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Scattershot G1 cartoon

Scattershot (スキャッターショット Sukyattāshotto) (sometimes alternately known as Scattorshot) is the leader of the Technobots, and a recurring character in the Transformers Generation One cartoon and comic. He transforms into a Cybertronian spaceship/attack jet and a battle station and forms into the torso of Computron. His solution to the Decepticon problem is to empty as many weapons in their direction as possible. Only either running out of ammo or his foes being destroyed can stop him. He continues to fight even when his body is pushed beyond his limit. This, however, solidifies himself as one of the bravest warriors that are more than willing to risk himself for Autobot cause.

Scattershot was voiced in the Sunbow cartoon by Stephen Keener.



He first appeared in the episode, Grimlock's new Brain when he was created by Grimlock when Grimlock used the brain parts out of Unicron's head. He remains as the leader of the Technobots to help his fellow Technobots to attack the evil Decepticons from invading other planets including Earth.

Marvel Comics[]

Scattershot first appeared in the Headmasters miniseries as one of the Autobots who agreed to accompany Fortress Maximus to Nebulos to retire from the war. When the Decepticons followed them there, Scattershot led the Technobots in supporting Hardhead and Brainstorm in beating back an attack by the Terrorcons and Horrorcons.

He made his first appearance in the main comic in Issue #41, when he was among the senior Autobots who accompanied Fortress Maximus to a meeting with Earth Autobot leader Grimlock. After the return of Optimus Prime, Scattershot appeared in the UK-exclusive story "Time Wars" as part of the team he put together to challenge Galvatron. The mission was disrupted by the arrival of Rodimus Prime and a group of future Autobots, who shunted Optimus Prime and several others into limbo. Failing to recognise the newcomers, the present day Autobots attacked them, with Scattershot fighting Blurr alongside Wheeljack. He made his last appearance in Issue #50 during the Underbase Saga, where he was part of a combined Autobot-Decepticon team under Fortress Maximus and Soundwave who protested Buenos Aires, only to be deactivated by the Underbase-powered Starscream.

The post-movie version of the character appeared in "The Legacy of Unicron" as part of the team who accompanied Rodimus Prime to Junk to destroy Unicron's head, manning the team's shuttle with Smokescreen. In "Space Pirates", he accompanied Ultra Magnus in responding to a distress call from Soundwave and the Decepticons, who they teamed up with to fight off a Quintesson invasion of Cybertron. In "Peace", Scattershot was present for the end of the war in 2510, only for a Decepticon deep cover agent, Triton, to start an argument over whether Ultra Magnus or Springer should be their new leader. Scattershot ended up killing Roadbuster, triggering an Autobot civil war.

Abilities & Weapons [1][]

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G1 Scattershot's stats (According to his trading card & G1 Tech Spec)

(A) Dreamwave G1 Technobot Scattershot

Dreamwave G1 Scattershot profile

Ts scattershot

G1 Scattershot Tech Spec

Primary function: Technobot Leader[]


  • In his space jet mode, Scattershot can reach speeds of 1900 mph (3057.75 km/h ~ Mach 2.5) for up to 10000 miles (~ 16093.44 km).
  • He can also form a battle station where he can utilize armaments of his space jet mode with significantly better precision thanks to omni-directional radar screens.
  • Scattershot has great strength & endurance along with significantly above-average intelligence. He has above-average skill as a soldier & leader. Scattershot's stamina, along with determination & courage, assures his standing in the battlefield.
  • He becomes the torso & head for the gestalt form of the team - Computron. He provides conclussion for every movements of the combiner.
  • Sometimes, he serves the same position for some special combiners: Comperian, Autobot Super Scramble (in which he provides massive firepower), Betatron or Modulus.

Arsenal: Scattershot has great firepower[]

  • In his space jet mode, Scattershot is armed with a significant amount of weapons: his nosecone has a powerful 700 megavolt pulse cannon; guns mounted on his wings, sides & turret position can shoot an array of sonic, thermal & artillery shells. All of these weapons can also be used for his battle station mode.
  • In robot mode, Scattershot is armed with an automatic acid-pellet guns that can pump up to 500 round in 0.12 breems (roughly a minute). This weapon can effectively turn even a Transformers into a pile of slag in a matter of moments.


  • Scattershot's unyielding attitude greatly affects his team when they need teamwork. His eagerness in battle often leads him to wasting ammo.
  • While having no significant physical drawback, Scattershot can collapse if he pushes himself beyond his limit as his body suffers effect from metal fatigue at this point.


            TransformersG1Title Generation One Heroes

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee/Goldbug | Arcee | Jazz | Ironhide | Wheeljack | Ratchet | Hound | Prowl | Sideswipe | Sunstreaker | Blurr | Mirage | Skids | Hoist | Tracks | Windcharger | Blaster (Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Eject, Rewind) | Red Alert | Smokescreen | Trailbreaker | Bluestreak | Beachcomber | Inferno | Huffer | Rodimus Prime | Grapple | Ultra Magnus | Skyfire | Sky Lynx | Cliffjumper | Kup | Brawn | Tailgate | Gears | Outback | Metroplex | Sandstorm | Cosmos | Omega Supreme | Perceptor | Springer | Broadside | SeaSpray | Pipes | Warpath | Wheelie | Wreck-Gar | Sentinel Prime

Grimlock | Slag | Sludge | Snarl | Swoop
Silverbolt | Fireflight | Slingshot | Skydive | Air Raid | Superion
Hot Spot | Groove | First Aid | Blades | Streetwise
Scattershot | Lightspeed | Strafe | Nosecone | Afterburner
Rollbar | Wideload | Chase | Searchlight | Freeway
Fortress Maximus | Highbrow | Chromedome | Hardhead | Brainstorm
Pointblank | Crosshairs | Sureshot

Cartoon exclusive
Alpha Trion | Elita-One | Chromia | Firestar | Moonracer

Comics exclusive
Scrounge | Impactor | Emirate Xaaron | Wreckers (Roadbuster, Topspin & Twin Twist, Whirl) | Primus | Grotusque | Fizzle | Sizzle | Guzzle | Waverider | Cloudburst | Landmine | Getaway | Joyride | Slapdash | Backstreet | Dogfight | Override | Landfill | Roadhandler | Freewheeler | Tailspin | Swindler | Chainclaw | Nightbeat | Siren | Hosehead | Powertrain | Mudslinger | Highjump | Fixit | Seawatch | Stakeout | Big Shot | Flak | Quickswitch | Quickmix | Scoop | Doubleheader | Pincher | Longtooth

Spike Witwicky | Sparkplug Witwicky | Daniel Witwicky

Cartoon exclusive
Carly Witwicky | Chip Chase | Rauol | Astoria Carlton-Ritz | Marissa Faireborn

Comics exclusive
Buster Witwicky | Jesse | G.B Blackrock | Joy Meadows | Susan Hoffman | Cindy Newell
Comics exclusive
Death's Head

  1. According to Transformers: More than Meets the Eye profile books & 1986 The Transformers Universe series