“ | I'm Saber. A servant that will protect you. | „ |
~ Saber, to Ayaka Sajyou, Fate/Prototype |
King Arthur Pendragon, also known as the Knight of Sky Silver, is a major character in the Japanese science fantasy franchise Fate.
He appears as the main protagonist of the 2014-2017 light novel series Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver and its 2023 manga series adaptation of the same name, the deuteragonist of the 2011 anime short film Fate/Prototype, and a playable character in the 2015 turn-based tactical role-playing mobile game Fate/Grand Order.
Saber is the Servant of Ayaka Sajyou. His true name is Arthur Pendragon, the legendary King of Knights who once ruled over the Kingdom of Camelot, but fell to betrayal thanks to the schemes of his half-sister Morgan and offspring Mordred. A heroic individual with a strong sense of justice, he has made it his personal mission to protect Ayaka during the events of the second Tokyo Holy Grail War.
From the small amount of screentime given, Arthur seems to have none or nowhere near most of the issues that plague his counterpart, Artoria. He is more similar to Shirou Emiya in a sense. He is seen as playful as he teases Ayaka by removing her glasses and smiling at her. Despite this, upon revelation of the Grail System and its function, he killed his previous master and threw her into the Grail, showing a level of anger and retribution only Altria's Saber Alter form possessed as even when faced with Kiritsugu Emiya's malicious tactics she did not raise her blade against him.
His sense of values is that of a matured man and has a sense of justice. Will bring close things that bring virtue and goodness, and will ascertain those that bring atrocity. He is the image of a hero one can feel good about.
In Ayaka's eyes, he is the ideal prince in addition to his station as her protector. However for a brief period his style of speech was mingled with nihilistic mannerisms. Not only that, but he had his bouts of hypocritical courtesy as he would at times tease or make fun of Ayaka. In Fate/stay night Archer would inherit these traits. In fact, the nature of Saber and Ayaka's relationship, at least in the beginning, was similar to that of Rin Tohsaka and Archer.
Originally called Archetype Saber, he is the version of Saber that was to be used in the original Fate/stay night novel that was penned and left uncompleted. It was decided during the development of the visual novel that Saber's master, Sajyou Ayaka, was not an ideal protagonist for the target audience, so both Saber and Sajyou were redesigned and had their genders swapped to make them more appealing. He was detailed in Character Material, and has been given an expanded role in Prototype.
He had been summoned to fight in the Grail War eight years prior by Sajyou Manaka, the elder sister of Ayaka. Though both he and Manaka had made it to the end it was here at this time that he discovered the true nature of the Grail and that she had been offering sacrifices to it. As Manaka was about to offer her sister Ayaka as a sacrifice, their father already a victim, Saber stabbed and killed his Master. His words as he did so were "I too have committed a grave error. The Grail and you are insane!"
With Manaka dead, he threw her corpse into the Grail.
Like his counterpart, he has memories of the previous Grail War, and like her his wish was the altering of his destiny to give salvation to his land and people. With the nature of the Grail revealed he has been liberated of that wish. Because of this, he responded to and accepted the summons from a girl who indirectly realized that a wish upon the Grail would be warped. He was summoned in time to save her life from Lancer who had been pursuing her.
During the war, he would be seen as a rival by Archer due to not only being summoned as a higher class than the Sumerian King, but also due to Archer's interest in Ayaka, whom Archer proposes to. Later on he would be nearly killed by Berserker and then corrupted by his Master, Sancraid Phahn. This situation would be later inherited by Saber Alter and from notes his Dark Persona design would be inherited by Gilgamesh.
Saber has Excalibur and Invisible Air much like his counterpart. His version of Excalibur is bound by thirteen constraints placed upon it by the Knights of the Round Table, and the conditions must be met in order for the constraints to be released. Against Archer's EX Ranked Noble Phantasm, Enki, its full power was released, allowing it to evaporate the water and bisect the "Star of Destruction."
The art for Excalibur was designed by RAITA, and it is also far more ornate and broader in its details than the Arturia's version. There is a haloed cross above the hilt with a blue and gold frame along with a line of 9 receding golden diamonds that run the length of the blade before ending near the point. In the Fate/Prototype material, there is another design that looks closer to Arturia's version.
It is unknown if Avalon exists in Prototype, but it is said that Ayaka was able to summon him due to having a holy relic buried within her to act as a catalyst much like Shirou Emiya.
- Excalibur: King Arthur's most famous weapon, and perhaps the most famous weapon in the world, was the holy sword Excalibur. The sword was so powerful that the Knights of the Round Table (including the Holy Blade Wielder himself) each imposed a restriction on the blade that all needed to be removed for the weapon's full power to be released. The conditions that needed to be met for the removal of the so-called "Restraints of the Round Table" were: the enemy must be more powerful than the wielder, the battle must be against evil, the battle must be one-on-one, the enemy mustn't be an elemental lifeform, the battle mustn't be against humanity, the battle must be fought in the name of truth, the wielder must be fighting for their life, the battle must have the fate of the world at stake, the battle mustn't be inhumane, the battle must be faced with honor, the battle must not be for personal gain, the battle mustn't be against someone pure of heart, and the wielder's comrades must be courageous. As a Noble Phantasm, Excalibur was known by the Noble Phantasm name "Excalibur Proto: Sword of Promised Victory."
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Fate/Prototype Masters & Humans Servants Archer | Rider | Saber | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Hassan of Serenity Fate/Zero Masters & Humans Kiritsugu Emiya | Irisviel von Einzbern | Kariya Matou | Waver Velvet | Natalia Kaminski Servants Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction Sieg | Jeanne d'Arc | Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Archer of Black | Berserker of Black | Rider of Black | Saber of Black Red Faction Shirou Tokisada Amakusa | Kairi Sisigou | Archer of Red | Assassin of Red | Caster of Red | Lancer of Red | Rider of Red | Saber of Red Others Artoria Pendragon | Lord El-Melloi II | Merlin Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Lord El-Melloi II | Gray | Reines El-Melloi Archisorte | Flat Escardos | Svin Glascheit | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Caules Forvedge | Olga Marie Animusphere | Rider Fate/Stay Night Masters & Humans Shirou Emiya | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura Servants Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider Fate/hollow ataraxia Masters & Humans Shirou Emiya | Bazett Fraga McRemitz | Caren Ortensia | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura Servants Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider Fate/strange Fake False Masters Tiné Chelc | Flat Escardos | Tsubaki Kuruoka | Orlando Reeve True Masters Ayaka Sajyou | Haruri Borzak False Servants True Servants Others Fate/Extra Hakuno Kishinami | Nero Claudius | Tamamo-no-Mae | Rin Tohsaka Fate/Extra CCC BB | Lancer (Fate/Extra CCC) | Saber (Fate/Extra & Fate/Extra CCC) | Caster (Fate/Extra CCC) | Sakura Five (Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Violet | Kazuradrop) Fate/EXTELLA Charlemagne Kara no Kyoukai Shiki Ryougi | Mikiya Kokutou | Touko Aozaki | Azaka Kokutou | Daisuke Akimi | Tomoe Enjou | Shizune Seo Fate/Grand Order: Observer on Timeless Temple Chaldea Security Organization Ritsuka Fujimaru | Mash Kyrielight | Leonardo da Vinci | Romani Archaman | Olga Marie Animusphere | Galahad | Sherlock Holmes | Marisbury Animusphere | Mable Macintosh | Arnold Beckman | False Lancer FGO Exclusive Servants Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Mash Kyrielight | Fou | Leonardo da Vinci | Sherlock Holmes | Nitocris | King Hassan | Gilgamesh | Ereshkigal | Ishtar | Kingu | Leonidas | Ana/Gorgon | Quetzalcoatl | Archer Alter | Edmond Dantès | Parvati | Scáthach | Florence Nightingale | Helena Blavatsky Others Rushd | Siduri Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Shinjuku Edmond Dantès | Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Saber Alter Agartha Fergus mac Roich | Chevalier d'Eon | Berserker of El Dorado SE.RA.PH. BB | Tamamo no Mae | Hans Christian Anderson | Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Archer Alter Shimosa Miyamoto Musashi | Katō Danzō Salem Lavinia Whateley (Fate) | Charles-Henri Sanson | Mata Hari | Nezha | Robin Hood | Caster of Okeanos | Caster of Midrash Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt New Chaldea Members Goredolf Musik | Sion Eltnam Sokaris | Jingle Abel Meuniere Defected Crypters (and their Servants) Kadoc Zemlupus | Ophelia Phamrsolone (Saber) | Scandinavia Peperoncino (Archer) Lostbelt Kings Scáthach-Skadi | Qin Shi Huang | Kukulkan Tokugawa Kiara Sessyoin | Parvati | Lady Kasuga | Matsudaira Nobutsuna | Yagyuu Munenori | Caster of Nightless City Servants Archer of Red | Caster of Black | Billy the Kid | Antonio Salieri | Napoleon Bonaparte | Mordred Pendragon | Berserker of Red | Captain Nemo | Mandricardo | Super Orion | Jason | Charlotte Corday | Romulus-Quirinus | Miyamoto Musashi | Katou Danzou | Sakata Kintoki (Heian-kyō) | Watanabe-no-Tsuna (Heian-kyō) | Minamoto-no-Raikou (Heian-kyō) | Nursery Rhyme | Medea Lily | Habetrot | Artoria Caster | Senji Muramasa | Taigong Wang | Constantine XI | Charlemagne | Don Quixote | Koyanskaya of Light | Grigori Rasputin | Nitocris Alter | Fairy Knight Gawain | Space Ishtar | James Moriarty (Archer) | Pope Johanna | Morgan/Aesc | Baobhan Sith | Mysterious Heroine X | Zhang Jue | Beowulf | Kriemhild | Qin Liangyu | Odysseus | Merlin | Abigail Williams | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Taisui Xingjun | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Ibuki-douji/Shuten-douji | Kyokutei Bakin | Marie Antoinette | Kiyohime | Cleopatra | Ibaraki-douji | Arjuna | Anastasia Romanova | Tenochtitlan/Tlaloc/Huitzilopochtli | Zenobia | Saint Martha | Xu Fu | Dobrynya Nikitich | Hassan of Serenity | Trung Sisters | Souji Okita | Leonidas I | Melusine | Nagao Kagetora/Uesugi Kenshin | Medb | Barghest | Miyamoto Musashi | Charlotte Corday | Tomoe Gozen | Boudica | Osakabehime | Mandricardo | Jack the Ripper Others Patxi | Gerda | Adele and Macarios | Hephaestus | Ares | Knocknarea | U-Olga Marie Fate/Grand Order Arcade Servants Merlin (Prototype) | Jacques de Molay | Larva/Tiamat | Noah | Kama (Mistake) |