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Tigerstar's death hurts me. It feels as if a part of me just died with him. And yet... I'm relieved, too. I don't have to lie to myself anymore. Pretend I didn't love him with all my heart. That was so hard... and now I can just remember. Remember how kind and brave he was. And how much he taught me. Oh, Tigerstar... I'll miss you. Always.
~ Sasha reflecting on Tigerstar's death

Sasha is a supporting character in the Warriors book series and the titular protagonist of the Tigerstar and Sasha manga trilogy. She is a former kittypet who is left to fend for herself after her elderly twoleg owners pass away, eventually meeting and falling in love with the ShadowClan leader Tigerstar. She breaks up with him though upon seeing just how cruel he is, however she later realizes she's pregnant and the tyrannical leader is the father. She tries her best to give her three kittens a good life away from Tigerstar, though eventually and reluctantly leaves them to live in RiverClan as she returns to her solitary life.


Sasha is a sleek-furred light brown she-cat with light blue eyes. Her ears and tail are a darker brown, and her muzzle is cream-colored with a brown nose. Before Pine removed it, she wore a thin black collar with a green tag.


Tigerstar and Sasha[]

Into the Woods[]

Sasha lived happily as a kittypet with her two elderly owners Ken and Jean. One day however, Jean passes away and Ken is sent to a nursing home, leaving his pet behind. Sasha desperately runs after the car he's in, but is unable to catch up. Defeated, she returns to her owner's house, telling her friend Shnucky who lives next to her what happened. Shnucky offers to let Sasha stay with her and her owners, but the light brown she-cat declines, not wanting another owner to replace Ken and Jean. She decides to go live in the forest nearby, finding an abandoned nest to stay in for the night.

The next morning, Sasha encounters a rouge named Pine while hunting, who tells her of the Clan cats that live past a crooked tree. He then removes her collar, and while Sasha doesn't stop him, she wishes she had. She keeps the collar with her as a memento, and that night she finds the crooked tree she'd been told of and decides to sleep on one of its branches. She wakes up during the night to see a ShadowClan patrol consisting of Tigerstar, Jaggedtooth and Rowanpaw, remembering the leader especially.

She runs into the patrol again the next day when she catches a frog that Rowanpaw had been hunting. Tigerstar sends his patrol away before confronting her, threatening to have his warriors rip her fur out if she gets caught in ShadowClan's territory again. When she asks about the Clans, she's very interested when he tells her about them. As Tigerstar returns home, she too goes back to her den, unable to stop thinking about the Clans and the dark brown tabby tom.

A few days later, Sasha encounters Tigerstar again while hunting a rabbit, and he compliments her on her skill. The two decide to start meeting every night, where Tigerstar helps her with her hunting techniques. One night, a fox attacks the two, but the ShadowClan tom is able to chase it off. The next night, Sasha gets worried when the tabby doesn't show up. She finds that he's discovered her den and her old collar, demanding that she get rid of it. When she refuses, he stalks back to camp, saying that no one would believe it if they found out he was talking to a kittypet. Sasha catches a pigeon the next day and leaves it by the crooked tree to prove to Tigerstar that kittypets can hunt. However, she gets attacked by foxes and badly injured before Tigerstar arrives to save her. He takes her to her den to rest, telling her that she isn't like any other kittypet he's met before.

The two resume their meetings, and Sasha brings Tigerstar to the twolegplace to show him the house she lived in and telling him about her life with her old owners. Tigerstar however doesn't care and tells her that her former life shouldn't matter anymore. She then takes him to meet Shnucky, who's scared of the Clan cat, and he tells her that he isn't interested in kittypet talk as he leaves. Once he's gone, Shnucky tells Sasha that she can tell she really loves him, warning her that kittypets and Clan cats don't mix before the latter follows Tigerstar back into the forest.

Tigerstar takes Sasha into ShadowClan camp to show her around the next morning, with all his Clanmates being very friendly towards her and some even offering to share prey with her. He then asks if she wants to go on patrol with him, Russetfur, Blackfoot, Jaggedtooth and Rowanpaw, to which she agrees, and she quickly befriends Russetfur. When going on patrol the next day, the group runs into two ThunderClan warriors on ShadowClan territory. As Tigerstar chases them off, they call him a traitor and state that he'll pay for what he's done to ThunderClan. Sasha is confused by what they mean, so Tigerstar tells her that he used to be a ThunderClan warrior before their leader Bluestar banished him, claiming that she was weak and afraid of his strength while omitting the fact that he killed the deputy Redtail and planned a coup against the leader.

The dark brown tabby then asks Sasha to join ShadowClan so they may be together, but she's unable to decide so he tells her he'll come by her den the next night for her answer. A little while later, the blue-eyed she-cat finds Pine again, who has fallen very ill. Not wanting to end up like him, she decides to join ShadowClan and goes to find Tigerstar to give him her answer. When she finds him though, she overhears him telling his warriors of his plans to get BloodClan to help him take over the forest and wipe out all those with "impure blood", namely Firestar. She's absolutely horrified to see Tigerstar's true colors, running back to her den before anyone can notice her, where the ShadowClan leader later shows up and asks if she's made her decision to join him.

Escape from the Forest[]

Now knowing of Tigerstar's true nature, Sasha declines his offer to join ShadowClan. Tigerstar leaves, bitterly telling her that he could have given her purpose, but now she'll always be nothing, leaving her heartbroken. She decides to go back to the twolegplace to look for Ken, saying goodbye to Pine before she leaves. She goes to her old home to find it now has new inhabitants who chase her away. She then follows the scent of food to a pet store, but the store's owner throws her out as well when she enters. She then picks up the scent of Ken from within a clothing store, seeing someone wearing his old jacket before throwing to the floor. She confirms that it's her former owner's jacket by finding the hole she'd once accidentally put into it, wondering why it's here but Ken isn't before she gets thrown out yet again. She then finds herself in BloodClan territory where she's escorted out and warned to never come back.

Sasha travels far in twolegplace, eventually being drawn to the smell of fish and finding a boat. She eats some fish left on the ground before curling up in a chair to sleep, and by the time she awakes she finds that the boat is now out at sea. She starts to become sea sick, and once the twolegs aboard notice her the captain of the boat locks her up in a stuffy room. At the end of the day when the ship returns to the docks she's let out, but upon seeing how sad and lonely the captain is she decides to stay to keep him company.

Sasha enjoys her new life and gets popular at the harbor, beginning to bring in customers, to which the captain decides to make her his pet and renames her Brownie. One night, two twolegs strangers sneak onto the dock and begin to pour gasoline on it, intending to burn it down. The light brown kittypet warns the captain by knocking over some cans, causing the strangers to get tangled up in fish nets while running away. Captain Bandy wakes up from the commotion and calls the police, recognizing the two strangers as employees from a rival company. Sasha is credited for stopping the rival employee's plans, being heralded as a hero and drumming up even more business.

Some time later, Sasha finds a sack floating in the water and retrieves it, finding a small, gray-and-white kitten unconscious inside. She resuscitates him, and the captain decides to keep him and name him Patch. The kit loves his new home and living with Sasha, the latter of which has noticed that she's getting plumper. She soon figures out that she's expecting kittens, and wishes to raise them in the forest, though knows that she can't look to ShadowClan for help. As the boat is packed up to go elsewhere, Patch is dismayed to find out that Sasha won't be going as well, but the captain is more understanding, stating he's always known she was a wanderer. Patch watches Sasha through the window as the boat departs, and as it begins to snow the she-cat somberly accepts that she'll never see Ken or Jean again as she heads off towards the forest.

Return to the Clans[]

Sasha gives birth to three kittens; a brown tabby tom she names Hawk, a golden tabby she-kit she names Moth, and a black tom she names Tadpole. She considers telling them about their father Tigerstar, but dismisses the thought and reminds herself that she needs to hunt every day to feed her children, even with prey being sparse due to it being leafbare. Some time later at the end of leafbare, Sasha runs into a ShadowClan patrol while hunting, one of the warriors in the patrol being Russetfur. another of the ShadowClan warriors concludes that she must be a spy from BloodClan, adding that she must be the worst spy ever for throwing herself in front of them like that before suggesting she be taken to the leader. Remembering that Tigerstar is the leader of ShadowClan, Sasha begins to panic and worries that Russetfur might tell her Clanmates who she really is. She's relieved when Russetfur whispers to her that she'll let her go if she promises to never come back, though begins to panic again when one of the warriors scents her milk and states that she must have kits nearby. Afraid that her children will be taken to be future warriors of ShadowClan, she lies that her litter all died during leafbare. Taking pity on her for her supposed loss, Russetfur lets her flee.

Once returning to her den, Sasha lets her kits out to play and watches as they explore a bit before being called back in. That night, Tadpole begs her to tell the three of them a story, so she tells them of how she snuck out of her owner's house when she was only six moons old, getting chased by a fox cub and hiding in a hole before Ken found her and brought her home. She lets her kids out to play again the next day, and while watching them she encounters Russetfur again, who asks if Tigerstar is the father of the kittens. Reluctantly Sasha confirms that he is and begs the dark ginger she-cat not to tell him, only to be informed that Tigerstar had died fighting the BloodClan leader Scourge. Russetfur then advises that she and her kits not stick around the ShadowClan border, as her Clanmates would want to take them to make into warriors. The ShadowClan warrior then leaves, telling the light brown she-cat that she has a lovely family and hopes that the kits will grow up to be strong and healthy. Sasha then contemplates telling her children about their father, but doubts that it's the right time to do so.

The next day, the three kits find Sasha's old collar and bring it out, causing their mother to scold them for doing so. Tadpole concludes that she must miss her old life as a kittypet a lot, and he tells his siblings of his plan to go out into the twolegplace while their mom is hunting the next day to find Ken and cheer her up. When Sasha returns from hunting, she finds her kits are gone and runs to twolegplace. Her old friend Shnucky tells her that she saw them pass by earlier, and eventually she finds them in the basement of an abandoned house. The basement is flooding due to a busted pipe overhead, and with the help of Tadpole she's able to grab Hawk and Moth through a window leading outside. She then tries to grab Tadpole himself, but is unable to reach him and watches helplessly as he drowns. Hawk tries to go back in after him, but Sasha stops him, telling him that his brother is gone while struggling to grasp what she's saying herself.

That night, Sasha goes to sleep with her remaining two kits and is visited by the spirit of Tigerstar in her dreams. She asks if Tadpole's spirit is with him, and he says that he isn't, but he's in a safe place now. Later, Pine finds her and her kids and brings them to a barn to live in alongside another mother and her kits. The other kits bully Hawk and Moth, angering Sasha and causing her to attack the mother. The mother asks if she and her kits are Clan cats, and when Sasha lies that they are, the three of them get kicked out of the barn. Sasha then decides to go to RiverClan, and the leader Leopardstar accepts the three of them. Some time later, after Hawkpaw and Mothpaw become apprentices, Sasha decides to leave RiverClan. Her kits wish to stay however, so they say their goodbyes as she parts ways with them and returns to being a loner, thinking about how her children are safer away from her and that only she and Russetfur will ever know who their father is.

A Shadow in RiverClan[]

Sasha takes Hawk and Moth to RiverClan, where the three of them are found by a patrol consisting of Leopardstar, Feathertail, Stormfur and Blackclaw. She begs them to let her and her kits join the Clan, and after Stormfur and Feathertail mention that they need new apprentices, Leopardstar agrees. Two weeks later, Sasha proves herself to be a skilled warrior, and Feathertail is envious that she's adapting to RiverClan better than the silver she-cat has. Later, Leopardstar discusses giving Sasha a proper warrior name, but the blue-eyed she-cat refuses, stating that her name means a lot to her.

While playing near the river with his sister, Hawk falls in and is rescued by Feathertail, after which Sasha rushes to his side and comforts him as he wails. She thanks Feathertail for saving him, and explains that ever since witnessing their brother Tadpole drown, her kits have had the fear of meeting the same fate. Sasha and Feathertail quickly become friends, bonding over how they both feel like outcasts in RiverClan as a former loner and a half-Clan cat respectively. Sasha asks why she's distant from her Clanmates, and is told of Tigerstar's take over of RiverClan and execution of Stonefur. Sasha is shocked to hear of her ex-mate's involvement, but Feathertail assures her that Tigerstar is gone now and her kits are safe in the Clan. She's relieved to hear this and hopes that her friend will be able to reconnect with her Clanmates after they've learned of their mistake in supporting Tigerstar.

Greenleaf comes, and Hawk and Moth are made warrior apprentices, earning the names Hawkpaw and Mothpaw with Leopardstar and Mistyfoot as their mentors. Sasha is pleased with their mentors, though hoped that Feathertail would have taught one of them, to which her friend explains that Leopardstar is making a statement that the two newly-made apprentices are welcome in RiverClan by being assigned to the Clan's leader and deputy. Some time later, Mosspelt scolds Mothpaw and Hawkpaw for playing too rough, telling them that the spirit of Tigerstar will get them if they don't behave. Sasha looks away in shame, and Feathertail asks her what's wrong, to which she tells the silver warrior that Tigerstar is her former mate and the father of her kits.

Feathertail feels betrayed, reminding Sasha of how Tigerstar kept her and her brother prisoner and tried to have them killed for their parentage. Sasha begs her not to tell anyone, reasoning that judging Hawkpaw and Mothpaw by who their father is was exactly what Tigerstar did to her and Stormfur. Begrudgingly Feathertail agrees to keep the secret, but tells Sasha that they are no longer friends. Later, Feathertail watches Sasha telling Leopardstar that she's leaving RiverClan, worried that ShadowClan may recognize her and realize that Tigerstar is the father of her children and that they may be driven out or killed. Hawkpaw and Mothpaw, wanting to stay Clan cats, sorrowfully say goodbye to their mother as she departs to return to the life of a loner.

The New Prophecy[]


Along with several rouges and Clan cats, Sasha is captured by twolegs and put into a cage in a dark truck. Mistyfoot, who had also been captured, recognizes her and asks if she's ok. Leafpaw recalls hearing about Sasha from Graystripe as the blue-eyed loner lashes out at her captors. She explains that she'd come to find her kits Mothwing and Hawkfrost after seeing the forest getting destroyed, and is relieved when Mistyfoot tells her that they're both ok.

Leafpaw tells her new friend Cody that Sasha is a loner, to which she speaks bluntly to Cody about being a kittypet. She then asks if anyone has found a way out of the cages, and is annoyed when Leafpaw responds that StarClan hasn't sent her a sign yet. She later discusses with the other imprisoned cats about what may happen if they can't escape, though she and the others are rescued soon after by some ThunderClan warriors. She later meets the ThunderClan leader Firestar, with the two talking about loyalty and birthrights as they both used to be kittypets. In private, the orange tome asks her if Mothwing and Hawkfrost are the children of Tigerstar. Sasha isn't bothered by the question, and confirms that they are.

A little while later, the four Clans accept that the forest is no longer habitable due to the twoleg's destruction and agree to journey to the lake and settle there. Before they leave however, Sasha appears and begs her kids to come back to living with her, but both refuse, stating that their home is in RiverClan. She then tells them - and the rest of the RiverClan - that Tigerstar is their father, to the shock of their Clanmates. Mothwing and Hawkfrost still refuse to leave though, reaffirming their loyalty to RiverClan, and sadly Sasha says goodbye to them for the final time, wishing them luck on their journey.


  • The authors have stated that Tigerstar had loved Sasha more than his previous mate Goldenflower.
  • Author Kate Cary has said that Sasha likely isn't still alive, and that if she ever found out about what Hawkfrost became she would be horrified that he ended up just like his father.
  • Though her eyes are now blue, she was depicted with green eyes on the covers of the Tigerstar and Sasha trilogy.

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