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Sagara Sanosuke, born Higashidani Sanosuke, is a main character in the Rurouni Kenshin series. Though tall and lean, Sanosuke possesses immense strength and his superior endurance.

He is voiced by Lex Lang best known voicing as WarGreymon from Digimon Adventure/02, Rapidmon from Digimon: The Movie and Cyberdramon from Digimon Tamers in English Version.


Sanosuke used to be part of the Sekihō Army. When the Meiji Government destroyed the Sekihō Army, Sanosuke become a fighter-for-hire (less for the money than for the excuse to enduges his anger). During his introduction in the series, he encounters the Himura Kenshin and is easily defeated by him. Kenshin is able to convince him to renounce his mercenary work and instead start protecting people. Sanosuke quickly becomes Kenshin's best friend and works with him regularly as his partner in most of their fights. He stays on at the Kamiya dojo as a regular resident to defend the area and Kinshin comes to view him as dependable "right arm" in battle.


Sanosuke is brash, simplistic and outright. He has little regard for things like mortality or kindness, he however has a strong code of ethics and honor. Sabsosuke is shown to have a rather complex and diligent honor code despite his relatively simplistic demeanor. Less concerned with good or evil, Sanosuke is more concerned with a person's honesty to others and themselves. Sanosuke experiences with the Sekihō Army and the Ishin Shishi of the Meiji Government, have left him particularity bitter towards the current government, who not only destroyed his comrades but framed them for dishonorable and incompetent actions. This means he is more than willing to do "illegal" things with a clear consciences as he has no true faith in those who make laws. He is very dim-witted but aware of the fact, and tries not to over-think situations. In particular he despises half-truths and baldfaced lies.


Though tall and lean, Sanosuke possesses immense strength and his superior endurance. Being rather dimwitted, Sanosuke, possess little in the way of technique and instead focuses mostly on shear brute force. He makes up for his lack of disipleine with a remarkable body which can take and recieve inhuman amounts of puishment.Sanosuke punches and kicks are shown to be able to split trees in half and smash boulders. Sanosuke does possess the control to incapacitate fearsome opponents without kiling them, which he can accompllish with the flick of a finger. Sanosuke brandishes his freaklish large trademark sword—the Zanbatō, with minimal effort. Eventually though after his defeat at the hands of Saitō Hajime, Sanosuke realizes that his level of strength will be of little help against the enemies to come.




            Rurouni kenshin englishlogo Heroes

Himura Kenshin (Live-Action)| Kamiya Kaoru | Hajime Saitō | Sagara Sanosuke | Shinomori Aoshi | Hiko Seijuro | Myōjin Yahiko | Misao Makimachi | Gein (Live-Action)
