Saber, also known as Red Saber or Saber Extra, is one of the deuteragonists of the video games Fate/Extra and Fate/Extra CCC. She is one of three playable servants that are available to Hakuno Kishinami, the other two being Archer and Caster. She bears a striking resemblance to the more well-known Saber found in Fate/Zero, Fate/stay night and Fate/hollow ataraxia.
She is voiced by Sakura Tange in Japanese and Cassandra Lee Morris in English.
fifth ruler of the Roman Empire, vilified throughout history as a tyrant who earned her position through treachery and poison, and ruthlessly suppressed Christianity and the Roman Senate. It is believed the "Book of Revelation" from The Bible was written as a reaction to this situation, although more recent historians have questioned the veracity of many anti-Nero documents as propaganda; such as the famous belief that Nero did nothing but play the lyre during the Great Fire of Rome.
This Nero is a flamboyant, arrogant and utterly self-assured ruler who sincerely loved the world but demanded to be loved in kind, not realising that her love was selfish and could never be reciprocated. Despite lavishing her citizens with gifts and public works (some more ill-considered than others), Nero fell into despair when they did not rise to defend her against a coup d'etat, and committed suicide. As a Servant and polymath, her delusional self-confidence is so absolutethat she forced herself into the Saber class (because it is widely considered the "best" Class) and can gain temporary mastery over a wide number of eclectic skills, as represented by her Imperial Privilege skill. Her Noble Phantasm even imitates the effects of a Reality Marble, one of the highest forms of magecraft.
She gives off the impression of a valiant young man in crimson, and she has a masculine bearing and tone of voice, leading the Protagonist to think she may have been raised a boy. She acknowledges that the reason she wears men's clothes is not that she is trying to project an imperial image, but because she actually enjoys wearing men's clothes. While her brusque attitude and gallant actions would imply that she values valor above all, she actually identifies her core as a maiden due to her adoration for beauty. She still does not allow gender to sway her preferences, and believes the true orientation of her soul to be half and half. Firmly routed in the middle of the two genders, she personally finds her ability to go either way admirable. She becomes attracted to the Protagonist regardless of their gender, and eventually even declares her love for them.
She often refers to her Master as Praetor. She comes to develop feelings for the Protagonist, and discloses her true identity to them for that reason. She is worried about the negative connotations that come with her identity, and does not mind if she is called a tyrant or the Whore of Babylon by them. Even if she is disliked, she will simply work hard to become worthy of the Protagonist's love and take their heart. While she claims to be able to endure the pain, she looks like a child who is trying really hard not to cry while stating it.
Saber is a blond-haired young woman of short stature, who typically appears dressed in a military-styled red dress with a translucent portion in the front of the lower skirt. She claims the dress itself is not see-through, but rather she is letting people see. She has a great resemblance to another Saber, King Arthur.
In Fate/Extra CCC she has an alternate outfit that is a modified bridal gown with a zipper down the front and legs.
Saber is one of the selectable Servants in Fate/Exra along with Archer and Caster. After the Saber class is selected, she first appears upon hearing the Protagonist's will to continue striving to live. She admires and respects their attempt to embrace the fear of death and fight on regardless of the fate that may await them. Deciding that she'll hear it even if the world doesn't, she exclaims their destiny begins right at that moment. She finds their first fight together against the effigy to be unsatisfying given how long she had waited for such a moment. After explaining the details of the Holy Grail War, she says she will keep her identity a secret for the time being to avoid having enemies find out. She will eventually reveal it as she gets to know them more. She turns the private room into her audience chamber to answer any grievances they may have for her.
She is set to appear in Fate/Extra CCC with her original costume and a new alternate costume called "Saber Bride."
Carnival Phantasm[]
Saber makes a brief appearance in Episode 8, during Taiga Dojo segment, under the name Red Saber unlike her other appearances where she is just called Saber. Like in Fate/Extra, she is arrogant, proud and shamelessly flaunts her sexuality, noting that her transparent skirt does not bare her flesh, but rather 'deliberately allows others to see it'. She was also disappointed that the delayed release of Fate/Extra made her too late to enjoy the huge carnival she had rushed to join and that she will not be in the third season.
Saber wields a scarlet long sword called Aestus Estus: The Embryonic Flame. It is a hand-crafted crimson sword brought with her when summoned under the Saber Class by a Master. It has the following inscription carved on it: regnum caelorum et gehenna (the kingdom of heaven and hell). She feels it is the ultimate instrument, and that muses would bow before the sound it makes. While she is a skilled charioteer that "rivals the solar deity Sol", she feels that she would not be suitable for the Rider class because of her general dislike for them. Even before becoming a Heroic Spirit, she had the skill and strength to grapple a lion and asphyxiate it with her bare arms.
Due to the Protagonist's status as a "pseudo-magus" who didn't actively enter the Grail War, all of her parameters are an extremely low E rank at the beginning. She has lost use of much of her power, including her Noble Phantasm. She can be returned to her proper level of power by increasing the bond between their souls. Aozaki Aoko offers Alteration of the Soul to increase this bond and her parameters by hacking their souls. Her Noble Phantasm is the Domus Aurea, an "absolute imperial zone" that resembles a Reality Marble and allows the owner to achieve their aspirations.
External links[]
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Fate/Prototype Masters & Humans Servants Archer | Rider | Saber | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Hassan of Serenity Fate/Zero Masters & Humans Kiritsugu Emiya | Irisviel von Einzbern | Kariya Matou | Waver Velvet | Natalia Kaminski Servants Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction Sieg | Jeanne d'Arc | Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Archer of Black | Berserker of Black | Rider of Black | Saber of Black Red Faction Shirou Tokisada Amakusa | Kairi Sisigou | Archer of Red | Assassin of Red | Caster of Red | Lancer of Red | Rider of Red | Saber of Red Others Artoria Pendragon | Lord El-Melloi II | Merlin Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Lord El-Melloi II | Gray | Reines El-Melloi Archisorte | Flat Escardos | Svin Glascheit | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Caules Forvedge | Olga Marie Animusphere | Rider Fate/Stay Night Masters & Humans Shirou Emiya | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura Servants Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider Fate/hollow ataraxia Masters & Humans Shirou Emiya | Bazett Fraga McRemitz | Caren Ortensia | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura Servants Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider Fate/strange Fake False Masters Tiné Chelc | Flat Escardos | Tsubaki Kuruoka | Orlando Reeve True Masters Ayaka Sajyou | Haruri Borzak False Servants True Servants Others Fate/Extra Hakuno Kishinami | Nero Claudius | Tamamo-no-Mae | Rin Tohsaka Fate/Extra CCC BB | Lancer (Fate/Extra CCC) | Saber (Fate/Extra & Fate/Extra CCC) | Caster (Fate/Extra CCC) | Sakura Five (Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Violet | Kazuradrop) Fate/EXTELLA Charlemagne Kara no Kyoukai Shiki Ryougi | Mikiya Kokutou | Touko Aozaki | Azaka Kokutou | Daisuke Akimi | Tomoe Enjou | Shizune Seo Fate/Grand Order: Observer on Timeless Temple Chaldea Security Organization Ritsuka Fujimaru | Mash Kyrielight | Leonardo da Vinci | Romani Archaman | Olga Marie Animusphere | Galahad | Sherlock Holmes | Marisbury Animusphere | Mable Macintosh | Arnold Beckman | False Lancer FGO Exclusive Servants Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Mash Kyrielight | Fou | Leonardo da Vinci | Sherlock Holmes | Nitocris | King Hassan | Gilgamesh | Ereshkigal | Ishtar | Kingu | Leonidas | Ana/Gorgon | Quetzalcoatl | Archer Alter | Edmond Dantès | Parvati | Scáthach | Florence Nightingale | Helena Blavatsky Others Rushd | Siduri Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Shinjuku Edmond Dantès | Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Saber Alter Agartha Fergus mac Roich | Chevalier d'Eon | Berserker of El Dorado SE.RA.PH. BB | Tamamo no Mae | Hans Christian Anderson | Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Archer Alter Shimosa Miyamoto Musashi | Katō Danzō Salem Lavinia Whateley (Fate) | Charles-Henri Sanson | Mata Hari | Nezha | Robin Hood | Caster of Okeanos | Caster of Midrash Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt New Chaldea Members Goredolf Musik | Sion Eltnam Sokaris | Jingle Abel Meuniere Defected Crypters (and their Servants) Kadoc Zemlupus | Ophelia Phamrsolone (Saber) | Scandinavia Peperoncino (Archer) Lostbelt Kings Scáthach-Skadi | Qin Shi Huang | Kukulkan Tokugawa Kiara Sessyoin | Parvati | Lady Kasuga | Matsudaira Nobutsuna | Yagyuu Munenori | Caster of Nightless City Servants Archer of Red | Caster of Black | Billy the Kid | Antonio Salieri | Napoleon Bonaparte | Mordred Pendragon | Berserker of Red | Captain Nemo | Mandricardo | Super Orion | Jason | Charlotte Corday | Romulus-Quirinus | Miyamoto Musashi | Katou Danzou | Sakata Kintoki (Heian-kyō) | Watanabe-no-Tsuna (Heian-kyō) | Minamoto-no-Raikou (Heian-kyō) | Nursery Rhyme | Medea Lily | Habetrot | Artoria Caster | Senji Muramasa | Taigong Wang | Constantine XI | Charlemagne | Don Quixote | Koyanskaya of Light | Grigori Rasputin | Nitocris Alter | Fairy Knight Gawain | Space Ishtar | James Moriarty (Archer) | Pope Johanna | Morgan/Aesc | Baobhan Sith | Mysterious Heroine X | Zhang Jue | Beowulf | Kriemhild | Qin Liangyu | Odysseus | Merlin | Abigail Williams | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Taisui Xingjun | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Ibuki-douji/Shuten-douji | Kyokutei Bakin | Marie Antoinette | Kiyohime | Cleopatra | Ibaraki-douji | Arjuna | Anastasia Romanova | Tenochtitlan/Tlaloc/Huitzilopochtli | Zenobia | Saint Martha | Xu Fu | Dobrynya Nikitich | Hassan of Serenity | Trung Sisters | Souji Okita | Leonidas I | Melusine | Nagao Kagetora/Uesugi Kenshin | Medb | Barghest | Miyamoto Musashi | Charlotte Corday | Tomoe Gozen | Boudica | Osakabehime | Mandricardo | Jack the Ripper Others Patxi | Gerda | Adele and Macarios | Hephaestus | Ares | Knocknarea | U-Olga Marie Fate/Grand Order Arcade Servants Merlin (Prototype) | Jacques de Molay | Larva/Tiamat | Noah | Kama (Mistake) |