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Heroes Wiki
Pyrus Scorpion

Scorpio as he appears in Bakugan New Vestroia

Scorpio also known as Pyrus Scorpion is a Bakugan Trap that belongs to Dan and Drago and a recurring character from Bakugan New Vestroia. He is the secondary hero from Bakugan: Rise of the Resistance when he joins Drago and Dan to stop the forces of evil from conquering New Vestroia and the Earth. He was created by Mira Fermin as a gift to Dan Kuso. He can't talk because Mira said that Scorpio cannot talk, he can uses his sign languages to communicate with Dan and Drago, he has the ability to detect a rival or a enemy with his eyes and his vision.

Scorpion (original version スコルピオ) is a Pyrus coin-shaped Bakugan Trap from New Vestroia, who is given to Dan by Mira. Dan nicknamed him Scorpio, but that could also be a translation error.



Scorpion links with Drago. He can rise up on his six legs to tower over his enemy. He has two colossal pincers with metal spiked balls and a long tail with an especially deadly pointer that can snap like a whip. His exoskeleton shell protects his insides from damage during battle.


Bakugan: New Vestroia[]

Scorpion was given to Dan in episode 5 by Mira and helped Drago battle Gus Gravs Primo Vulcan and Hexados, but loses along with Drago.

In episode 6, Scorpion teamed with Drago again to take down Primo Vulcan.

In episode 16, Scorpion helps Drago face Viper Helios but fails due to Metalfencer.

In the match against Mira and Gus, Scorpion uses two abilities that helped take down Grafias, Spitarm, and Brachium by boosting Drago's power.


  • All of Scorpion's abilities reflect the opponent's abilities.
  • In ball form, he resembles a red Shoxrox.
  • Dan stopped using Scorpion at one point in the Anime, like how Mira stopped using Baliton.
  • Scorpion is one of only two Bakugan Traps shown to be able to move on its own in ball form.
  • Oddly enough, Scorpion was seen "floating" in midair numerous times, even though he doesn't have any wings or any other factors that allow him to fly.


           Bakugan LOGO Heroes

Main Heroes
Dan Kuso | Marucho Marukura | Shun Kazami | Julie Makimoto | Runo Misaki | Alice Gehabich | Mira Clay | Baron Leltoy | Ace Grit | Spectra Phantom | Gus Grav | Jake Vallory | Fabia Sheen | Paige | Rafe | Ren Krawler

Secondary Heroes
Player (Bakugan Battle Brawlers) | Player (Defenders of the Core) | Player (Dimensions) | Player (Champions of Vestroia) | Dr. Michael Gehabich | Joe Brown | JJ Dolls | Nene | Akira | Shuji | Chan Lee | Billy Gilbert | Julio Santana | Komba O'Charlie | Klaus von Hertzon | Masqerade | Prince Hydron | Christopher | Gunz Lazar | Team Anubias | Team Sellon | Zenet Surrow | Jesse Glenn | Lena Isis | Mason Brown | Ben | Robin | Jack Punt | Noah | Chris | Soon | Castle Knights | Jin | Dylan | Serena Sheen | Captain Elright | Linus Claude | Code Eve | Kato | Nurzak

Drago | Tigrerra | Preyas | Skyress | Gorem | Hydranoid | Nemus | Wilda | Mock Dragonoid | Preyas Angelo | Leonidas | Rubanoid | Elfin | Cycloid | Harpus | Tentaclear | Fourtress | Scorpio | Baliton | Piercian | Falcon Fly | Tripod Epsilon | Hylash | Shadow Wing | Wontu | Infinity Trister | Boulderon | Wolfurio | Ingram | Taylean | Avior | Linehalt | Coredem | Akwimos | Hawktor | Aranaut | Percival | Wavern | Sirenoid | Juggernoid | Falconeer | Serpenoid | Ravenoid | Helios | Vulcan | Scraper | Klawgor | Foxbat | Fencer | Leefram | Spindle | Dark Hound | Grakas Hound | Grafias | Brachium | Spitarm | Spyderfencer | Betadron | Worton | Accelerak | Thorak | Flytris | Sabator | Zenthon | Silent Strike | Zenthon Titan | Faser Titan | Slynix | Vexfist | Swift Sweep | Chromopod | Spidaro | Clawsaurus | Aerogan | Neo Ziperator | Raptorix | Nova Lion | Reptak | Jaakor | Skytruss | Orbeum | Radizen | Roxtor | Amazon | Genesis Dragonoid | Tricloid | Rabeeder | Contestir | Plitheon | Phosphos | Rubanoid | Ziperator Force | Dragonoid Destroyer | Dragonoid Colossus

Six Ancient Warriors
Apollonir | Frosch | Oberus | Clayf | Lar Lion | Exedra
