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What are you waiting for? GO!

Oh yeah. They're waiting for you. That's your cue.
~ Sarah to Deacon on starting his speech.

Sarah Irene Whitaker, also known commonly as Sarah, is one of the main characters of the 2019 video game Days Gone, serving as the game's overarching protagonist. Initially known as a flashback character, Sarah plays a pivotal role in Deacon's flashbacks, before making a proper appearance during the events of Wizard Island.

A former researcher and a scientist at the Cloverdale Research Facility in Iron Butte, Oregon, Sarah was assumed to be deceased, two years ago, until it was later revealed that she was hired by Colonel Matthew Garret, the leader of the Deschutes County Militia, and worked as one of the soldiers of the militia as a Lieutenant.

Sarah is voiced by Courtney Draper.


Sarah is a 34-year-old woman with a Caucasian skin tone. She has a blonde hair tied into a ponytail, as well as blue eyes. She also has a tattoo in both her left and right arms.


  • Botanical Understanding - Having majored in college as a botanist, Sarah is highly knowledgeable in the usage of plants for medicinal purposes. Additionally, she was able to use this very knowledge to poison Garret's tea via a water hemlock in secret.
  • Firearms - Spending her two years in the Deschutes County Militia, Sarah has moderate understanding of using firearms, with her weapon of choice being an AK-47.


  • Sarah's first name is tattooed on the right side of Deacon's neck.
  • Despite being referenced multiple times, she is never seen once the main story is finished.
    • Sarah may now be seen in Iron Mike's Camp, sat with Boozer and Jack in front of the cabin where Deacon and Boozer sleep, thanks to the 1.60 patch.
  • Sarah was a passionate skier who had a season pass at the Mt. Scott Ski Resort and went every weekend, according to the Horde Killer postings. Deacon agreed to accompany her, but he stayed at the lodge to drink.



           Days Gone Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Deacon St. John | Boozer | Sarah Whitaker

Copeland's Camp
Mark Copeland | Emmanuel Mendez | Jezzy | Damon

Hot Springs Camp
Ada Tucker | Alkai Turner | Zanny Norman

Lost Lake Camp
Iron Mike | Rikki Patil | Addison Walker | Joe Haslin | Blair

Diamond Lake Camp
Derrick Kouri | Glen Russell | Rick Mullins | Ava Bergstrom | Rumi Ikeda | Lucas Monroe

Wizard Island Camp
James Weaver | Arturo Jiminez | Justine Norwood | Caleb Tomlinson | Ella Salazar | Jacob D'Angelo

Lisa Jackson
