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I assess. I plan. I act. Hope is for X-Men. I -- am SAGE!
~ Sage in Uncanny X-Men #454

Sage, also known as Tessa, is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe. She has most often been associated with the X-Men and the Hellfire Club, whom she spied upon for Professor X.


A mutant, Sage possesses a number of mental abilities and was originally presented as the personal assistant to the Hellfire Club’s Sebastian Shaw, but an extended retcon revealed that she had been one of the first mutants discovered by Professor Xavier. She has been a member of the original X-Men teams, the X-Treme X-Men, Excalibur, the Exiles, and a cross-dimensional X-Men team similar to the Exiles known as the X-Treme X-Men.


Mental Computation: Sage is a mutant with astonishingly advanced intellectual capabilities forged from a mind that works better than any supercomputer would.

  • Perfect Recall: Her mind has unlimited storage capacity, and she is able to immediately recall any information she has stored with perfect clarity. She perfectly remembers everything she experiences. She can instantaneously retrieve every memory and any information she has perceived.
  • Analysis: Sage can process unlimited amounts of information, without any hindrances or backlashes of information. The speed of her thoughts allows her to analyze her surroundings for information in an instant, and track the probability of an event by instantly cross-correlating all information Sage has, both stored and acquired data.
  • Multitasking: Sage is able to perform multiple tasks at once by allocating a partition of her brain to each task. For example, Sage can use her mind to replay a movie she had watched previously, play a game of internet chess, and focus on battling an opponent without any one task distracting her from another.
  • Instant Learning: Sage can perfectly execute any skill she has had a single lesson in without the need for practice. She can adapt the skills she learned to perfectly suit her needs.
  • Kinetic Memory: She is able to perfectly recreate physical actions that she has seen once (so long as they are within her physical parameters)
  • Self Mastery: Sage's control of her mind gives her total control of her own body. She can control her bodily functions to a degree, like stopping her heart or breathing for as long as is safe. She once consciously used her immune system to purge herself of mind controlling nanites. She can even alter physical appearances to an extent.

Sage possesses telepathic abilities to read and project thoughts, send out her astral form, cast illusions, and manipulate the minds of others. Additionally, she can consciously close off her mind, which prevents her from accessing her telepathy but renders her mind immune to psionic probes and detection, and creates a defensive force that reflects any offensive mental action back at her attacker. Sage is also able to 'see' a person's genetic code, reading their DNA sequences for latent and manifested mutations. This allows her to identify mutants, and understand how their powers work more thoroughly than they themselves do. S


          X-MenMovieLogo Heroes

Archangel | Anole | Armor | Banshee | Beast | Broo | Bishop | Blindfold | Boom-Boom | Cable | Caliban | Callisto | Cannonball | Chamber | Changeling | Charles Xavier | Cypher | Colossus | Cyclops | Danger | Darwin | Dazzler | Deadpool | Doctor Nemesis | Dust | Elixir | Emma Frost | Fantomex | Firestar | Frenzy | Forge | Gambit | Gentle | Graymalkin | Havok | Hellion | Hepzibah | Husk | Iceman | Ink | Jean Grey | Joseph | Jubilee | Juggernaut | Karma | Lady Mastermind | Lifeguard | Lizard | Lockheed | Longshot | Maggott | Magma | Magneto | Marrow | Marvel Girl | Mercury | Mimic | Ms. Marvel | Multiple Man | Mystique | Namor | Nate Grey | Nightcrawler | Northstar | Omega Sentinel | Petra | Pixie | Polaris | Prodigy | Psylocke | Rasputin IV | Revanche | Cecilia Reyes | Rockslide | Rogue | Sage | Shadowcat | Skids | Spider-Man | Stacy X | Storm | Sunfire | Sunspot | Surge | Sway | Thunderbird | Warlock | Wolf Cub | Wolfsbane | Wolverine | X-23

X-Men: Wolverine | Professor X | Jean Grey | Cyclops | Storm | Shadowcat | Nightcrawler | Iceman | Beast | Colossus | Magneto | Mystique | Archangel‡ | Havok† | Banshee† | Darwin† | Quicksilver | Bishop | Blink | Sunspot | Warpath | Negasonic Teenage Warhead | Rogue | Selene Gallio
Non X-Men Mutants: Jubilee | Kayla Silverfox | Gambit | Deadpool | Emma Silverfox | Yukio | Caliban† | X-23 | Wolfsbane | Magik | Cannonball | Mirage | Lockheed
X-Force: Deadpool | Danielle Moonstar | Cable | Domino | Peter | Bedlam | Shatterstar | Zeitgeist | Vanisher | Firefist
Humans: Moira MacTaggert | Kenuichio Harada | Mariko Yashida | Vanessa Carsyle | Dopinder | Weasel | Blind Al | Peter

X-Men (1992)
X-Men: Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Beast | Bishop | Gambit | Magneto | Jean Grey | Jubilee | Psylocke | Rogue | Storm | Wolverine | Angel | Morph | Polaris | Cable | Colossus | Iceman | Imperial Guard | Moira MacTaggert | Nightcrawler | Starjammers | X-Factor

X-Men: Evolution
Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Jean Grey | Rogue | Storm | Shadowcat | Wolverine | Nightcrawler | Beast | Iceman | Spyke | Angel | New Mutants | Alex Summers | X23 | Boom Boom | Forge | Colossus

Wolverine and the X-Men
Wolverine | Scarlet Witch | Emma Frost | Jean Grey | Cyclops | Nightcrawler | Beast | Storm | Rogue | Shadowcat | Iceman | Forge | Tildie | Angel | Colossus | Charles Xavier | Bishop | Berzerker | Domino | Firestar | Hellion | Kamal | Marrow | Polaris | Rover the Sentinel | Vanisher | X-23 Clones

Marvel Anime: X-Men
Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Storm | Beast | Wolverine | Armor | Emma Frost | Deadpool | Archangel | Colossus | Nightcrawler | Rogue | Jean Grey | Captain Britain

To be added.

The Gifted
Thunderbird | Erg | Polaris | Evangeline Whedon | Eclipse | Esme Frost | Andy Strucker | Caitlin Strucker | Lauren Strucker | Thunderbird | Zingo | Blink | Dax (Legion) | Doctor Kelsey | Dreamer | Erg | Elsa | Fade | Mark | Michael | Naya | Pedro | Pulse | Raghav | Randall | Reed Strucker | Sage | Shatter | Side-Eye | Skyer | Thomas | Trader | Wes | Zion | Blink | Morlocks

X-Men '97
X-Men: Cyclops | Beast | Bishop | Gambit | Magneto | Jean Grey | Jubilee | Rogue | Storm | Wolverine | Angel | Morph | Cable | Colossus | Imperial Guard | Nightcrawler | Charles Xavier

See Also
X-Men Movie Heroes
