This article's content is marked as Mature SCP-7952 contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | ... that such hatred, such shame could rule so despotically. To think it'd take me so many years to see it all for what it truly was. The joy we'd known, the pain we'd felt, and everything else we endured along the way, ...[illegible]... All of it, culminating here, at the end of a life. I find it strange that I feel at peace here in this damp, obscure corner of the world under such circumstances as these. Yet to feel such a sensation after so long and arduous a path fills me with a joy that I simply cannot explain. [All but the last three lines is illegible.] ... the vicious brunt of it all, no matter what happens. I will at least be able to rest easy knowing that, when this is all over, Edward and the others will be safe. Please, God, just let them be safe. |
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~ From SCP-7952's journal. |
SCP-7952, also known as Miserere Eorum, is a character in the SCP Foundation series. SCP-7952 refers to the remains of an expedior who got lost in a blizzard, and trapped in a cave where they died. Wishing to be left at peace, they induced their body with anomalous properties to prevent people from disturbing them.
Next to nothing is known about the individual whose remains would be designated as SCP-7952. What is known is that they were a religious person who at some point in the past joined an expedition group to traverse the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.
However, while on their trip they got caught in a powerful storm, forcing the expeditor to get separated by the rest of the group and find refuge in a small cave. Unfortunately for them, they became essentially trapped in the cave with no food or way out, being only equipped with a flashlight, a bible and a journal. They became angry at this turn of events, but as their demise closed in, the expeditor eventually came to accept that they would die alone. They came to terms with this, and after finishing off writing their last remarks in the journal, the expeditor inscribed a circular glyph around them which would prevent those who came across their remains from disturbing their peace. Once that was finished, the expeditor peacefully passed away, their last thoughts being about their group's safety.
Many years later, the SCP Foundation somehow found the remains inside the cave and designated them as SCP-7952. The Foundation staff had a difficult time analyzing the remains due to them being unable to perceive or unwilling to disturb them. They were able to find the expeditor's belongings, the now rusted flashlight, the bible and the journal which due to water damage became mostly unreadable except for a few paragraphs. Due to their nature, the Foundation deemed the remains safe and simply closed off their area from the public since they concealed themselves.
Due to being deceased and their true identity a completely mystery, what type of individual SCP-7952 was exactly is mostly unknown. From what can be inferred by their belongings and journal, they were a very religious individual and deeply cared for their comrades. On their trip, SCP-7952 endured many hardships that left them angry and tired, but after being stuck in the cave with no way to escape they acknowledged it was their end and accepted it. As they laid dying, their final thoughts were about their group's safety, and their only last wish was to just be left alone, despite knowing full well they would be completely forgotten by the rest of the world.
Powers & Abilities[]
Prior to their death, SCP-7952 appeared to be skilled in expedition, being capable of traversing through rough landscapes. However, they appeared to have been unprepared for the blizzard which forced them to find refuge in a cave where they ultimately died. It was also apparent that they knew thaumaturgy, or magic, as they formed a glyph around themself to prevent people from disturbing their remains, camouflaging themself in a antimemetic field to not be discovered, inducing in those nearby a desire to not break their peace, while also accelerating the people's perception of time. These effects lingered even after the thaumaturgical glyph began dispersing and fading over time.
- Author ItsDenali based SCP-7952 on people having their lives suddenly changed from important moments.
- The SCP's title "Miserere Eorum" in Latin means "to pity them".