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Heroes Wiki

Goodbye, Mrs. Boynton. I hope you'll have a nice trip. You've wanted to be very rude to me. You've tried to prevent your son and daughter making friends with me. Don't you think, really, that that is all very silly and childish? You like to make yourself out a kind of ogre, but really, you know, you're just pathetic and rather ludicrous. If I were you I'd give up all this silly play-acting. I expect you'll hate me for saying this, but I mean it-and some of it may stick. You know you could have a lot of fun still. It's really much better to be friendly and kind. You could be if you tried.
~ Sarah King's commet towards Lady Boynton and her death

Sarah King, also known by her occupational title as Nurse King, is a nurse for Boynton family and a major protagonist in Agatha Christie's 1938 Hercule Poirot novel, Appointment With Death. She is also the lover of Raymond Boynton and the archenemy of his abusive mother, Lady Boynton.

She was portrayed by Jenny Seagrove in 1988 film, and by Christina Cole in the 2008 television film from Agatha Christie's Poirot, who previously portrayed Lettice Protheroe in Agatha Christie's Marple.


Nurse Sarah King was in love with Raymond Boynton, the eldest son of the abusive Lady Boynton, who detested her for coming from a low-standard family. Being disgusted by Lady Boynton's control freak behavior, Nurse King and her friends like Dr. Gerard, her colleague and working partner, were planning to help Boynton children to leave their mother's tyrannical control, being sympathized with their experience, before the murder of Lady Boynton occured.

She later assisted Poirot in investigating the case. Sarah King revealed to Poirot that she was verbally mistreated by Lady Boynton, and had overheard the abusive lady threating her that she (Lady Boynton) never forget about anything, something that she once thought it was for her.

Nevertheless, it turned out to be a threat to the real culprit of the case, who was once a prisoner but now stayed in a high status. The culprit killed Lady Boynton only to keep their dark past in secret. After the case was solved and the culprit killed themselves, Nurse King married Raymond Boynton, who was finally relieved from his mother's control alongside all of his siblings.


Agatha Christie's signature Heroes

Main Detectives
Hercule Poirot | Jane Marple
Secondary Detectives
Parker Pyne | Mr. Quin | Tommy and Tuppence Bresford
Amateur Detectives
Colonel Johnnie Race | Superintendent Battle | Bobby Jones | Frances Derwent | Arthur Calgary | Reniseb | Charles Hayward | Mark Easterbrook | Luke Fitzwilliam | Alix Martin

Righteous Culprits
Mary Debenham | Princess Natalia Dragomiroff | Hector MacQueen | Edward Masterman | Colonel John Arbuthnot | Linda Arden | Count Rudolph Andrenyi | Countess Helena Andrenyi | Greta Ohlsson | Pierre Michel | Antonio Foscarelli | Hildegarde Schmidt | Cyrus Hardman | Edith de Haviland | Hercule Poirot
Short Stories
Madame Déroulard | Ronnie Oglander

Recurring Supporters
Captain Arthur Hastings | Inspector Japp | Felicity Lemon | Ariadne Oliver | George the Butler | Superintendent Spence | Colonel Johnnie Race | Superintendent Battle | Countess Vera Rosakoff | Raymond West | Joyce Lemprière

Victims & Attempted Victims
Alexander Bonaparte Cust | Miranda Butler | Mrs. Otterbourne | Pilar Estravados | Olga Seminoff

Poirot's Minor Supports
Bella Duveen | Dulcie Duveen | Colonel Carbury | Dr. Stavros Constantine | Dr. Gerard | Sarah King | Katherine Grey | Ginerva Boynton | Judith Butler | Lydia Lee | Miss Bulstrode | Monsieur Bouc | Nadine Boynton | Rosalie Otterbourne | Stephen Farr | Tim Allerton | Valerie Saintclair | Virginie Mesnard

Bridget Conway | Hori | Katherine Corrigan | Monsieur Giraud | Sophia Leonides

Adaptational, Homage & Non-canonical
Knives Out (2019): Benoit Blanc | Marta Cabrera | Linda Drysdale
