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“ | I ask you, are you my master? | „ |
~ Saber to Shirou Emiya |
“ | EXCALIBUR!!!!! | „ |
~ Saber upon using her Noble Phantasm. |
King Artoria Pendragon, also known as King Arthur and the King of Knights, is one of the main protagonists of the Fate franchise. She is the Servant of Shirou Emiya in the Fifth Holy Grail War.
After becoming the Servant of Sakura Matou in the Heaven's Feel route, she is known as Saber Alter or Black Saber. She is also the Servant of Kiritsugu Emiya during the Fourth Holy Grail War. She further makes appearances in other stories set in the narrative universe of Fate.
She is voiced by Ayako Kawasumi in the Japanese version of the anime and Kate Higgins and Michelle Ruff in the English dubs of Fate/Stay Night and the Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works movie, respectively, with the latter also voicing her in Fate/Apocrypha. In the English dub of all other animated media, she is voiced by Kari Wahlgren, who also voices Celty Sturluson, Saya Otonashi and Sakura Kinomoto.
Saber is the focus of the Fate route, as well as playing a major role in Unlimited Blade Works. She is the Servant summoned by Shirou Emiya, with her true identity being King Arthur. Being a Saber class, she excels in many areas of fighting and has a very high magic resistance. Sabers are widely considered the best Servant class, but due to Shirou's shortcomings as a Master, she cannot reach her full potential. She has a hard time getting along with Shirou and clashes over his desire to protect her life over his own, but shares his dedication towards honorable and just ways of fighting.
Artoria is a strong-willed young woman who usually speaks truthfully but will lie if necessary. She is courageous, determined, and set on winning the Holy Grail. A firm believer in justice, Artoria cannot stand when evil goes unpunished.
Artoria is loyal, independent, and reserved. She appears cold, but is usually suppressing her emotions to focus on her goals. Artoria is secretly deeply insecure, having no real sense of self-worth and can only feel fulfilled by serving other people. As king, Artoria put the needs of her people before her own and considers herself a martyr to her ideals.
Throughout her rule, she was plagued by self-doubt about being a worthy king and eventually came to hate herself for not giving her people utopia like she promised and the atrocious actions she took to ensure Britain’s protection and future. She feels deep guilt over the eventual destruction of her kingdom, holding herself solely responsible and calling herself an inadequate ruler.
For the most part, Artoria is a serious person who fully devotes herself to whatever task she’s given. Underneath her serious exterior that she feels forced to hold, Artoria shows herself to be a kind-hearted and gentle person who wishes to protect those she cares about.
“ | Her sword shines, a dream that all warriors scattered in battle, past, present, and future, hold and mournfully exalt as their final moments approach. She carries their will as her pride, bidding them to remain steadfast in their loyalty. Now, the undefeated king sings aloud the name of the miracle she holds in her hands. | „ |
~ Irisviel as Saber unleashes Excalibur |
Artoria Pendragon is the legendary King of Knights, the one that ruled over the battlefields in the age of legends. In life, she commanded the Knights of the Round Table, the greatest knights to ever live and heroes that would later be sung of in legends. As a Servant, Artoria is widely considered to be the strongest Heroic Spirit in the Saber class. While her ability as a swordsman is proficient, it is not where her true strength lies, but rather her enormous amount of magical energy. She believes that there is no Servant that surpasses her in close combat, and that she can clear an escape route from the battlefield under any disadvantageous situation.
Artoria's first Noble Phantasm is Invisible Air, which she surrounds her sword with wind that reflects light to make it virtually invisible and hide Excalibur from being recognized.
Artoria wields Excalibur, a Divine Construct forged by the planet. The sword works by converting the mana of the wielder into light, that is unleashed from the tip of the blade like a laser beam that destroys everything in its path. Even though Excalibur's true power can only be invoked with the appearance of a foreign enemy threatening the planet, it remains as the strongest Holy Sword.
As a Servant, Artoria doesn’t possess Avalon, Excalibur's sheath, since she lost it in life although Shirou Emiya was later revealed to have it implanted inside him as a child. With this Noble Phantasm, Artoria can heal from any wound unless her brain is destroyed and Avalon can deploy a defensive Bounded Field that shuts out all physical interference and places her in the land of the fairies.
- Kinoko Nasu's original story of Fate, Saber and Shirou were opposite gender to now. Takashi Takeuchi convinced to Nasu to change the gender of Saber but the essential theme had not been changed, it's the story about legendary heroes and "a boy meets a girl."
- She often ranks near the top of official popularity polls, and she ranked first out of the female characters during the TYPE-MOON Fes. tenth anniversary poll.
- In the Fourth character popularity poll in 2003, Saber was ranked 54th. In the first Popularity polls of Fate/stay night in 2004, Saber was ranked 1st. Tsuku Saber (Tiger Dojo) was ranked 53rd.
- In the second Popularity polls of Fate/stay night in 2006, Saber was ranked 1st. Hetare Saber was ranked 77th.
- In the Type-Moon's 10th Anniversary Character Poll, Saber from Fate/stay night was ranked 1st. Saber from Fate/Zero was ranked 119th.
External Links[]
Saber at the Type-Moon Wiki
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Fate/Prototype Masters & Humans Servants Archer | Rider | Saber | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Hassan of Serenity Fate/Zero Masters & Humans Kiritsugu Emiya | Irisviel von Einzbern | Kariya Matou | Waver Velvet | Natalia Kaminski Servants Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction Sieg | Jeanne d'Arc | Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Archer of Black | Berserker of Black | Rider of Black | Saber of Black Red Faction Shirou Tokisada Amakusa | Kairi Sisigou | Archer of Red | Assassin of Red | Caster of Red | Lancer of Red | Rider of Red | Saber of Red Others Artoria Pendragon | Lord El-Melloi II | Merlin Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Lord El-Melloi II | Gray | Reines El-Melloi Archisorte | Flat Escardos | Svin Glascheit | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Caules Forvedge | Olga Marie Animusphere | Rider Fate/Stay Night Masters & Humans Shirou Emiya | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura Servants Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider Fate/hollow ataraxia Masters & Humans Shirou Emiya | Bazett Fraga McRemitz | Caren Ortensia | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura Servants Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider Fate/strange Fake False Masters Tiné Chelc | Flat Escardos | Tsubaki Kuruoka | Orlando Reeve True Masters Ayaka Sajyou | Haruri Borzak False Servants True Servants Others Fate/Extra Hakuno Kishinami | Nero Claudius | Tamamo-no-Mae | Rin Tohsaka Fate/Extra CCC BB | Lancer (Fate/Extra CCC) | Saber (Fate/Extra & Fate/Extra CCC) | Caster (Fate/Extra CCC) | Sakura Five (Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Violet | Kazuradrop) Fate/EXTELLA Charlemagne Kara no Kyoukai Shiki Ryougi | Mikiya Kokutou | Touko Aozaki | Azaka Kokutou | Daisuke Akimi | Tomoe Enjou | Shizune Seo Fate/Grand Order: Observer on Timeless Temple Chaldea Security Organization Ritsuka Fujimaru | Mash Kyrielight | Leonardo da Vinci | Romani Archaman | Olga Marie Animusphere | Galahad | Sherlock Holmes | Marisbury Animusphere | Mable Macintosh | Arnold Beckman | False Lancer FGO Exclusive Servants Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Mash Kyrielight | Fou | Leonardo da Vinci | Sherlock Holmes | Nitocris | King Hassan | Gilgamesh | Ereshkigal | Ishtar | Kingu | Leonidas | Ana/Gorgon | Quetzalcoatl | Archer Alter | Edmond Dantès | Parvati | Scáthach | Florence Nightingale | Helena Blavatsky Others Rushd | Siduri Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Shinjuku Edmond Dantès | Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Saber Alter Agartha Fergus mac Roich | Chevalier d'Eon | Berserker of El Dorado SE.RA.PH. BB | Tamamo no Mae | Hans Christian Anderson | Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Archer Alter Shimosa Miyamoto Musashi | Katō Danzō Salem Lavinia Whateley (Fate) | Charles-Henri Sanson | Mata Hari | Nezha | Robin Hood | Caster of Okeanos | Caster of Midrash Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt New Chaldea Members Goredolf Musik | Sion Eltnam Sokaris | Jingle Abel Meuniere Defected Crypters (and their Servants) Kadoc Zemlupus | Ophelia Phamrsolone (Saber) | Scandinavia Peperoncino (Archer) Lostbelt Kings Scáthach-Skadi | Qin Shi Huang | Kukulkan Tokugawa Kiara Sessyoin | Parvati | Lady Kasuga | Matsudaira Nobutsuna | Yagyuu Munenori | Caster of Nightless City Servants Archer of Red | Caster of Black | Billy the Kid | Antonio Salieri | Napoleon Bonaparte | Mordred Pendragon | Berserker of Red | Captain Nemo | Mandricardo | Super Orion | Jason | Charlotte Corday | Romulus-Quirinus | Miyamoto Musashi | Katou Danzou | Sakata Kintoki (Heian-kyō) | Watanabe-no-Tsuna (Heian-kyō) | Minamoto-no-Raikou (Heian-kyō) | Nursery Rhyme | Medea Lily | Habetrot | Artoria Caster | Senji Muramasa | Taigong Wang | Constantine XI | Charlemagne | Don Quixote | Koyanskaya of Light | Grigori Rasputin | Nitocris Alter | Fairy Knight Gawain | Space Ishtar | James Moriarty (Archer) | Pope Johanna | Morgan/Aesc | Baobhan Sith | Mysterious Heroine X | Zhang Jue | Beowulf | Kriemhild | Qin Liangyu | Odysseus | Merlin | Abigail Williams | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Taisui Xingjun | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Ibuki-douji/Shuten-douji | Kyokutei Bakin | Marie Antoinette | Kiyohime | Cleopatra | Ibaraki-douji | Arjuna | Anastasia Romanova | Tenochtitlan/Tlaloc/Huitzilopochtli | Zenobia | Saint Martha | Xu Fu | Dobrynya Nikitich | Hassan of Serenity | Trung Sisters | Souji Okita | Leonidas I | Melusine | Nagao Kagetora/Uesugi Kenshin | Medb | Barghest | Miyamoto Musashi | Charlotte Corday | Tomoe Gozen | Boudica | Osakabehime | Mandricardo | Jack the Ripper Others Patxi | Gerda | Adele and Macarios | Hephaestus | Ares | Knocknarea | U-Olga Marie Fate/Grand Order Arcade Servants Merlin (Prototype) | Jacques de Molay | Larva/Tiamat | Noah | Kama (Mistake) |