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Heroine Overview

With today's scoop for the Weather News Network, I'm Sam Sparks!
~ Sam Sparks
Hello America!
~ One of Sam Sparks' famous catchphrases.

Samantha "Sam" Sparks is the deuteragonist of the Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs franchise. She is Flint Lockwood's girlfriend,

She starts out being an enthusiastic weather intern who dreams of becoming a reporter until she is eventually revealed as a nerd.

Sam almost gets her chance and even after she is humiliated, she gets a golden opportunity when she meets Flint and helps him get the scoop on the food weather and save Swallow Falls from disaster.

She was voiced by Anna Faris, who also voiced Jailbreak in The Emoji Movie, and portrays as Cindy Campbell from the Scary Movie franchise, as Rachel Johnson from Yogi Bear (2010), as April in The Hot Chick, as Hannah Lewis in My Super Ex-Girlfriend, Jeanette in the live action Alvin and the Chipmunks films, and as Shelley Darlingson in The House Bunny.

In the Japanese dub from the movie, she is voiced by Yūko Kaida.


Sam is a very beautiful girl has big teal eyes and her shoulder-length blonde hair is held loose for part of the first movie. She usually appears wearing a pink tank-top, a blue jacket, a brown pants, and a white belt for most of the first movie. Around the middle of the movie, Sam underwent a small design change: she now had large glasses and a ponytail held by a jello scrunchie, and at the end of the first movie, she wore a white tank-top. Her appearance changed again when her arm and whole face swelled up after being touched by peanut brittle, although by the end of the movie she had returned to normal. In the sequel, Sam wears a loose ponytail, pink unbuttoned shirt tied in a knot at the bottom front with rolled-up sleeves, a dark violet tank top underneath, shorts that reach her thigh, beige hiking boots, and socks, which makes her bear a striking resemblance to Ellie Sattler from Jurassic Park, except for the fact that Sam wears glasses.


Sam is friendly, sweet, likable, perky, very beautiful, brave, fun, outgoing, very smart and sometimes shy. When she first started as a weather reporter, she got a little nervous and tongue-tied, but after that she was great on camera. Sam can also be very protective and caring, as she did not want to drop the rope that Flint was holding when she touched the peanut brittle. Sam can sometimes talk a lot, especially when she gets nervous and/or excited, as she talked a lot when she was about to be the weather reporter in Swallow Falls. Alternatively, Sam could get a little emotionally hyperactive at times, but quickly turns meek and quiet when accidentally saying something smart, however she later overcame this after encouragement from Flint. She is considered "a nerd" by Patrick Patrickson when he saw her hair in a ponytail.

Sam also has strong morals, as she knew that Chester V was up to something bad, and was a liar about the foodimals which are benign, and can have a short temper if not listened to, such as flint not listening to her warnings when being manipulated by Mayor Shelbourne and later Chester V.


When she was younger, Sam's look included a ponytail and big glasses, and she was called 'a nerd', just like Flint. She also was very fascinated with the science of weather and she was a nerd. While the other girls wanted a Barbie, Sam wanted a Doppler Weather Radar 2000 Turbo. Unfortunately everyone used to taunt her with a lame song. "Four Eyes! Four Eyes! You need glasses to see!" Due to that, Sam got a new look, gave up science, and was never made fun of again. Sam still needs glasses, but she never wears them.

Years later while hanging out with Flint, he thinks Sam looks great with glasses on. Next, Flint puts the glasses on Sam, without giving her a chance to say no to putting her glasses on. Sam goes like "Nothing", then, Flint creates a jello scrunchie and uses it to tie her hair into a ponytail. Sam then ends up revealing her true colors in the Jell-O castle. When the FLDSMDFR started to go berserk, Sam accompanied Flint to destroy the machine. During the trip to the machine, she accidentally scraped herself with peanut brittle, causing her right arm and cheeks to swell up. Fearful for losing Flint, she then admits that she likes him, and Flint returns his feelings before continuing on, leaving Sam to cry out to him as she gets rescued by Chicken Brent. She was eventually cured of her allergic reaction by Manny, however she then witnesses the FLDSMDFR blowing up. On returning to the ground, she tells Flint's dad how good of a son Flint was before Flint returns, being saved from a flock of birds. She then embraces Flint.

In the sequel movie Sam wishes Flint luck for the Live Corp competition that Flint is taking part in and when Flint Flint humiliated with the party in a box, Sam comforts Flint saying he didn't need an orange vest to feel accomplished in the view of Chester V, then Flint's idol. When Flint is called to goto Swallow Falls by Chester V, Sam and the rest of the gang including Flint's father accompany him and nearly get attacked by a cheesespider because they wore live Corp backpacks. The gang, accompanied by Chester V, Barb and his henchmen (sentinels of safety) go to Flint's old lab and his former home. Flint makes a device that tracks the FLDSMDFR and Chester V manipulates Flint to think that bullies can't change which caused Flint to reject Manny's stew and snap at Brent. Sam calls Flint out for that and for acting like his friends are in his way. The next day, the team were almost attacked by a tactile because the sentinels of safety attacked it, but Sam saw that it is a benign creature that takes care of its children and wasn't a mindless monster like Chester V said it was. Sam said this to Flint, but Flint brushes her off saying that stopping the FLDSMDFR is more important. Sam and her friends minus Flint are captured by Sentinels of safety and held captive at Live Corp on the orders of Chester V, when they found evidence that Chester is evil. Flint is betrayed by Chester V and goes to save his friends from Chester V who threatens to kill Flint's friends and turn them to Food bars. Flint uses the party in a box to stop Chester and he is surrounded by Foodimals. He attempts to escape and is eaten by a Cheesespider. Sam forgives Flint and Barb and embraces Flint once more.

External Links[]


           Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs logo Heroes

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: Flint Lockwood | Sam Sparks | Steve the Monkey | Tim Lockwood | Brent McHale | Officer Earl Devereaux | Manny
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2: Barry | Barb | Foodimals
