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I'm so, so sorry, Rainbow Dash! I just wanted you to hang out with me and see how cool I was so you'd take me under your wing, teach me everything you know, and become like my big sister!
~ Scootaloo
Scootaloo, or more commonly known as Scoots, is a major character in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
She is a school-age Pegasus pony and one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Her initial appearance is in Friendship is Magic, part 1 as a cameo; Scootaloo's first official appearance as a primary character is in Call of the Cutie. Like Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo doesn't have her cutie mark until Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Although not capable of flying, Scootaloo is a talented scooter driver who uses her wings to propel herself at high speeds. She greatly idolizes Rainbow Dash, another Pegasus pony, with whom she enjoys a sister-like relationship, despite the two being unrelated.
She is voiced by Madeleine Peters, who also voiced Emily Willows, and her singing voice is done by Arielle Tuliao. In the Japanese dub from the series, she is voiced by Mariya Ise.
Scootaloo is orange, with purple eyes and a spiky purple mane and tail. Ever since the Cutie Mark Chronicles, her cutie mark has been a purple striped emblem with a wing with a lightning bolt in the middle.
As a human, Scootaloo has a short moderate purple hair, she has moderate purple eyes and has a light gamboge skin tone. She wears a black hoodie jacket with blue trim on the bottom, green cargo shorts, sky-blue socks, and black boots with gray trim on the soles.
Unlike Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo is not related to any member of the Mane Six. However, she does share a sister-like bond with Rainbow Dash.
She is known to have a disability in her wings, making her unable to fly properly. This is caused by her small wings.