This article's content is marked as Mature SCP-781 contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | Subject had to be terminated during the course of an interview by Dr. ██████. Dr. ██████ was, during the interview, attempting to question SCP-781 about some of the reoccuring manifestations observed. At first, subject merely stated that it didn't remember anything as usual, but as Dr. ██████ continued to press the subject for information, SCP-781 began to show signs of hostility, eventually coming to sadistically describe the mental and physical tortures it wished to inflict upon the Dr. ██████. After further pressing by Dr. ██████, SCP-781 violently stabbed Dr. ██████ in the throat with a pen before being quickly terminated by security agents. As this outburst is the first sign of anger or hostility SCP-781 has shown, it is perhaps prudent to refrain from questioning SCP-781 further about its nightmares. | „ |
~ Dr. Glass in "Evaluation Log 781". |
SCP-781, also known as Unwitting Dreamshaper, is a character in the SCP Foundation series. He is a mysterious humanoid who can manifest his dreams in the real world near him while sleeping. This also includes his nightmares which upon manifesting would horribly murder SCP-781, at which point they ceased to exist and leaving 781 to be resurrected again.
SCp-781's true origin is a mystery even to himself. It is presumed that originated he from a "dreamworld" where dreams come. He apparently was taken out of this world and transported into the human world for some reason that maybe tied to his torture.
SCP Foundation[]
SCP-781 lived on Earth for sometime, but when he slept he would experience nightmares which became real and sadistically killed him in his sleep before being resurrected. He was eventually captured by the SCP Foundation in 1997 and taken to one of their facilities. SCP-781 would spend around 13 years under Foundation custody, while barely aging. During this time, he continued undergoing his usual cycle of unintentionally manifesting his nightmares while he slept and be killed by them only for him to resurrect again.
In an attempt to help him with these manifestations, the Foundation had armed personnel to terminate the manifestations when SCP-781 went to sleep at around 20:00, but it proved difficult as the manifestations were resistant and would also attack the personnel. After figuring out that the manifestations were created out of his nightmares, psychologist Dr. Simon Glass was to treat 781's mental health in order to make the manifestations less hostile. This was working as SCP-781's mental health was steadily improving, but was unable to recall his past or where he came from apart for some details.
However, a Foundation doctor began conducting cruel experiments on SCP-781 for further research such as harvesting his organs for other uses and killing him through other means to test his resurrection and see if he could be used as a permanent Class-D personnel. This culminated in an interview with the doctor who wanted to know more about the nature of the manifestations. 781 at first simply replied that he didn't remember much as usual, but as he was being put under pressure by the doctor he became extremely hostile, expressing how he wished to brutally torture them and eventually grabbed a nearby pen to stab the doctor in the throat, killing them before he himself was killed by security guards.
Despite this turn of events, the Foundation personnel persisted with further experiments on 781, this time cross-testing him with various anomalies. The first cross-test involved 781 being introduced to the presence of SCP-452, a colony of black widow spiders whose web can suppress dreams of any kind. At first nothing really happened apart that both anomalies became agitated and distressed over each other's presence, with 781 feeling merely uneasy at the sight of any type of spiders. Although 452's web was used to help 781 with his nightmares, it caused a grave incident which resulted in 12 casualties. In light of this, the Foundation prohibited the two anomalies from ever making any physical contact again. The next cross-test involved 781 with an anomaly that took the form of some type of smoke. 781 was shown to have complete control over it, shaping the smoke to his liking, which prompted the Foundation to also prohibit 781 from coming into contact with it as they feared that he could use it as weapon.
Things worsened for SCP-781 as the O5 Council decided to cease interfering with the nightly attacks as the manifestations were becoming more hostile and it was a waste of resources since 781 could just resurrect himself. In the latest cross-test, 781 was presented with SCP-122. He was shown to capable of controlling it and the monsters which it created, causing the Foundation to seek to use this to their own advantage. However, it appeared that 781 later used 122 for his own use to cause an incident, possibly in an attempt to escape or get his revenge.
Possible Endings[]
Project Isorropía[]
Following the success of the cross-testing of anomalies at Site-100, SCP-781 was cross-tested with SCP-2840, a dream parasite that would manifest in its host's nightmares and interrupt them in order to make their host more relaxed. After SCP-2840 went to SCP-781 as it sensed that his dreams were far more extreme, it caused the manifestations to either move away from 781 and disperse or make them non-hostile and prevent its host's death. This eventually resulted in SCP-781's sleeping pattern to stabilize.
Powers and Abilities[]
SCP-781 possesses some special abnormalities. The first one is that he ages at much slower rate, although it is unknown what age he is currently at. The second abnormality is the manifestation of his dreams in reality while he asleep. When dreaming he unintentionally creates living constructs of his dreams around himself. However, because he is somewhat of a disturbed individual most of the time he manifests his nightmares which always attempt to kill him through horrible ways. Some of these manifestations include: a swarm of rats bursting from sewage and devour him alive; a large woman with hose which she forcibly inserts into his throat to drown him; a tall humanoid made of an acidic substance that manifested after his interview with the bad Foundation doctor and grabs 781's arms until death either from burns or suffocation; a large mass of needle-like tendrils which pierced his body causing him to die of blood loss; a rotting old woman who uses her teeth and nails to kill him although 781 is able to fight back at first; a surgeon who appears after an autopsy was done on 781, straps him to his bed before proceeding to remove all of his organs; and a statue resembling another anomaly which doesn't attack 781 but causes great distress that leads to him passing out.
These manifestations always try to kill 781, but completely ignore any other party present near unless that party tries to interfere at which point the manifestations attack them before killing 781. These manifestations can still exist even if 781 wakes up and has no control over them, but if they are forced away from their creator for a distance bigger than 9m then they would completely disappear as the manifestations need to be close to 781 in order to exist. Every time 781 dies either to his nightmares or from other causes, he would always be resurrected somewhere near the place of his death 24 hours later. After resurrecting, all of his previous remains would disappear, including organs that were harvested from his body and used as replacement for other people.
SCP-781 was shown to be capable of manipulating the dreams of other sleeping subjects who were in his vicinity. When the Foundation decided to use the web of SCP-452 on 781 to keep him from experiencing nightmares, it resulted in a disastrous event that costed the lives of twelve personnel. When cross-testing a dream-related anomaly which could produce some smoke, 781 was able to manipulate the smoke after several tries and could shape it to whatever he wanted. When presented with SCP-122, 781 was able to complete control it and the monsters it produced.
SCP-781 resembled a human male of Mediterranean descent, but of unknown age. Although his age is unknown, he was shown to age much slower than an average human.
SCP-781 was extremely distressed as everytime he went to sleep he would experience nightmares which manifested in real life and always attempted to kill him through horrible and gruesome ways only for him to respawn and go through it all over again. As a result he became very forgetful, especially about the events that lead to his death, which was most likely developed as a coping mechanism. When the Foundation intervened in his situation in form of Dr. Glass helping him with his stress and armed personnel fending off the nightmares, SCP-781 began gradually improving. He became increasingly cheerful and more opened with the others and expressed a desire for company and gratitude for the Foundation coming to his aid and willingly complied to their every requests. However, when a doctor began abusing him and his powers and conducting cruel experiments on him, SCP-781 temporarily snapped and killed the doctor as revenge before being forcefully subdued by the guards. This in addition to the personnel deciding to cease protecting him from the manifestations and simply let him die caused SCP-781 to become resentful, although he still partook in their experiments until seemingly attempting to breach containment.
- The unknown SCP which was cross-tested with 781 that allowed him to control smoke-like entities was originally named SCP-629, also known as "Dream Hookah". It was removed because this version of SCP-629 originated from before the creation of the SCP Wiki in Wikidot and after the creation of the website, this version was lost and replaced with an unrelated SCP.
- Although it predates the creation of the Oneiroi, it is possible that SCP-781 originated from the Oneiroi dreamworld.