This article's content is marked as Mature SCP-4606 contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | The stars are beautiful out here. No wonder you signed up for this. The heaven above the heavens themselves. Your silence means that you've been defeated. Humbled, even. Perhaps it's because you knew deep down that you had it coming. The truth is, Tareen? None of this was personal. I'm just doing my job. | „ |
~ SCP-4606 to D-43852. |
SCP-4606, real name Deimos and often referred to simply as Dean, is a character in the SCP Foundation series. He is the Greek God of Terror from mythology who willingly came to the SCP Foundation and became a Thaumiel class entity due to him using his fear-based powers to help the Foundation in detaining several hostile anomalies.
The being that would become known as SCP-4606 was originally called Deimos, who was known to the ancient Greeks as the God of Terror. He and his twin brother Phobos were the children of the Olympians Ares and Aphrodite. Their parents would sometimes fight over due to Deimos and Phobos' recklessness and especially with Phobos' naivety. Deimos' family eventually broke apart, and after Monotheism replaced the Greek/Roman religion, Deimos left Olympus and began doing odd jobs in order to spend time.
Foundation Custody[]
During World War II, Deimos decided to help the Allies in fighting the Nazis so he could impress his father. He used his powers to terrorize all of the enemies of a small military group of the Allies, and while celebrating their victory he formed a friendship with a young soldier who would become O5-3 of the O5 Council. In 2013, Deimos approached one of the SCP Foundation's sites and allowed personnel to detain him. O5-3 proceeded to interview Deimos who after greeting his old friend told him that he would like to work for the Foundation and even presented him a contract which would last for 5,000 years. After O5-3 went to discuss with the Council about Deimos, who was now referred to as Dean, Deimos was further interviewed by Dr. Torres of the Extradimensional Anomalies Department who left stunned after learning that Dean simply wanted to work for the Foundation. Deimos was designated SCP-4606, and after seeing his usefulness in defeating dangerous anomalies, he was classified as Thaumiel and currently residing in Site-17 where he was free to roam the site and interact with personnel, on the condition that he was to be outfitted with a tracker while MTF Gamma-1 make sure that he doesn't access any important or sensitive information.
The Foundation began using SCP-4606 in deterring some of the more dangerous anomalies. As part of "Operation: Scare Tactic", SCP-4606 confronted all members of SCP-4450 by opening a portal underneath them and manifesting tentacles which dragged 4450 to the pocket dimension. There 4606 took the form of 4450's boss and began torturing them with bladed tentacles before the traumatized 4450 managed to escape. When SCP-076-2 tried to escape his containment area 4606 was sent to deal with him. After they introduced themselves to one another 076-2 challenged 4606 who agreed to the challenge and dragged him to his pocket dimension which had taken the appearance of a space possessing a large body of water and clouds which emitted loud rumbling and choir-like noises. Inside the pocket dimension 4606 took the form of an angel-like colossal being made out of fire possessing one single eye. 076-2 was not afraid of this appearance at first and began insulting him but 4606 then grabs him through telekinesis and puts a finger on 076-2's head which caused the barbarian to scream while more blinding light began emitting which caused the Foundation to order 4606 to cease his activity. After they both exited the pocket dimension 076-2 returned to his coffin.
As these experiments were a great success, it was proposed that 4606 could use his powers to stop SCP-2669, a space probe containing the mind of D-43852 who began directing the probe back to Earth in order to return to her body, resulting to the eradication of all human life due to the great speed accumulating. It was at first denied by the Council due to fear of losing 4606's mind to 2669 just like the other minds that they had sent in order to stop the probe, but when asking 4606 if he wanted to do it, he said that he did and assured them that he would not be lost. After his mind was uploaded into 2669, D-43852 tried to take apart and absorb his mind just like she did with the other minds but was unable to do it. After 4606 took the appearance of one of her loved ones D-43852 tried to expel him to no avail and a bit of a struggle 4606 was able to overwhelm D-43852 causing SCP-2669 to be relocated to a further place in space and remained unmoved. 4606 then returned to his body and manifested inside the men’s restroom in the Khevtuul 1 Command Center. Lastly, when SCP-682 breached containment yet again, 4606 dragged the monster to his pocket dimension which resembled 682's containment cell where 4606 took a similar form to the entities residing in SCP-296 which resembled the victims of 682. The entities then began violently attacking 682 who was overwhelmed and was unable to fight back. 4606 then released 682 after being ordered to cease the activity and 682 willingly went back to his containment cell with his aggressive nature dropped by 10%.
When the cult known as Annihilism summoned the embodiment of Qlippoth in a cavern in Popiwka, Oblast Luhansk, Ukraine to eradicate the world, SCP-4606 was brought to Site UA-14 where he would join Mobile Task Force Tau-5 and the interdimensional time traveler Elli with her android companion Dean to help save the world. Elli explained to every party involved the nature of the Qlippoth and how they needed to travel through different realms in order to reach the tree and cultists and save the world. However, unbeknownst to Elli and Dean, 4606 and Tau-5 were secretly ordered to incapacitate and capture the two interdimensional travelers once the mission was completed.
They arrived at the entrance of the cave where the realm of Thaumiel was forming and quickly entered to avoid being grabbed by Qlippoth's tendrils. When entering the cavern, whose interior space had grown much larger than on the outside, they encountered what appeared to be the Greek gods Ares and Phobos, the father and brother of 4606. Upon meeting the two gods, the team attempted to proceed further into the layers of Qlippoth, but Ares tried to dissuade them from risking their lives. However, Elli was able to discern that Ares and Phobos were actually illusions produced from the second realm, Chaigidel, which attempted to seduce those seeking God with their greatest desire. Only 4606 was affected by this, since the rest had no great desire for themselves and convinced him that his family were merely illusion and resumed their journey. They soon found themselves in the realm of Sathariel which manifested as infinite white space. Because this realm lacked the creation of God Elli was able to materialize an exit for them to continue their journey downward.
The team arrived to the realm of Gamichcoth where they were attacked by the spatiovores, shapeless beings which feed on space. The team attempted to run to the other side where the exit was, avoiding both spatiovores and space distortions that could easily cut them apart. As 4606 and Tau-5 were losing some of their body parts and weaponry, Elli soon realized that the spatiovores were targeting the MTF members due to their massive equipment and so ordered them to unload their ammunition to the ceiling, causing the entities to abandon their current targets and consume the falling debris. This allowed everyone to make to the other side unscathed while 4606 and the MTF regenerated their lost parts. The team proceeded to enter the realm of Golachab which resembled a burning city where they were confronted by a massive fiery dragon. Tau-5 attempted to use their remaining weaponry to take it down, but the creature was unaffected by the attack. This left 4606 to use his powers to drag the dragon into his pocket dimension and once inside preceded to traumatize it. After the dragon was left defeated, they reached the realm of Thagirion which contained a swamp of green poison water that produced a tearing toxic stench. They quickly made their way through the swamp to the other side, but Munru accidentally took a misstep and began sinking. Since Munru had no way to free himself, he threw each member of the team to the shore while he drowned.
After that, the team arrived to a small cavern which contained multiple doorways and a group of ravens that began flying over them. When discussing which way to go, the members of Tau-5 became irritated and soon began threatening each other over who will successfully finish the mission. Elli's companion intervened and slapped each of them in the face, making them come back to their senses. Elli explained that they were currently in Harab Serapel and that the ravens were causing them to feel lust, greed and selfishness. After resolving the situation the ravens were gone and only one exit remained. Going through the exit they found themselves in Samael which manifested as a vast wasteland filled with hot rocks. The team traversed through without a problem until reaching a wall. At first confused where the exit was, Elli touched the wall, causing part of it to crumble and reveal the exit. They entered into the next realm, Gamaliel where tumors began growing over their bodies. The team quickly ran to the other side and upon leaving the realm Elli distributed to each of them instances of SCP-500 which she had gotten from other universes.
Following that, they finally reached the lowest level, Nehemoth, where Tau-5 had died last time. Upon arriving they saw the cultists still continuing their incantations while being protected by the tree's tendrils. There Elli began countering their incantations, causing the tree to attack her only for the MTF to counterattack. When the monstrous tree attempted to create hallucinations to overwhelm the team, 4606 intervened and began using his tendrils to restrain it. Soon the cultists' shield gave away, allowing the MTF to slowly incapacitate each of them, while Elli continued her incantation. Just as the tree was about to devour Elli it immediately crumbled, thanks to her undoing Annihilism's actions and saving the world. After arresting all of the cultists and making sure that there was no trace of Qlippoth left, the Foundation operatives executed their second orders and turned on Elli and Dean, with 4606 dragging her to his pocket dimension while the remaining members of Tau-5 held the android at gunpoint. Inside his pocket dimension 4606 attempted to use Elli's fears to subdue her, but it was in vain as she didn't fear nothing. As he was incapable of physically harming her 4606 decided to simply leave her inside, but Elli began using her powers to open her own portal which converted 4606's dimension into her own where she was the one who had absolute control. She then proceeded to torture 4606 for fifty years, while in his reality only some hours had passed and after she released him into O5-3's office where he quickly tried to get away from her while Elli threatened the Overseer not never mess with her again.
Possible Endings[]
Project Isorropia[]
Following the success of the cross-testing of anomalies at Site-100, SCP-4606 was cross-tested with SCP-2006 his twin brother. Both brothers reunited and upon reunion, SCP-4606 opened an entryway into his pocket dimension and invited SCP-2006 inside. Three hours later, both brothers emerged from the wormhole. SCP-2006 has expressed great joy due to a combination of remembering his identity as God of Fear, being with his brother again, and now having a better understanding of fear itself. SCP-4606 now works with SCP-2006 to aid The Foundation by using SCP-2006 to inflict lasting physical damage to hostiles and permanent containment of anomalies.
SCP-4606's true appearance is unknown as he can change his form at will. He so far had taken the appearance of a red, skinless, skeletal humanoid with pinprick eyes and hair; large, dark mass of human arms and legs with multiple bloodshot eyes in the center; an M4 Sherman tank with mutilated nude corpses draped and bleeding across the surface; a tall, winged humanoid with a single large eye on its head. However, his twin brother SCP-2006's true appearance was that of a sphere with a 50cm diameter.
Powers and Abilities[]

SCP-4606's portal opening.
SCP-4606 was described as a Class IX reality-altering polymorphic humanoid entity. As the Olympian god of terror 4606 possessed the powers of immortality, teleportation and fear-based powers. He could sense people's greatest fears and use it by taking the appearance of that fear and create pocket dimensions which were shaped after the fear. Using this power he was capable of effortlessly defeating powerful beings such SCP-4450, SCP-076-2 and SCP-682 with the latter being unable to adapt to 4606’s powers. 4606 also seemed capable of technology manipulation since he was able to stop SCP-2669 from colliding into Earth and relocating to another place in space.
Despite being a god of terror, SCP-4606 is seen as being a kind being who wants to use his powers to help others in need, although he was once described as reckless. He loved his family and was dismayed when his parents and fought and when they fell apart and wished he could reunite them. He was very friendly with others and even formed some sort of friendship with O5-3. After becoming bored he decided to fully serve the SCP Foundation and assist in their task of protecting humanity and keep the veil of normalcy from breaking, and frequently interacted with other personnel. After being trapped and tortured by the interdimensional traveler Elli inside her pocket dimension, 4606 became horrified of her and upon being free he quickly attempted to flee from her.
- SCP-4606 was acquainted with SCP-3740, also known as Ashur the god of air.
- SCP-4606 and SCP-682’s interaction was based on 682 and SCP-296’s interaction in SCP-001 (Keter Duty). However, since then the 001 proposal was rewritten with the new iteration removing 682 and 296’s interaction.