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Heroes Wiki

Scoop is a minor character from Generation One of the Transformers franchise. He was based on a figure from the 1988 toyline. Even though he was portrayed as a Double Targetmaster in the toyline, this was ignored in many of his fictional appearances.

Marvel Comics[]

Scoop first appeared in Issue #60 of the Marvel US comic, among the Autobots on Cybertron who worked with Classic Pretenders Grimlock, Bumblebee and Jazz during their time there. He reappeared in Issue #73 battling Unicron's heralds Hook, Line and Sinker during their attack on Cybertron. He was knocked down during the battle and probably left deactivated.

The Marvel UK annual story "Trigger-Happy" saw Scoop serving under Optimus Prime on Earth. As part of a planned ambush, Scoop, Quickmix and Landfill posed as a construction crew in order to redirect Decepticons Ruckus and Crankcase to where other Autobots were lying in wait. However, Autobot lookout Backstreet panicked when the Decepticons turned up with unexpected air support and gave their position away. Scoop helped search for Backstreet when he ran off in the aftermath and chided Override for exaggerating the trouble Backstreet was in. Oddly, the story also portrays Scoop as a Decepticon working for Megatron, who tracks down Backstreet with Spinister and began giving him a beating until Megatron dismissed him.


            TransformersG1Title Generation One Heroes

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee/Goldbug | Arcee | Jazz | Ironhide | Wheeljack | Ratchet | Hound | Prowl | Sideswipe | Sunstreaker | Blurr | Mirage | Skids | Hoist | Tracks | Windcharger | Blaster (Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Eject, Rewind) | Red Alert | Smokescreen | Trailbreaker | Bluestreak | Beachcomber | Inferno | Huffer | Rodimus Prime | Grapple | Ultra Magnus | Skyfire | Sky Lynx | Cliffjumper | Kup | Brawn | Tailgate | Gears | Outback | Metroplex | Sandstorm | Cosmos | Omega Supreme | Perceptor | Springer | Broadside | SeaSpray | Pipes | Warpath | Wheelie | Wreck-Gar | Sentinel Prime

Grimlock | Slag | Sludge | Snarl | Swoop
Silverbolt | Fireflight | Slingshot | Skydive | Air Raid | Superion
Hot Spot | Groove | First Aid | Blades | Streetwise
Scattershot | Lightspeed | Strafe | Nosecone | Afterburner
Rollbar | Wideload | Chase | Searchlight | Freeway
Fortress Maximus | Highbrow | Chromedome | Hardhead | Brainstorm
Pointblank | Crosshairs | Sureshot

Cartoon exclusive
Alpha Trion | Elita-One | Chromia | Firestar | Moonracer

Comics exclusive
Scrounge | Impactor | Emirate Xaaron | Wreckers (Roadbuster, Topspin & Twin Twist, Whirl) | Primus | Grotusque | Fizzle | Sizzle | Guzzle | Waverider | Cloudburst | Landmine | Getaway | Joyride | Slapdash | Backstreet | Dogfight | Override | Landfill | Roadhandler | Freewheeler | Tailspin | Swindler | Chainclaw | Nightbeat | Siren | Hosehead | Powertrain | Mudslinger | Highjump | Fixit | Seawatch | Stakeout | Big Shot | Flak | Quickswitch | Quickmix | Scoop | Doubleheader | Pincher | Longtooth

Spike Witwicky | Sparkplug Witwicky | Daniel Witwicky

Cartoon exclusive
Carly Witwicky | Chip Chase | Rauol | Astoria Carlton-Ritz | Marissa Faireborn

Comics exclusive
Buster Witwicky | Jesse | G.B Blackrock | Joy Meadows | Susan Hoffman | Cindy Newell
Comics exclusive
Death's Head
