic, while Iris, Guy and Porkchop remained. 106 made quick work of Porkchop, but as it set its sight on the remaining three Spencer and Lance came back inside Porkchop's truck and attempted to run over the monster. Unfortunately for them, 106 emerged aside of the truck and melted his arm through the metal door and into Spencer's abdomen, pulling one of his organs out. He quickly opened the door to escape, only for his legs to fall off and as 106 ate the organ stomped on Spencer's remaining body into his pocket dimension. This alternate reality was turned back to normal after Dr. Clef stabbed 239 with SCP-668 when she attempted to become friends with him, leaving 4494 along with everyone else to dismiss the entire experience as nothing more than a dream.
Possible Endings[]
Project Isorropía[]
Following the success of the cross-testing of anomalies at Site-100, SCP-4494 was cross-tested with SCP-7853, a enforcer for the Segreto crime family used to execute their enemies who are the only ones to perceive him before erasing all knowledge of his victims from the public. After 4494 was notified of the crime family he began pursuing them. This caused SCP-7853 to erase every memory of 4494 from the human collective consciousness, but because 4494 was the embodiment of justice and crime fighting he persisted and continued to thwart the family's activities and evade capture. In another entry, SCP-4494 was informed of SCP-7400, an anomaly about probability and beaurocracy that criminalizes League of Legends' players, causing him to play the game. This caused to become a criminal and be separated from the concept of justice, facilitating his containment, while SCP-7400 was reduced to a harmless internet meme.
After the Foundation was dissolved into Vanguard, caused a Broken Masquerade scenario and integrating the anomalous world into the normal one, SCP-4494 was redesignated VNP-4494 and continued helping with various anomalies. When former Foundation personnel Paul Holden stole VNP-6521, a painting of 18th century Lord Chief of Justice William Murray which caused all political agreements that occurred in its vicinity to be unbreakable, VNP-4494 and Dr. Dan were sent to prevent the stolen anomaly from affecting the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, they were too late as the Prime Minister had outlawed Vanguard and affiliated parties in the Kingdom of England, causing all Vanguard personnel to be paralyzed, including Dan. 4494 carried Dan's body as chaos soon erupted around them. He eventually came across Klavigar Orok who was attempting to cure those affected and the two decided to work together to stop Holden.
The two brought Dan to a former Foundation building that was technically in the state of Ireland, and he guided them to the Buckingham Palace where Holden planned to take out the Royal Prerogative. The duo quickly made their way inside the palace, fighting traitorous agents of MI666 who had allied themselves with Holden to help in his plan to reestablish the Veil. After taking care of the traitors, 4494 and Orok were informed by the surviving loyal agents that Holden had taken the King and VNP-6521 to the palace's underground shelter. Upon arriving at the location, Holden attempted to use 4494 oath to fight crime against Orok as the Klavigar had been in charge of the infamous drug cartel the Hunter's Black Lodge. However, 4494 was able to bypass this by only telling Orok that as a great leader should redeem himself for his people, causing the King to fight back and allow the duo to take down Holden. Following this, the damage was undone and the anomaly was returned to its rightful place.
SCP-4494 takes the appearance of a humanoid male of indeterminate age. He is always seen wearing a wide brimmed hat and long cape that is entirely black due to absorbing light on the visual spectrum and can further extend his cape at will for dramatic flourish.
As the embodiment of justice, SCP-4494 was completely dedicated to fight criminals who were getting away and help maintain the law, including those of physics, at almost any cost. He would manifest during confrontations between the law enforcement and criminals at night, always aiding the police or other enforcers of justice in taking down the criminals. It appeared that SCP-4494 saw the SCP Foundation as a form of law enforcement and often aided them during confrontations with anomalous criminals. He is shown to love being as dramatic as possible, making stereotypical statements and comments such as monologuing the event that was transpiring around him, doing superheroic poses and even manipulating the writing of his name and pronunciation look and sound exaggerated, although he would often get embarrassed if his antics failed. Outside of his job SCP-4494 was a friendly individual who liked conversing with others and revealed that he enjoyed watching TV, browsing the internet and playing video games featuring superheroes like Spider-Man. He later agreed to join the Foundation's MTF Alpha-9 in order to protect the world from dangerous anomalies and individuals, and while on the team he formed friendships with his teammates like SCP-4051. When he learned of the existence of the Class-D personnel and how they were treated and used, SCP-4494 became angry at the Foundation, believing he was being used to help a human trafficking organization, but later calmed down after Dr. Dan and Sophia Light explained how the Foundation had done all of this to ensure the safety of humanity and that Alpha-9 was their chance at redemption.
Powers and Abilities[]
SCP-4494 is the living embodiment of the concept of vigilante justice and crime fighting as perceived by most of humanity. If he were to be prevented from doing his job then people within his radius would no longer be able to comprehend illegality and the wrongdoings they commit, regular law enforcement would quickly disband as they wouldn't understand how to do their job. This radius would expand 100km per hour and it is suspected that if it were to engulf the entire world then the damage would be irreversible, resulting in a world forever plagued by crime. It is unknown if he is immortal or not, due to being the embodiment of a human concept, but it could be that if he were to die the concept would die with him.
SCP-4494 was shown to be skilled in hand to hand combat and could manifest odds & ends from out of nowhere; i.e. normal weapons, cash money, smoke plumes, etc.
Normally SCP-4494 manifested himself through a black fog that also came out of nowhere, other times, he'd appear along a whisp of wind before people even realized he was there. The Specter also possessed some infohazardous effects as his name and titles would always be written to look stylish and dramatic, while people and other sound speakers would pronounce them in dramatic whispers. His appearance also had its own anomalous properties which only served to add to his dramatic nature. For staring at him was like looking square at a man shaped silhouette wearing a long trench coat and wide brimmed hat, gazing into his face was like looking at a featureless void that was black as pitch, as if one stared into infinite shadow.
- SCP-4494 is an obvious homage to Noir/Pulp heroes, like The Shadow.
- SCP-4494 apparently had played and enjoyed the Marvel's Spider-Man video game.
- According to the tale "Old Faces, New Foes", SCP-4494 had fifty-two laws of fighting crime.
- In "The Raven of Cyberspace", Göndul of Valravn Corporation admired 4494 and wished to be a hero like him.
- When the Foundation used SCP-978 to take a photo of SCP-4494, the picture showed him lazily playing video games.
External Links[]
- SCP-4494 at the SCP Database Wiki