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As proper, complete containment of SCP-5699 requires the use of mass-incarceration of affected individuals, lockdowns of major metropolitan areas and extensive application of class-A amnestics, containment of SCP-5699 has been indefinitely suspended. As SCP-5699 typically affects individuals experiencing trauma and emotional instability, containment specialists assigned to SCP-5699 have noted that witnesses regard SCP-5699 as a hallucination, or an extended period of delirium. As such, the O5 Council have ruled that SCP-5699 does not require active containment.
~ The SCP Foundation ruling out SCP-5699's containment.

SCP-5699, also known as Take Care of Yourself., is a character in the SCP Foundation series. SCP-5699 is an entity physically uncontainable due to being a paranormal event that can manifest anywhere, but due to its benevolent nature and the inhumane methods it would take to be fully contained, it is one of the few SCPs that the Foundation exempts from containment measures.


SCP-5699 is classed as a white-class spectral anomaly appearing as a hooded humanoid figure with a reflective glass pane instead of a head.

Behavior and Procedure[]

It appears before individuals who are in emotional turmoil such as despair or depression, and is more likely to appear if they are suicidal. When an SCP-5699 instance appears, it will follow that individual for approximately five minutes before vanishing and writing a message on a nearby mirror or reflective surface through its fog.

SCP-5699's messages typically involve positive memories and events from the life of the person that it visited, notably selfless actions they did in the past from acts of kindness to good deeds. Many of its messages are told from the perspective of the recipients of those good deeds, even after being deceased.


Dr. Ronald Pearson, a Foundation researcher and leader of the SCP-5699 project, convinced the O5 Council to exempt SCP-5699 from being censored from the public, as it would require unnecessarily cruel and extremist procedures (incarceration, lockdowns and amnestics for entire populations) to be contained. Since Pearson already suffered from depression, SCP-5699 was able to visit him and write a message on his bathroom mirror. It was a message from the anomaly itself, thanking Pearson for giving it freedom so it could continue to help people, and saying that it loves him and tells him not to forget that.


You held my hand as I said goodbye to her, and walked me home, shielding my eyes from the new mothers. You stayed with me. You hadn't even thought of leaving me.
The little old lady in the hospital who sat at the windowsill, screaming at nothing outside was comforted by your hand. It wasn't her granddaughter's, who hadn't been there, both in hospital and in life. But you did. You stood by her, gently holding her hand.
You bought me a dress and helped me with the straps. You told me I was pretty and loved, and that the girl who had been inside of me the whole time was finally freed.
You told me that you believed me.
The haggard man who would lie by the garbage bags piled near the pub, who would rest and sleep by a brick-wall, was fed by you. Of course you didn't cook anything, but you bought the soup with your own pocket money.
You gave me your beloved dolly.
Prom was less lonely with you.
You hugged me when nobody would- You didn't know that it wasn't contagious, only through blood- And even if, you would have still shown me kindness.
The birdies in the park were well-fed, after a long winter.
You held my hand and fanned my cheek as the monitor dipped and swooned. You gripped my hand, holding onto my wedding ring as the beep grew loud, and would gently stroke my arm, as the beeps grew silent.
You let me be free from the cell,
You let me wander and love
You helped me.
You did everything that your name and place would balk
So I will be free.
I won't forget you.
You are loved, by me.
Don't forget that.
~ SCP-5699 thanking Dr. Ronald Pearson and the Foundation for letting it remain free.




External Link[]


           SCPFoundation SCP Heroes SCPFoundation

Major Organizations
Church of the Second Hytoth | Dr. Wondertainment | Gamers Against Weed | Global Occult Coalition | Horizon Initiative | Manna Charitable Foundation | Nobody | Prometheus Labs, Inc. | SCP Foundation (O5 Council) | Serpent's Hand | Three Moons Initiative | Unusual Incidents Unit

Minor/Recurring Organizations
Stuff Industry

Safe SCPs
SCP-011 | SCP-085 | SCP-105 | SCP-131 | SCP-163 | SCP-181 | SCP-187 | SCP-208 | SCP-343 | SCP-387 | SCP-492 | SCP-507 | SCP-516 | SCP-590 | SCP-999 | SCP-1230-1 | SCP-1281 | SCP-2053-1 | SCP-2295 | SCP-2412 | SCP-2622 | SCP-2800 | SCP-2816-2 | SCP-2980-1 | SCP-3161-1 | SCP-3355 | SCP-3973 | SCP-5094 | SCP-5443 | SCP-7952 | SCP-8000

Euclid SCPs
SCP-049 | SCP-073 | SCP-326 | SCP-336 | SCP-451 | SCP-666-1 | SCP-706 | SCP-781 | SCP-789 | SCP-1252 | SCP-1338 | SCP-1342-3 | SCP-1530-3 | SCP-1609 | SCP-1690 | SCP-1810 | SCP-1959 | SCP-1985 | SCP-2040 | SCP-2045 | SCP-2101-1 | SCP-2241 | SCP-2273 | SCP-2331 | SCP-2370 | SCP-2639-A | SCP-2726-A | SCP-2785 | SCP-2792 | SCP-2999-B | SCP-3082-2 | SCP-3090 | SCP-4128 | SCP-4158 | SCP-4197 | SCP-4231-B | SCP-4793 | SCP-5239 | SCP-5935 | SCP-7000

Keter SCPs
SCP-734 | SCP-990 | SCP-1233 | SCP-1440 | SCP-2006 | SCP-2662 | SCP-3740 | SCP-4051 | SCP-4239-1 | SCP-4343 | SCP-4455 | SCP-4640 | SCP-4999 | SCP-5031 | SCP-5151 | SCP-5726 | SCP-6113-1

Neutralized SCPs
SCP-1508 | SCP-1762-2 | SCP-2420 | SCP-3507 | SCP-4017 | SCP-4026-1

Thaumiel SCPs
SCP-179 | SCP-2137 | SCP-3894-Alpha | SCP-4606 | SCP-6101 | SCP-6666-A

Archon SCPs

Esoteric SCPs
SCP-040 | SCP-1867 | SCP-2085 | SCP-3700-1 | SCP-4755 | SCP-5699 | SCP-7373

Joke SCPs

International SCPs
French Branch

Spanish Branch

Japanese Branch

SCP-001 Proposals
SCP-001 (The Gate Guardian) | SCP-001 (Dr. Wondertainment) | SCP-001 (The Broken God) | SCP-001 (The Foundation) | SCP-001 (The Council) | SCP-001 (The Serpent)

Ashur | Bes | Deimos | DJ Chaac | Gate Guardian | Jalakåra | Mekhane | Nahash | Pangloss | Rakmou-leusan | SCP-2662 | Yehom

SCP Foundation Personnel
Alto Clef | Calixto Narváez | Dr. Iceberg | Katherine Sinclair | Michael Edison | Simon Kells | Stuart Hayward | William Wettle

James Talloran | Thomas Yaltz

Agent Kramer | Agent J████ | Daniel Johnson | Dmitri Strelnikov | Max Lombardi | Sarah Crowely | Troy Lament

Task Forces
Auxiliary Task Force Alpha-1 | Mobile Task Force Theta-90 | Mobile Task Force Tau-5 | Mobile Task Force Omega-9

D-14134 | D-87465

Glacon | Screamy

O5 Council/Administration
Calvin Lucien | O5-█ | The Archeologist

Alexander Sukarno | Alex Thorley | Marion Wheeler | Olympia | Pietro Wilson

Andrew Llewellyn | Derdekeas | Eric | Fruit Cake | Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V | Jenna | Joey Fucknuts | Kit | Kind Man | Lewitt-Zairi Family | Mirage | Nobody | Reality-Bender | Tobin Hollis | William

From Other Media
Connor Cornwall | D-9341 | SCP-105-C | Big Charlie

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from scp-wiki.net and its authors.
