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This article's content is marked as Mature Sarah Fier contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | The truth will come out. Maybe not today…and maybe not tomorrow, but it will. The truth shall be your curse. I will shadow you for eternity. I will follow you forever. And everything you take, and everything you harm, you will feel the grip of my hand. I will show them what you’ve done. I will never…let you go. | „ |
~ Sarah Fier vowing vengeance towards the Goode’s family tree. |
Sarah Fier is the posthumous overarching protagonist of the Netflix dark horror film Fear Street trilogy She is the main protagonist in Fear Street 1666 Prequel.
She is portrayed by Elizabeth Scopel and Kiana Madeira.
As the first Shadysider since 1666, the confident and peaceful Sarah is the town's first ever truest misfit. One day, Sarah is caught uncovering the truth behind the late pastor Cyrus Miller. Later on, she finds her ex-fiancé Solomon Goode accountable due to him making a deal the Devil. She is then falsely framed for witchcraft and vows to expose Goode’s true nature to the town for eternity before being hanged to a tree.
Back in the year of 1666, Shadyside was just a village named Union. There was the eve of an event that involves the full moon, and most of the youngsters in town are planning a big party to celebrate it. Sarah visits her fiancé, Solomon Goode, who is a member of a really powerful family, but moved to the outskirts of Union to be a farmer. When night falls, Sarah, accompanied by her friends Lizzie and Hannah Miller visit an old witch who lives outside town known as 'Widow Mary'', in order to retrieve a special kind of hallucinogen berries for the party. They enter the Widow's old tent but she is nowhere to be found. While looking for the berries, Sarah finds a strange book that contains a weird satanic ritual, apparently to make a bargain with the Devil. She is surprised by the Widow, who then warns her that the book is extremely dangerous as Satan lives in it. They return to the party to have some fun with the berries, but Hannah is harassed by a man named Caleb. She is protected by Sarah, who publicly humiliates Caleb in front of the party. The duo leaves into the woods to make out, but they're startled by a mysterious intruder, who is spying on them from a tree. Upset with this, they decide to go at Hannah's house. They kiss each other goodbye, unaware that the town drunk, Thomas, is spying on them. Sarah wakes up the next day to be surprised by Hannah, who tells her that her father Cyrus (the pastor of the town) is behaving really strange. Worst of all, the town is isolated by a wave of decease that is rotting all the town's food, including the water. Thomas is spreading the word that this is the Devil's doing, caused by. The people of the town is gathering in front of the well at the center of the town as something was stuck in it. After many struggles, they drag out the corpse of an animal, who was Sarah Fier's dog.
The next day comes and the whole town gathers in front of the Meeting House. Apparently, father Cyrus gathered all of the children in town and locked himself with them. Solomon arrives at the scene and manages to enter the house alone. There, he discovers a horrendous scene—the Pastor has killed all of the children by cutting their eyes out with a hook, as well as his own. The impatient crowd enters the House, only to see the eyeless corpses of their children. Sarah also enters the scene, and discovers that her little brother Henry was amongst them. The Pastor tries to kill Sarah, but is saved by Solomon, who kills him with a pitchfork. The settlement is enraged and try to find the culprit to this apparent act of witchcraft. After many pleas, Caleb finally condemns both Sarah and Hannah in an act of revenge, lying to Union that they were both witches. They capture Hannah, but Sarah manages to escape. She returns to the settlement to look after Hannah, and finds her chained to the floor. She promises her that she would return for her as she offers an unlikely solution: Tired of Union and her beliefs, Sarah sought to use the Widow's grimoire to make a deal with Satan and escape punishment, also hinting to take vengeance on Union. She reaches the Widow's tent to steal the book, but finds out that someone else already was ahead of her: Not only was the book stolen, but the Widow was dead.
A terrified Sarah runs to Solomon's place and explains to him that she was innocent, that someone else made a pact with the Devil and condemned whole town. As she is explaining this, whole Union gather into Solomon's territory and demand to look after Sarah inside his house. Solomon believes her, and helps her to escape her grim fate. Sarah hides in his food storage and notices a small door hidden behind some barrels. She enters it and discovers a secret room with the Devil's Mark carved on the floor, as well as signs of an apparent sacrifice. She also finds the previously lost grimoire opened in the page of the Simple Exchange ritual. That's when she realizes the horrible truth: Solomon was the one who made the deal with the Devil.
He enters the scene, and is seen through flashbacks how he makes the ritual while a demonic force carves the Devil's Mark on the floor. While this happens, an underground maze shaped as the Mark is also carved. We also see that Solomon was the strange figure who was spying on Sarah and Hannah that night after stealing the book. He confesses that he did it in an urge of power and wealth, as luck didn't play the right hand on him as a simple farmer. He only needed to sell one soul to get what he wanted. An angry Sarah tells to him that the possessed Pastor killed twelve innocent children, but to Solomon's eyes no one in Union was innocent, as they were a bunch of fanatic freaks who were hunting her. Using this argument, Solomon tries to bring Sarah to his side, but she stabs him and runs to the underground maze. After a long pursuing, he finally catches and struggles with her, confessing that he loved her. Sarah bites his hand and Solomon finally gets enough of her: He attempts to stab Sarah but only manages to sever her hand, leaving it beneath a big stone. Sarah manages to escape Solomon and gets out of the maze. Unfortunately for her, that exit directed to the Meeting House. She was discovered by whole town and Solomon catches her, saying that she was a witch. The next day, Sarah and Hannah are about to be hanged, but Sarah manages to save her lover by falsely confessing that she was a witch and cursed Hannah to be her slave. Sarah whispers to Solomon that she would haunt him and his lineage forever, threatening to tell the truth to everyone that discovers her story. Sarah is finally executed, and her friends bury her in an unknown place so she could rest in peace. Her previous burial site (the tree) was replaced with a stone that reads ''The Witch Forever Lives''.
When Deena had her spirit sent back in time to relive as Sarah Fier in 1666, she realizes the truth about Solomon Goode, who is also the ancestor of Nick Goode. He made a deal with the Devil through the book of Satan in order to possess and kill the pastor Cyrus Miller. He also framed Sarah as a witch so the town could hang her, but not before she eternally vowed to have Goode's true nature to be revealed. Deena returns to the present and sets out a plan with her friends to kill Goode and end his deal with the Devil once and for all to save Shadyside. The killers follows Deena's blood and uses it to distract them from her long enough for the others to defend her while she goes after Goode, reciting the memories of Sarah to tracking him through the caves and gets tackled by possessed Sam until she subdues her and eventually confronts Goode. She is pinned down by him who would frame her for the murder of her allies and get away with it, but Deena hears a whisper of Sarah Fier's voice from the heart of the Devil and in effort places Goode's hand on it to have him see to victims ever been harmed by him and his family before. Which distracted him for Sarah though Deena's body to stab him in the eye causing all killers to vanish. Now, Sarah's eternal goal has been dealt with, and she is finally at peace.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Truth Deity Physiology: Since her death in 1666, Sarah’s spirit became embodied with qualities of the truth as she dedicated her eternal life to follow Solomon's and his entire family tree who uses the evil of their deal with the Devil to harm innocent souls with the power of the black magic and bringing them to justice so that the Goode’s would be punished upon her grip.
- True Illusion: As an insurance of helping out anyone she induces her spirit with, Sarah has the ability to reveal Illusions of any member of the Goode family for them to see glimpses of every harmful thing they’ve truly done as punishment.
- Spiritual Companion Creation & Memory Inducement: In the events of the three films, She shares her memory of everything that she had ever been through during 1666, by anyone who bleeds on her corpse while touching them can absorb them and she can channel her spiritual guidance in their mind.
- Indomitable Will: Sarah Fier, is shown to be pure of heart as she was the first Shadysider whose felt honest, independent, and strong-minded to follow her compassion while also looking out for loved ones. When finding out about Solomon's secret she attempts to escape to warn the town about it while he followed her in the tunnels, caught up with her and cut her hand off but she withstood it and pursued to run til she eventually makes out only to be falsely accused and hanged to a tree. Even in death, her spirit never gave up and served the purpose to help put an end to every member of the Goode's deal with the Devil by channeling her memories with anyone who learns the truth about, which was Deena and once she placed Nick Goode’s hand onto the Devil’s heart it gave her the advantage to put a stop to her eternal goal once and for all.
- Expert Farmer: Fier is shown to be an outstanding farmer in managing a barn with pigs breeding spawns and picking haystacks.
This character is inspired by a true story linked here: