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Heroes Wiki

Sarek of Vulcan was a minor hero introduced in the 2009 movie Star Trek.

This version of Sarek was portrayed by the late Ben Cross.


Up until Nero's temporal incursion into 2233, which caused the alternate reality to diverge from the prime reality, the history of Sarek matched that of his prime reality counterpart. This included the birth of his son Sybok, his marriage to the human Amanda Grayson, and the birth of his son Spock.

When Nero attacked Vulcan Sarek went with his wife and elders to the katric ark at Mount Seleya, where he and the other elders took on the katras of Vulcan's greatest minds in order to preserve Vulcan's cultural history.

Spock soon arrived to rescue Sarek, Amanda, and the Vulcan elders. He succeeded but Amanda died before the Enterprise could beam her up to the ship. Sarek kept Spock from killing James T. Kirk. He then comforted his son afterwards, telling him that Spock should not deny his anger over his mother's death, and that he married Amanda because he loved her. Sarek admitted to Spock that he was proud of him.

Afterwards Sarek became involved with a plot to destroy Romulus using left over red matter in retaliation for the destruction of Vulcan and the loss of his wife, but was soon talked out of it by his son Spock. Sarek was captured by the Romulans, but in exchange for Sarek's freedom from them they agreed to trade the red matter. Sarek was warned that future incursions would result in his arrest and possible war.

Sarek established a residence on New Vulcan following these events. When the younger Spock traveled there to be with his wife T'Pring during pon-farr, Sarek advised Kirk that the elder Spock had left for parts unknown.
