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~ Sam Rutherford, 2380

Ensign Samanthan "Sam" Rutherford is one of the tritagonists (along with D'Vana Tendi) of the Paramount+ animated series, Star trek: Lower Decks.

He was voiced by Eugene Cordero.


Rutherford was assigned to the USS Cerritos as an ensign of the engineering division and worked under Lieutenant Commander Andy Billups. He bunked at Bunk A12002 on Deck 11, on the wall opposite Beckett Mariner's bunk.

Rutherford received a Vulcan cybernetic implant a couple weeks before Stardate 57436.2. The implant at the beginning did not work properly and suppressed his emotions. While he believed it was a voluntary operation, a stray memory stored in his implant indicated it was not.

Rutherford's dedication and hard work aboard the Cerritos were noticed by many of the ship's senior officers. Lieutenant Commander Andy Billups, who served on the Cerritos as the ship's chief engineering officer referred to Rutherford as his "number-one-with-a-bullet systems guy," and when Rutherford decided to temporarily explore other opportunities on the Cerritos, Billups said that any department would be lucky to have him.

On the Cerritos, Rutherford worked shifts in main engineering and Cetacean Ops.

He was instrumental in the battle between the Pakleds and the Federation in the Kalla system some time in 2380. Rutherford delivered a virus coded by his holographic program Badgey that could disable the attacking Pakled ships. He and Shaxs boarded the Sequoia, which crashed into a Pakled Clumpship. Rutherford left the shuttlecraft and plugged in the Pakled computer into his system to download the virus from his implant. Badgey delayed the download and threatened to blow up the ship, and Shax ripped the implant off Rutherford given the encroaching Pakled army. Rutherford was left unconscious and dumped in the Sequoia, which Shaxs pushed out into space to evacuate him.

Some time later, Rutherford regained consciousness while recuperating but it was revealed that he had lost his long-term memory of his time while implanted. He later received a new implant. While he has regained memories, Rutherford decided to back-up his memories with Tendi three times before his limited memory capacity forced him to delete redundant memories and has slightly changed behavior after the ordeal.


Rutherford was very knowledgeable of the ship's systems and how each one worked. He was prone to getting excited over being able to use certain tools for the job and even took up holodeck programming as a hobby. He once told Tendi that he loved the Cerritos for a long time. He builds with Tendi working models of Starfleet vessels and station, including those of the Cerritos and Deep Space 9. Rutherford hated pears, finding them "mealy and bland". He briefly liked them after receiving a new implant in 2380, though the relevant synaptic pathway was later reverted by Ensign D'Vana Tendi.

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