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Sasquatch! Mechana-stretchy!

Sasquatch is a blue Mechana-Bigfoot and a main character in the Canadian CGI-animated series Animal Mechanicals. His enhanced ability is stretching.

He is voiced by Ian MacDougall.


Sasquatch is a blue Mechana-Bigfoot with the enhanced ability to stretch his arms and/or legs. Each of his limbs extend to an incredible length. When stretched his individual limbs are long, however his joints do not alter and bend as normal. In the episode, "Baboon Balloon Island", it was revealed that he is allergic to air pears and in this same episode and "Mechana Skee Ball Island", he has anxiety and a fear of heights. He has referred to himself many times as the Mighty Sasquatch. Whenever Mouse is scared, he always comes to hold her hand (as seen in "Jigsaw Shark Puzzle" and "Chugboat Island"), but whenever he's scared or impatient (as seen in "Dino Mountain Island" and "Snail's Pace Race"), Mouse always comes to hold his hand. Sasquatch often disobeys and disrespects Komodo's warnings.

